
is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

author:Brother Chen chats about the world
is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?
It is said that those who read my articles have become big bosses, please use your golden finger to make a fortune, pay attention to the top and like it, it is difficult to do it if you don't want to get rich Like and walk, love you to permanently, focus on a little, get rich to permanent, I wish you good luck in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and meet nobles in the southeast and northwest

In the Chinese TV industry, there is a group of male hosts, who have won the respect and love of the audience by virtue of their outstanding hosting talents, appearance and noble moral standards.

Bai Yansong's calm and wise, Nigmaiti's lively humor, Kang Hui's elegance and calmness, and Sa Beining's unique style, they can be called the four kings of the CCTV entertainment industry and are loved by the audience.

Among these host groups, Shui Junyi was once a high-profile existence, and he attracted the attention of countless audiences on the stage of "Oriental Time and Space" with his bright eyes and rich voice.

People affectionately call him "Uncle CCTV", his handsome and chic appearance is admirable, and his wise and deep conversation is even more admirable. His appearance on the screen always brings the audience a sense of trust and dependence.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

Fate is unpredictable. Shui Junyi, the highly respected host, suddenly falls off the altar and becomes the target of everyone's attacks. The piercing title of "CCTV scumbag" is like a hammer, smashing the public image he has carefully built over the years.

On the Internet, accusations have come and gone, and people have angrily pointed out that he is a "shameless negative man", "treacherous", and "abandoning his wife and children".

Shui Junyi was accused of being a "morally corrupt person", unsuitable to be a CCTV host, or even a person.

Shui Junyi's Weibo and the comment area of the program he hosted have become a battlefield for the public to vent their anger, and the call to "get out of the hosting world" has swept in like a storm.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

The fans who once admired him are now gone, leaving only disappointment and disgust.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Shui Junyi seemed to be in a war without gunpowder. He stood on the cusp of the storm, his face pale, and his eyes revealed a deep exhaustion. The dazzling public opinion, like waves of turbulent waves, pushed his heart into turbulent waves.

The once high-spirited CCTV host is now like a lonely boat, swaying in this magnificent sea of public opinion.

He probably never imagined that his personal affairs would provoke such a huge public outrage, causing him to fall from the peak of the limelight to the abyss of betrayal.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

How did Shui Junyi change from a CCTV celebrity who is loved by the people to a representative of the "scumbag" who suffered from national online violence? How did his ex-wife Wang Jun become the protagonist of this twisted and tumultuous love story? To understand all this, we need to go back in time and understand their love story full of twists and turns.

The seeds of the storm are buried there, but also the complex stories of love, duty and morality.

In 2007, when time went back, on an ordinary day, a sudden car accident completely changed the trajectory of Shui Junyi and Wang Jun's lives. Wang Jun encountered misfortune on the road that day and was hit by a runaway car.

When Shui Junyi rushed to the hospital, he was greeted by the cruel reality that Wang Jun's legs were paralyzed and he could no longer stand and walk.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

Shui Junyi stood in front of the hospital bed, looking at his wife in a coma, his heart was like a knife. Wang Jun, the woman who was once young and beautiful, optimistic and cheerful, and loved life, can now only rely on a wheelchair and the care of others.

He held his wife Wang Jun's cold hand tightly, and tears fell uncontrollably like broken beads. At that moment, how he wished that he could use his legs to bear the torture of his wife instead of his wife, however, the cruel reality hit him hard.

In the face of the sudden change, Shui Junyi's heart swelled with deep sadness and endless despair. He wanted to accompany Wang Jun wholeheartedly and give her the greatest love and support, but the reality slapped him mercilessly again.

He shoulders the burden of taking care of his wife, as well as the living expenses of his mother and brother with intellectual disabilities, as well as the education of his daughter Shui Yishi. These responsibilities weighed him down like a mountain.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

Whenever Shui Junyi saw Wang Jun, his eyes were full of helplessness and pain, and Wang Jun's heart felt even more shocked and distressed. She understands that Shui Junyi has been burdened with too many responsibilities and obligations since he was a child, and his life always seems to revolve around others and ignore his own needs.

She expects him to have his own freedom and happiness, and that she will not be a burden to him.

It is precisely because of this deep love and understanding that Wang Jun made a decision that shocked everyone - she decided to take the initiative to file for divorce from Shui Junyi. "I don't want to be a burden to you," she said softly, tears glistening in her eyes, "I don't want you to sacrifice your happiness for me."

