
China's State Grid has recently been in the international spotlight due to India's lack of electricity and China's power outages

author:Xiao Li said life
China Power Grid, the city that never sleeps

"When one city goes into the dawn, the other is sleeping." The slogan describes China's vibrant power grid, which covers the whole country.

China's State Grid has recently been in the international spotlight due to India's lack of electricity and China's power outages

Once upon a time, many parts of China were still in the era of flickering candlelight. In the 80s, in some remote areas, if they wanted to get electricity, they had to ask people to "pull the wires" spontaneously. Until the 21st century, with the country's vigorous investment in power facilities, China's power grid has been increasingly improved, forming today's powerful power grid of "all-weather power supply".

Recently, India's northern states have been hit by sustained high temperatures, the power supply system has been overwhelmed, and large-scale power rationing has caused social dissatisfaction. At the same time, China's power grid is as stable as Mount Tai and the power supply is normal, which has become the focus of attention of all countries. The media hotly discussed "China's power supply experience is worth learning", and experts praised "China's power grid technology strength is world-leading".

China's State Grid has recently been in the international spotlight due to India's lack of electricity and China's power outages

Indeed, in this electronic age, power outages can be unbearable for people for several hours, but it is not easy for a country with a population of 1.4 billion people on the mainland to maintain a reliable power supply for a long time. When our fellow Indians anxiously wait for the power to be restored, and we can still sleep with air conditioning after the scorching heat, I can't help but sigh that this is thanks to the hard work of Chinese power workers.

Among them are builders and guardians, who extend the power supply to the mountains and mountains, and let the current gallop in the desert Gobi. They are in a race against time, against hardships, and use wisdom and sweat to weave this huge power grid and connect hundreds of millions of families.

China's State Grid has recently been in the international spotlight due to India's lack of electricity and China's power outages

I still remember when I was a child, there was a sudden power outage in my house, and my mother scrambled to light candles. Today, power outages are a rare sight for us. This not only brings convenience to life, but also achieves economic prosperity. A reliable power supply supports the lights of cities, the operation of machines, the advancement of science and technology, and even the digital world before our eyes.

The reason why China's power grid can become a "benchmark" for the world's attention lies in the modernization of the power system. The application of new technologies such as smart grids has improved the ability of power grid regulation and control and fault self-healing. The rapid expansion of power transmission and transformation facilities, and even the large-scale transmission channels across regions and provinces have formed a strong power support.

China's State Grid has recently been in the international spotlight due to India's lack of electricity and China's power outages

In the context of the rapid development of renewable energy, China's power grid is also vigorously embracing clean electricity. Last year alone, the mainland surpassed the United States, the world's second-largest country in terms of installed wind power, and solar power generation is also in the lead. This provides a solid foundation for the green and low-carbon development of electric power.

In the future, China's power grid construction still has a long way to go. To further improve the large-scale dispatching capacity of distributed power generation, it is necessary to continue to promote the transmission of power facilities to resource-rich areas. We also need to learn from foreign advanced experience and establish load response mechanisms and other means to improve the resilience of the power grid.

China's State Grid has recently been in the international spotlight due to India's lack of electricity and China's power outages

The biggest advantage of China's power grid is that it is solid and accumulating, and it is not in a hurry. From the 80s of the last century to clarify the direction of the reform of the power system, to the 90s to promote the policy reform in stages, and then to speed up the pace of the reform of the power grid company in the new century, step by step, so that China's electric power is always synchronized with the country's economic and social development.

This spirit of "sharpening knives and cutting wood" supports the growth of China's power grid in the wind and rain. In today's world, power supply has become one of the important indicators to measure a country's comprehensive strength. The progress of China's power grid has not only improved the lives of hundreds of millions of people, but also demonstrated the demeanor of a great country.

China's State Grid has recently been in the international spotlight due to India's lack of electricity and China's power outages

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