
@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →

author:Jishishan County Rong Media Center
@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →

In the past few days, the college entrance examination scores have been announced one after another, and they have begun to enter the college entrance examination voluntary filling time. At present, 21 provinces have officially implemented the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, of which 7 provinces, including Jiangxi and Jilin, are the first to take the examination this year. So, what are the new changes and what issues should candidates pay attention to?

At present, the voluntary filling and admission methods of the provinces of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination are divided into two types: "college professional group" and "major (class) + college".

@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →

Among them, 15 provinces, including Jiangxi, Jilin, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Hainan and Jiangsu, have adopted the "college professional group" model for voluntary admission. One institution can set up one or more professional groups of institutions, and each professional group of institutions can contain multiple majors. The requirements for the selection of subjects for each major in the professional group of the same institution are the same. Taking Beijing as an example, one college professional group is one independent volunteer, and the undergraduate general batch can fill in a maximum of 30 volunteers, and each volunteer is generally set up with 6 volunteer majors and 1 "whether to obey the adjustment within the professional group" option.

@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →

Pan Weijie, Director of the Undergraduate Admissions Office of Fudan University: "In the case of the "college professional group", we divide several majors or categories according to the needs of talent training. For example, if there is a special need for talent training, then we will divide it into a group.

@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →

Six provinces, including Guizhou, Zhejiang, Shandong, Liaoning, Hebei and Chongqing, have implemented the "professional (class) + college" admission model. Taking Liaoning as an example, 1 "major (class) + college" is 1 volunteer, and the maximum number of volunteers that candidates can fill in is 112.

Experts said that after the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, candidates can apply for relatively more volunteers.

@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →

Chen Zhiwen, member of the expert group of the National Education Examination Steering Committee: The logic of the bottom of the new college entrance examination has become to apply for volunteers based on majors, which is essentially to report according to professional newspapers or major categories. Students and parents want to know their negative list, what major they don't want to study, what school they don't want to go to, once they are entangled and hesitated, it is strongly recommended not to report.

Voluntary filling in the provinces of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination carefully check the subject selection requirements

In addition, candidates and parents need to be reminded that in 2024, candidates in provinces that implement the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination should carefully check the requirements of the major for the selected subjects when filling in the volunteers. This year, many colleges and universities have made it clear that "physics" and "chemistry" must be selected to apply for science and engineering majors.

Li Li, Deputy Director of the Admissions Office of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing): Most of our science and engineering majors require physics and chemistry as an optional subject. Because many majors are actually in the training process, he needs students to use physical chemistry methods to solve some professional problems. If you don't choose it in high school, it will be difficult to study this major first in college. In the future, it will be more difficult to engage in this industry.

In accordance with the principle of "knowing early in three years", in 2024, college entrance examination candidates in provinces that implement the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination will already know the subject selection requirements for relevant majors in various colleges and universities in the first year of high school. Here we would like to remind the students and parents of the first year of high school in the provinces of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination that when choosing the subjects for the examination, they must carefully study and consider many aspects.

@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →

Zhai Wenjie, Deputy Director of the Admissions Office of the Admissions and Employment Office of the University of Science and Technology Beijing: Some students think that physics is too difficult and do not choose physics, but our engineering majors have such a need for talent training, and they must learn physics well. When choosing subjects, we need to avoid being capricious, and avoid the risk of not being able to go to the major we want to go to.

What are the tips for volunteering?

In the college entrance examination voluntary application, it is not only necessary to understand the admission rules of colleges and universities in various provinces, but also to have some tips for filling in. Poke the video to hear how the directors of college admissions support the recruitment.

According to reports, at present, in addition to the early approval and art batch submission in some provinces, and the use of sequential voluntary admission, most batches and categories of college entrance examination admission methods are implemented in parallel voluntary admission. In parallel admission, according to the principle of "score priority, follow the volunteer, and one round of submission", candidates can fill in multiple colleges and universities at the same time. It should be reminded that there is still a natural order for the multiple parallel applications filled in by the candidates, and the colleges and universities they want to go to the most must be put first.

@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →

Li Qing, Director of the Admissions Office of Beijing University of Chemical Technology: Suppose that among the ABCD volunteers that the student has applied for, if the plan of A is not full, then he will first apply to the A volunteer college; If volunteer A doesn't go in, look at his volunteer B, and so on. Assuming that the ABCD universities you apply for can admit you, then in principle, you will be admitted first. Therefore, when applying, you only need to put the priority choice of college or the college you want to go to the most.

In addition, in the process of voluntary filling, the college entrance examination score and its corresponding rank, as well as the corresponding admission position of colleges and universities in previous years are the most important reference basis. According to their own scores and ranking ranges, they should adopt the strategy of "rushing, stabilizing, and protecting", and reasonably arrange the order of volunteers.

@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →

Yu Ruichen, Deputy Director of the Undergraduate Admissions Office of China University of Political Science and Law: When applying, the provincial recruitment office will look at your first choice according to the results of the college entrance examination. If, your first choice is filled by students with higher scores than you, then look at your second choice, and so on, until you're done, and then place the next candidate with a lower score. Candidates need to make full use of their scores, and they can first go to some schools that may have slightly higher scores than their own test scores. Stability means that candidates should choose some colleges and universities with the same level as their scores. Even if the colleges and universities in front of the rush and the stable colleges are not successful, the final candidates also have a guarantee to ensure that they have a school.

(CCTV reporter Gao Chenyuan, Wei Bangjun, Wang Dianjia)

Source: CCTV News

@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →
@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →
@高考生: How to fill in the volunteers? The directors of college admissions will give you →

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