
I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

author:Decoration design helper

Once, I happily bought the house with a "yard on the first floor", and despite the persuasion of my relatives and friends, I insisted on pursuing the idyllic dream in my heart.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

However, only half a year later, I cried and resold it, and the ups and downs of it are really hard to describe.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

I still remember when I first looked at the house, as soon as I saw the courtyard on the first floor, my heart was captured, this is simply my "dream room". I imagined myself planting flowers in my yard, setting up tables and chairs, and enjoying a leisurely afternoon tea on a sunny day; I dreamed of opening a small vegetable garden in the yard and growing some small vegetables with my own hands, so as to experience the joy of self-sufficiency. And the first floor does not have to wait for the elevator like the high-rise, so it is convenient to travel. It seemed like a life scene I had always dreamed of, so I didn't hesitate to buy it.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

The first days of moving in were indeed full of freshness and joy. I started decorating the yard with great interest, bought all kinds of flower seeds and seedlings, and planted them carefully. Every day when I get home from work, I can't wait to run to the yard to see how they are growing, watching them grow and bloom little by little, and my heart is full of a sense of accomplishment. I also set up tables, chairs and barbecue grills in the yard and invited friends to the house to enjoy food and happy time together, and I felt like I had made the right choice.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

However, over time, problems have also gradually surfaced. First of all, there is the problem of dampness, the first floor is already damp, and the soil and plants in the yard make the room always fill the room with a dampness. Especially during the rainy season, water droplets can even appear on the walls, and clothes and furniture are prone to mold. To solve this problem, I bought a dehumidifier, but it didn't work well.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

The second is the problem of mosquitoes. The plants in the yard attract a large number of mosquitoes, and in summer, it is simply a paradise for mosquitoes. No matter how much I try to repel mosquitoes and kill mosquitoes, I can't completely get rid of their harassment. Sitting in the yard every night and swatting mosquitoes non-stop, you can't enjoy your leisure time with peace of mind. Moreover, mosquitoes can fly into the room, seriously affecting our quality of life.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

In addition, privacy issues also give me a headache. Since it is the first floor, the courtyard is outside the road of the community, and passers-by can easily see the situation in the yard. I always felt like I had no privacy in my life, and sometimes I didn't feel comfortable doing anything in the yard. Also, there will be some strangers who will break into the yard at will, which makes me feel very unsafe.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

The most unbearable thing for me is the noise. The first floor is close to the road of the complex, and the noise of vehicles and pedestrians is very loud, especially during the morning and evening rush hours, and it is simply impossible to rest and work quietly. I've tried installing soundproof glass, but it doesn't work very well. Moreover, the footsteps and various noises of the upstairs neighbors are also clearly audible, so I am often woken up.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

In addition, there were problems such as high-altitude throwing objects, high renovation costs, and post-maintenance, which completely shattered my dream of a beautiful rural life, and I began to regret not listening to the advice of my relatives and friends and insisting on buying this house. Faced with these problems every day, my mood became more and more irritable and depressed. Eventually, after a painful struggle, I decided to resell the house.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

The process of reselling the house is also not smooth, and many people are reluctant to buy it after the site visit due to these problems in the house. I had to lower the price before I finally found a buyer. The moment I signed the contract to sell the house, I couldn't help but cry. The experience of this half year was like a dream, and I paid a heavy price.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

Through this experience, I have learned that before making a big decision, you must consider all kinds of factors, and you can't just act blindly on the impulse and preferences of the moment. At the same time, we should also listen to the opinions and suggestions of others, after all, their experience and insight may save us many detours. While this experience has left me with setbacks and losses, it has also made me more mature and sane.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a "yard on the first floor", and half a year later I cried and resold it!

Now, I've moved back to the high-rise house, and although I don't have a yard, I have a lot less worries. I know that the idyllic dream in my heart has not been shattered, but I need to wait for a more suitable time and place to realize it. This experience will also become a precious memory in my life, always reminding me to make every decision carefully.