
"Gemini" Science City New Quality Productivity - Wan Xiangjun | Transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the National Academy of Sciences

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"Gemini" Science City New Quality Productivity - Wan Xiangjun | Transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the National Academy of Sciences

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"Gemini" Science City New Quality Productivity - Wan Xiangjun | Transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the National Academy of Sciences
"Gemini" Science City New Quality Productivity - Wan Xiangjun | Transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the National Academy of Sciences

The genetically modified bacteria can be turned into "intelligent living glue", which can not only realize the automatic repair of submarine oil pipelines, but also spontaneously find the location of bleeding and seal bleeding wounds in the medical field.

"Living glue" is a scientific research achievement of Zhong Chao's team in the field of synthetic biology of materials by Zhong Chao, a researcher at the Institute of Synthetic Biology of Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Despite having the latest technology, there has been no way to raise funds. It wasn't until he settled in the Guangming Science City Life Science Park that Zhong Chao saw the dawn of the transformation of achievements. At present, the market valuation of the enterprise established by him has exceeded 1 billion yuan.

"At present, Guangdong has obvious advantages and achievements in promoting the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerating the development of new quality productive forces." Wan Xiangjun, member of the Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, director of the China Economic and Information Technology Research Center, and director of the China National Conditions Research Center of the National Policy Research Office, said that the overall plan of the three major science cities of Shenzhen Guangming, Guangzhou Nansha and Dongguan Songshan Lake was introduced and implemented, and the spatial pattern of science and technology innovation based on "two points" and "two corridors" was constructed. The "twin stars" of the two science cities, mainly Guangming and Songshan Lake, are playing an important role in traction, driving and demonstration in Guangdong's scientific and technological innovation.

On May 18, the Guangdong theme interview group of the "High-quality Development Research Trip" came to Guangming Science City in Shenzhen, and the first-line investigation of the Southern Finance and Economics all-media reporters found that with the successive implementation of a series of large scientific devices, important laboratory platforms and strategic scientific research institutions and other major scientific and technological innovation carriers. Wan Xiangjun said: "The innovation resources of Guangming Science City have been accelerating, focusing on the development needs of key industrial chains, and the layout of strategic scientific and technological forces has begun to show its innovation explosiveness. ”

Wei Qijia, director and researcher of the Industrial Economy Research Office of the Economic Forecasting Department of the State Information Center, said in an interview with a reporter from Southern Finance and Economics that the two science cities are focusing on the key links of scientific and technological innovation, focusing on promoting the transformation of scientific and technological innovation into industry, and have been exploring new models in accelerating the transformation of achievements. ”

Promote the deep integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain

In the major scientific and technological infrastructure of Shenzhen synthetic biology research, a large scientific device platform for synthetic biology in Guangming Life Science Park, the intelligent robotic arm is demonstrating how to automatically and accurately put multiple biological reagents and samples into microplates for the research team. At present, there is a problem of inconsistent standards in biological experiments and biological research, and it is difficult to compare the experimental results made by different laboratories and different people. "The big facility is to solve this problem by building a high-quality, standardized database, and then building a large-scale model of life." Yuan Hai said.

From the outside, these functional islands with the automatic operation of cuboids are replacing people to complete multiple processes such as "design-synthesis-testing-learning" of artificial life, and realize the rational design and synthesis of artificial lifeforms. Yuan Hai, deputy director of the Institute of Synthesis of the Shenzhen Advanced Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and general manager of the major scientific and technological infrastructure for synthetic biology research, introduced that the synthetic biology facility is a major scientific and technological infrastructure with large-scale, automated and high-throughput synthetic biotechnology research, and is an intelligent "life casting factory".

"The 'Life Foundry Factory' can greatly speed up the design and synthesis of artificial lifeforms, which is a very important basic facility for synthetic biology research, and can achieve digital twin-level data collection and application in the future." Yuan Hai introduced. In recent years, Shenzhen has comprehensively coordinated the tripartite forces of the Institute of Synthetic Biology of the Shenzhen Advanced Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the School of Synthetic Biology of Shenzhen University of Technology (in preparation), and the Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology Innovation to deeply practice the "four chains" collaborative model in the field of synthetic biology industry in Guangming Science City.

