
Congratulations! 60-year-old Ni Xialian was selected for the Olympic Games for the sixth time and was once teammates with Cai Zhenhua and others

Congratulations! 60-year-old Ni Xialian was selected for the Olympic Games for the sixth time and was once teammates with Cai Zhenhua and others

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2024-06-19 17:33Posted in Hunan Sports Creators

Congratulations! 60-year-old Ni Xialian was selected for the Olympic Games for the sixth time and was once teammates with Cai Zhenhua and others

The Paris Olympics is approaching step by step, and the current lineups of various teams are being released one after another, and the International Table Tennis Federation has also announced the allocation of singles places for each association according to the world ranking on June 18, 2024, among which the 60-year-old former national table tennis world champion and current Luxembourg main player Ni Xialian is also on the list, which means that she has qualified for this year's Olympic Games.

Thinking that Ni Xialian's teammates Cao Yanhua, Guo Yuehua, Cai Zhenhua and others in the national table tennis have long since retired, and she is still galloping on the international stage, and now she will enter the Olympic arena for the sixth time, which is really old and strong, gratifying!

Congratulations! 60-year-old Ni Xialian was selected for the Olympic Games for the sixth time and was once teammates with Cai Zhenhua and others

Ni Xialian, born in 1963, was the main athlete of the Chinese women's table tennis team, and won the women's team and mixed doubles gold medals at the World Table Tennis Championships with her teammates at the age of 19.

Since the Olympic Games did not introduce table tennis until 1988, Ni Xialian had begun to decline at that time, so she did not have the opportunity to represent in the national table tennis, but after going abroad, she had an unexpected joy, and finally qualified for the Olympics for the first time in 2000 with her hard work, and then continued to participate in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2021, becoming a member of this event "veteran".

Congratulations! 60-year-old Ni Xialian was selected for the Olympic Games for the sixth time and was once teammates with Cai Zhenhua and others

After the arrival of the Paris Olympic cycle, Ni Xialian originally wanted to lead her teammates to impact the Olympic qualification for the mixed doubles, women's team, and women's singles, but unfortunately the goals of the first two were not achieved, but fortunately, she still made a difference in the women's singles field.

It is worth mentioning that Ni Xialian's women's doubles partner Denut and mixed doubles partner Luca were also selected for the Olympic list by virtue of their world rankings, which is also the first time in the history of the Luxembourg Table Tennis Association that three athletes can participate.

Congratulations! 60-year-old Ni Xialian was selected for the Olympic Games for the sixth time and was once teammates with Cai Zhenhua and others

Although she is about to turn 61 years old, Ni Xialian's combat effectiveness can not be ignored, as a rare left-handed straight shot and long rubber offensive athlete in today's table tennis world, she can often disrupt the opponent when facing athletes who are not familiar with her, especially young players, and the Olympic Games This kind of easy tense competition can make the experienced Ni Xialian like a fish in water.

However, objectively speaking, it is still difficult for Ni Xialian to achieve good results and win medals in Paris, but being able to compete at the age of 60 is already very remarkable in itself, and no matter what the final result is, we should give her applause!

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  • Congratulations! 60-year-old Ni Xialian was selected for the Olympic Games for the sixth time and was once teammates with Cai Zhenhua and others
  • Congratulations! 60-year-old Ni Xialian was selected for the Olympic Games for the sixth time and was once teammates with Cai Zhenhua and others
  • Congratulations! 60-year-old Ni Xialian was selected for the Olympic Games for the sixth time and was once teammates with Cai Zhenhua and others
  • Congratulations! 60-year-old Ni Xialian was selected for the Olympic Games for the sixth time and was once teammates with Cai Zhenhua and others

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