I want you to be free and happy.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

When Shui Junyi heard this request, it was as if the whole world had collapsed. He choked up and refused, promising to always be by her side and never leave her. However, Wang Jun firmly said: "It is precisely because I love you deeply that I can't continue to drag you down."

You may meet another sincere love, and I can't let you live in guilt and self-blame for the rest of your life.

This conversation was overheard by her daughter Shui Yishi outside the door. Seeing that her father was about to leave her mother, her heart was enveloped by fear, as if the sky had fallen.

Shui Junyi watched his wife and daughter cry bitterly and was deeply touched. He gently pulled his daughter's hand away, his eyes full of pain and guilt. He finally looked back on the home full of warm memories affectionately and firmly, and then turned away and disappeared from everyone's sight.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

However, after the wind, frost, snow and rain, the news that Shui Junyi and well-known CCTV reporter Yang Di fell in love caused an uproar on the Internet. The paparazzi even photographed them strolling hand in hand and interacting intimately on the streets, unabashedly showing their love.

Yang Di is 13 years younger than Shui Junyi.

As soon as the news was disclosed, it immediately aroused great concern from all walks of life, and many netizens expressed strong dissatisfaction and deep disdain for Shui Junyi's behavior.

In 1991, Shui Junyi was also a Xinhua News Agency war correspondent who traveled around the world. One day, he lost his laptop in a taxi, which contained a lot of vital work materials.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

Fortunately, Wang Jun picked up this notebook by chance and took the initiative to contact Shui Junyi. They agreed to meet and return the notebook, and an unexpected meeting made them acquainted.

Shui Junyi fell in love with Wang Jun at first sight, and his handsome appearance and unique temperament deeply attracted Wang Jun. The two quickly fell in love and entered the marriage hall a year later.

In 1993, Shui Yishi's lovely daughter was born, bringing more laughter and laughter to this warm and harmonious family.

The love between Shui Junyi and Wang Jun is like a cruel joke of fate, which makes people sigh. This story from a chance encounter to a happy family to a car accident and parting makes people sigh at the impermanence of fate.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

On the Internet, accusations against Shui Junyi poured in like a tide, "Shameless! "Treachery! "Abandon your wife and children! People angrily pointed out that when his wife needed him most, he chose to leave and look for a third person of a similar age.

What's more, he bluntly said, "Shui Junyi is a person with no conscience, unworthy of the position of CCTV host, let alone a person." These piercing words were like sharp swords, mercilessly piercing his once glamorous cloak.

In the face of the flood of accusations and abuse, Shui Junyi did not choose to bow his head and admit his mistakes, but defended himself. He insisted that his breakup with Wang Jun was peaceful, that Wang Jun took the initiative to file for divorce, and that he only respected her wishes.

He emphasized his relationship with Yang Di, and said that the two met after the divorce and did not have any infidelity to Wang Jun. However, his explanation did not quell public anger and instead sparked more doubts and criticism.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

People ridiculed Shui Junyi, saying that his wife had just been paralyzed, and he couldn't wait to find his next home, which is what he called a 'peaceful breakup'? Where is his conscience? Shui Junyi was on the cusp of the storm, his face was pale, and his eyes were gloomy.

He probably didn't expect that his personal problems would trigger such a strong storm of public opinion, making him fall from the peak of the limelight to the abyss of betrayal and separation.

Just when all public opinion was nailing Shui Junyi to the pillar of shame, an unexpected voice suddenly sounded, it was Wang Jun. She stepped forward and defended Shui Junyi in media interviews.

She said frankly that her divorce from Shui Junyi was out of deep love and deep understanding of him, and said with tears in her eyes: "I don't want to be a burden to Shui Junyi, and I don't want him to sacrifice his happiness for me."

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

Many people were moved by Wang Jun's words and praised her as a kind, generous, brave and strong woman. The noble quality of her ability to forgive and bless her ex-husband and a third party after such a heavy blow is undoubtedly impressive.

A netizen commented: "Wang Jun is an extraordinary person, and she is willing to let Shui Junyi be free, completely out of love for him." ”

In this storm of public opinion, Shui Junyi is like a lonely boat, ruthlessly thrown around by wave after wave. Whenever he appears on the screen, there are always people who sneer at him online.