Promote Shenzhen's synthetic biology research and synthetic biology industry to be at the forefront of the country and among the world's first-class. Specifically, around synthetic biology, the Science City has planned a large scientific device, a laboratory for the integration of science and education, a research-oriented university, an industrial innovation condition platform, and an industrial transformation acceleration platform in the spatial layout to promote the integrated development of applied basic research and industrial innovation in synthetic biology and biomedicine.

In the next step, the big science device will continue to attract global innovation elements to Shenzhen. Yuan Hai said that the synthetic biology facility will build a two-in-one synthetic biology research platform for users "cloud laboratory" and operator "smart laboratory", which is open to academia, industry and even the world. In the future, it will attract global synthetic biology resources to gather, become the world's leading intelligent life system design and manufacturing platform, and provide strong support for national synthetic biology research.

The future industry is driven by breakthrough and disruptive cutting-edge technologies, and its digitalization, informatization and high-end manufacturing trends are prominent. What is more important in this process is to build an industrial innovation ecology from technology source and achievement transformation to industrial cultivation and organizational innovation. It is necessary to rely on the original basic research end to cultivate a steady stream of new technologies and new achievements, lead the industry forward, and rely on the innovation chain to "lift" the industrial chain.

The survey found that in the future industrial layout and development, Guangming Science City has played an important role in the cultivation of basic research and cutting-edge interdisciplinary research of future industrial applications in Guangdong. As a pilot start-up area for the comprehensive national science center in the Greater Bay Area, Guangming Science City focuses on 24 major scientific and technological innovation carriers, focusing on major scientific and technological projects and major projects to accumulate more and more new quality productive forces for the cultivation of Guangdong's future industries.

"The large facility will promote the development and upgrading of the synthetic biology industry, and a number of well-known companies have made clear their intentions to use it." Yuan Hai introduced that the large-scale scientific equipment for synthetic biology research has been completed and put into trial operation, and the synthetic biology industry fund of 1.5 billion yuan has been simultaneously matched, which has greatly shortened the time cycle from original innovation to industrial transformation.

In the past three years, one out of every two synthetic biology companies in the country has settled in Guangdong. 40% of the country's new synthetic biology enterprises are concentrated in Shenzhen. Wei Qijia believes that from the perspective of the operation mode of the Science City, the responsibilities of Guangming Science City in all aspects are very clear. "It is embodied in the government's nesting and attracting phoenixes, building a platform, guiding high-quality resources to gather on the platform, and all kinds of high-quality elements are combined and allocated in accordance with the laws of the market and scientific and technological innovation." Wei Qijia said.

The Guangdong model of transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements

The Shenzhen Engineering and Biological Industry Innovation Center, where Zhong Chao is located, implements the model of "upstairs and downstairs innovation and entrepreneurship complex", which is a new model explored by Guangming Science City in recent years to serve the industry with scientific research, feed scientific research with industry, and realize research, output and application.

Luo Wei, director of the Industrial Innovation and Transformation Center of the Institute of Synthetic Biology, introduced that here, the "upstairs" scientific researchers carry out original innovation, support the industry to tackle key core technologies, and the "downstairs" incubator enterprises gather to carry out engineering technology development and pilot transformation of original innovations, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements along the way, and then realize industrialization.

Under this model, Luo Xiaozhou has grown from an entrepreneurial team of only two or three people to a high-tech company with a financing of nearly 300 million yuan and nearly 200 employees. Senruisi Biotechnology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. also started from Guangming Science City, and in less than 5 years, it has developed into a "new entrepreneurial star" in the synthetic biology industry with a valuation of more than 1 billion yuan.

The transformation of scientific and technological achievements is an important bridge connecting research and production, and it is also an important link in cultivating and developing new quality productive forces. In terms of promoting the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements and helping to open up channels from strong science and technology to strong industry, the "Twin Stars" of Guangdong Science City have promoted a number of "flowers of scientific research" to bear "fruits of industry" in exploring the Guangdong model of transformation of major scientific and technological achievements.

