
Friends from 60 to 80 years old, if you do the following 10 things right, we are a wise old man

author:Sunflower of hard work

Our 60-year-old and 80-year-old friends have gone through two-thirds of their lives, and many friends say that the rest of the days can be lived as much as they want, and how happy they come. However, we must know that happiness and happiness also need to be built on the basis of certain conditions, and in these 10 things, open your mind, you are a wise old man.

Friends from 60 to 80 years old, if you do the following 10 things right, we are a wise old man

01 There are many friends who say that as soon as they retire, they became free nannies, and their grandchildren were tied up by housework, no matter what kind of family environment we are in, we must first learn to love ourselves.

If you need to bring grandchildren, we have to talk to our children about the rules, such as when to bring, when to rest, not 24 hours tied together, but also to leave free space for yourself, if we don't bring it up, some wayward children, they will not care whether the old man is tired or not, only care about their own ease, so these rules and regulations must be explained in advance.

If you need to take care of the elderly at home, you can ask a nanny and aunt to help you with the help of external forces, and if you don't have this condition, we must also learn to let yourself temporarily withdraw, learn to care for yourself, and ensure that you are happy and healthy, so as to better take care of the elderly. For example, even if we need to accompany the elderly 24 hours a day, we must please ourselves, cook ourselves a delicious meal, buy ourselves a favorite object or clothes, and let ourselves relax.

02 Minimalism. Because of the different personalities, some people like to accumulate things, such as many years of sundries are piled up at home, the home is always full, always crowded, in fact, these things will not be used once in ten years, one is to occupy space, and the other will affect physical and mental health. Therefore, we must understand that we should break off, give up, leave, donate what should be donated, throw away what should be thrown away, the home is refreshing, and the mood will be very different.

03 Remember, no fame, fortune, or good children are as important as your physical health. Let's not talk about good health and longevity, at least we can take care of ourselves, we don't have to rely on others, and we can do whatever we want, right? So, stick to a self-disciplined life, insist on exercising every day, and be self-disciplined.

04 The money you save in your hand must not be actively supported by your children and grandchildren, maybe you should say how selfish this idea is. When we don't have a penny and reach out to them to ask for money, we know how difficult it will be. Therefore, we must be selfish and keep our own pension money, and no one who has it is as confident as ourselves.

05 Please always remember that the parents' home is always the children's home, but the children's home, whether boys or girls, has never been the home of our elderly. Therefore, to ensure good health, keep your own nest, if you can not live with the children, do not live together, live by yourself, spend your own money, are our confidence.

Friends from 60 to 80 years old, if you do the following 10 things right, we are a wise old man

06 When you are old, make friends and go with the flow, if you can make good friends, it doesn't matter if you can't, learn to be alone. First of all, friends are all exchange interests, and they all have a certain value to each other in order to become friends.

Life is in the world, when you come, you come alone, and when you go, you also walk alone, you can't accompany yourself in anything, only your own physical health, so you have to get used to and learn to be alone.

Quality solitude doesn't have to be the involvement of other people. We can read books, write and take up some quiet hobbies.

07 No matter how big or small the house is, it's good to live happily and comfortably. Some elderly people like to live in a big house, but the big house is also very laborious to clean, and some elderly people live in a small house, but the surrounding neighborhood is harmonious and very comfortable. So, no matter what the environment we live in, as long as we live comfortably, the key is to live comfortably.

08 Even if our pension is more, don't overconsume it, for example, some people finally retire and start to travel excessively, spending a lot of money and consuming their health, and the gains outweigh the losses. So, let's stop in moderation.

Friends from 60 to 80 years old, if you do the following 10 things right, we are a wise old man

09 If you can cook three meals a day at home, try to cook them at home and don't go to a restaurant to eat. The food outside is delicious, and it is okay to eat it once or twice once in a while, but it is still healthy to make it yourself, and the nutrition is better.

10 Be a "confused" old man, laugh all day long, don't take anything to heart, others like to say what they like, children also have their own lives, don't interfere much, it's important to live a good life.

The origin of many diseases is because of mood and emotion, and it is more important for us to control our emotions and maintain a good mood than anything else.

Do you think so? Do you have any good suggestions?