The fans who once admired him are now leaving, leaving only disappointment and disgust. However, Wang Jun has become a bright light in this heart-wrenching story, and her tolerance and courage have illuminated this world full of contradictions and complex emotions.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

Shui Junyi was placed on the cusp of the storm, his face looked pale, and his eyes were gloomy. Perhaps he never expected that his private life would cause such a big social repercussion, thus transforming him from the handsome prince charming of the past to the scumbag spokesperson of the present.

This incident is not only a blow to Shui Junyi's personal image, but also a mirror that reflects society. It shows the strict requirements of the public for the private life of public figures, as well as the double-edged sword effect of online public opinion.

After this storm of public opinion, the life paths of Shui Junyi, Wang Jun and Yang Di have changed. Shui Junyi and Yang Di got married in a low-key manner and raised a pair of lovely dragon and phoenix fetal daughters together.

Shui Junyi's work at CCTV continues, but he has lost his former glory. Every time he appeared on the screen, there would be sneers on the Internet. The former "Prince Charming" has now become synonymous with "scumbag".

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

Wang Jun is fully engaged in self-healing, she is disabled but determined. Stick to working at CCTV and explain the value of life in your own way.

Shui Yishi chose to stay with her mother, silently took care of her, and soothed the trauma in her heart with love. Her choice also allows people to see a touch of warmth in this sad story.

Time flies, time flies, and now Shui Junyi has entered the old age of his life and has gradually faded out of the public eye. Once, he was an idol in the hearts of thousands of girls, but now, he has changed from an idol to a figure who is regarded as a negative teaching material by everyone.

Some people think that Shui Junyi is a negative man who betrayed his wife, who loved him deeply; Some people think that he is just an ordinary person who is lost between duty and love; It is also believed that the incident reflects the public's demanding demands on the moral standards of public figures.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

A sociologist commented: "Shui Junyi's story reveals our simple understanding of love and morality, and real life cannot be measured by black and white standards." "

Wang's choice challenges our traditional notions of love and marriage, and in fact, sometimes letting go is precisely the highest form of love. Therefore, we need more empathy and less judgment.

Another commentator noted: "This turmoil has shown us the double-edged sword of online public opinion, which can both bring justice and turn into a relentless online violence."

Each of us has a responsibility to take on it.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

Ultimately, there is no real winner in this story. Shui Junyi has lost the respect of the public, while Wang Jun has lost his healthy body, and the public may have lost a chance to truly understand and forgive.

However, the story doesn't end there. It will continue to live in the hearts of everyone who reads and thinks about this story. It reminds us that in this era of information explosion, we must learn to listen, think, and respect.

Everyone's life is a difficult book that should not be defined by simple labels.

was called a 'CCTV scumbag', and was scolded by the whole network for 'getting out of the hosting world', what made Shui Junyi suffer from the national cyberbullying? This question is closely related to the whole story. On the surface, this is a turmoil about divorce and a third party.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

After in-depth investigation, it was found that complex social issues such as love, responsibility, morality, and public opinion were involved.

Shui Junyi, as a star of CCTV, collapsed because he became a "scumbag", which is not only his personal tragedy, but also like a mirror, reflecting social problems. It highlights the public's expectations of public figures, reflects the power of public opinion in the online age, and reveals our limitations in the face of complex human nature.

When we look back at the story, we see that each character has their own unique struggles. Shui Junyi is burdened with a family, struggling between responsibility and personal happiness; After losing his health, Wang Jun chooses a shocking expression of love; Shui Yishi chose to stick to and understand in the turmoil of her parents.

Wang Jun's generosity and strength add a touch of bright color to this story. Her choices break with our traditional notions of love and marriage. She taught us that sometimes letting go is precisely the highest form of love.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

Ultimately, there is no real winner in this story. Shui Junyi has lost the respect of the public, Wang Jun has lost his healthy body, and the public may have lost an opportunity to truly understand and forgive.

However, the story doesn't end there. It will forever live on in the hearts of everyone who reads and thinks about this story. It makes us reflect deeply, and in this era of information explosion, we need to learn to listen, think, and respect.

Because every human life is a difficult book to decipher and should not be defined by simple labels.

Yes, Shui Junyi is known as a "CCTV scumbag", he was once cyberbullied by the whole network, and he was also asked to get out of the hosting world. And these are not his personal problems, but a microcosm of the entire era.

is called "CCTV scumbag", let him get out of the hosting world! What made him disliked by the whole people?

From the arrogance of the judge to the empathy of the listener, this may be a lesson that each of us needs to learn.

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