Among them, Guangming Science City is anchored to create a "test field" for the efficient transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and is forming a full-chain enterprise cultivation model of "scientific research-transformation-industry". For example, the synthetic biology industry has gathered more than 90 enterprises in just a few years, with a total valuation of about 27 billion yuan. On the other hand, in the Songshan Lake Science City, which is also the pilot start-up area of the National Science Center, the "Songshan Lake Model" for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is also rapidly producing a multiplier amplification effect.

"Under the 'Songshan Lake model', 100% of our projects can successfully obtain venture capital investment, and the current capital appraisal value of the investment of 1 billion projects has reached 5 billion, which can produce huge social benefits, so that the local government has more confidence to continue to support the investment in the early innovation of scientific and technological achievements, and then hand it over to social capital to form an efficient innovation financial chain." Chen Dongmin, executive deputy director of Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, said.

The "Songshan Lake Model" in Chen Dongmin's mouth is a new model for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements explored and formed by the Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, one of the first laboratories in Guangdong Province, including the achievement transfer model, the technology equity participation model, the room enterprise research model, and the industrial agglomeration model, and set up a chain bridge on the death valley of the transfer of scientific and technological achievements to industrialization.

This process is also called by Chen Dongmin as "first standing on the ground, then on the sky". On this basis, a large number of innovative projects can already leverage downstream industry cooperation. At present, the laboratory has cooperated with leading enterprises such as GAC and Sunwoda to build an innovation workshop for energy materials and devices to serve the upstream and downstream enterprises of the new energy industry chain.

In the view of Ding Minglei of the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology Development Strategy of the Ministry of Science and Technology, at present, there are still obstacles to the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements in the mainland into new quality productivity, and the supply of major scientific and technological innovation achievements that is conducive to supporting the real economy and building a first-mover advantage is still insufficient, the incentive policies and regulatory policies to promote the market-oriented application of new technologies are imperfect and lagging behind, and the design of the financial support system around the whole chain of innovation is insufficient.

In this regard, the "Twin Stars" of Guangdong Science City are continuing to make efforts around the source supply of high-quality scientific and technological achievements, the cultivation of future enterprises and industries with disruptive technologies, and the creation of a future-oriented innovation community with innovation highlands, strengthening cutting-edge disruptive technologies and original technological innovations, and promoting the industrialization of major scientific and technological innovation projects through various models.

More importantly, by strengthening the interdisciplinary, cross-field and cross-regional optimal allocation of innovation resources, the Science City supports enterprises, universities and scientific research institutions to jointly invest in the joint construction of new R&D institutions such as key technology R&D centers, proof-of-concept centers, industrial technology research institutes, scenario innovation laboratories and future laboratories for cutting-edge science and technology, and promotes the formation of a "four-chain integration" mechanism integrating cross-border innovation, talent training, seamless transformation and science and technology investment.

Taking Guangming Science City as an example, at present, the Science City is comprehensively deepening regional innovation synergy, linking Hong Kong and Macao, and building the Hong Kong operation center of Guangming Science City, providing an "important window" for Hong Kong scientific research institutions and enterprises to share major scientific and technological infrastructure and jointly undertake major scientific and technological projects. Through the integration and coordinated development mechanism, Guangdong will accelerate the development of new quality productivity with scientific and technological innovation as the core element.

In the next step, it is suggested that the two science cities in Guangdong should continue to summarize and explore successful operation experience, expand financing channels, strengthen the financial guarantee of the previous investment, and promote the smoother transformation of scientific and technological achievements into industries. At the same time, it will further stimulate the enthusiasm of scientific research personnel to carry out scientific and technological innovation, and attract more outstanding scientific research talents to join and carry out scientific and technological innovation. At the same time, it strengthens the platform role of Science City and continues to carry out original and basic research. Wei Qijia thinks.

"Gemini" Science City New Quality Productivity - Wan Xiangjun | Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements, Research of the National Academy of Sciences, Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Organization and Research Center of the International Academy of Sciences,

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