
Germany said it did not recognize China's sovereignty over Ren'ai Jiao and supported the Philippines

author:Professor Su Hao

According to China News Network, during the visit of German Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economy Habeck to China, Zheng Shajie, director of the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission, met with him, and the two co-chaired the first high-level dialogue on climate change and green transition between China and Germany, and the dialogue achieved results in five areas. During the meeting, the Chinese side pointed out to the German side in person that the argument accusing China of overcapacity is contrary to the laws of the market, the common sense of economics, and the banner of green development raised by the EU itself. China will implement various measures to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises are not infringed upon. The Chinese side pointed out that the production capacity in the field of new energy vehicles is not overcapacity but insufficient, and Chinese enterprises need to expand production capacity to promote the global green and low-carbon transformation.

The five-point results of the meeting between China and Germany include: First, start Sino-German local cooperation around green industries. Promote exchanges and cooperation between Jiangsu Province of China and Baden-Württemberg of Germany, and Sichuan Province of China and North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Second, the 2024 work plan of the Sino-German Energy Efficiency Working Group has been established.

Germany said it did not recognize China's sovereignty over Ren'ai Jiao and supported the Philippines

Thirdly, the relevant upcoming activities of the Sino-German Dialogue on Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency were confirmed. Fourth, the Sino-German Working Group on Industrial Carbon Reduction was established. Fifth, improve energy efficiency in key areas of cooperation between the two sides. These five results, based on the mutually agreed position of climate change and industrial transformation, have enabled the Chinese and German governments and local governments to have more contacts and dialogue paths on the transformation of green industries. It is a reflection of the fact that the Sino-German consensus on climate change still exists and has been deepened. However, compared with the focus of Habeck's visit to China on electric vehicle tariffs, the five-point outcome has played a role in buffering the atmosphere, but has failed to achieve tangible results in negotiations between the two sides.

Habeck also admitted frankly before his visit that it is impossible to resolve the dispute between China and the EU over electric vehicle tariffs through this visit, and he cannot negotiate with China on behalf of the EU. During the visit, Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao met with Habeck and held a virtual meeting with the EU Trade Commissioner to launch the first round of negotiations on tariffs between China and the EU.

Germany said it did not recognize China's sovereignty over Ren'ai Jiao and supported the Philippines

This is the positive significance of Habeck's visit, and it is better to talk than not to talk about it, and as for the outcome of the negotiations, it obviously depends on the physical confrontation between China and the EU under the negotiating table. On the one hand, Habeck stressed that the tariff hike is the worst outcome, and opposed the tariff hike and sought a positive message for Sino-German and Sino-European dialogue. On the one hand, it involves prejudice against China's electric vehicle industry, and blames subsidies for China's system technology incubation based on market competition. Germany's long-term strategy to speak out and interfere in Sino-Russian cooperation, advocate reducing dependence on China for key raw materials and products in the supply chain, and promote competition with China. Habeck's remarks are a manifestation of the coexistence of cooperation, dialogue, confrontation and confrontation between China and the West.

Sino-German ties are mainly based on economic interests, and the two sides attach great importance to the real industrial system, so that the two sides have a certain strategic consistency in industrial construction. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel maintains the frequency of annual visits to China, witnessing China's development and changes, and increasing the dimension of Sino-German industrial cooperation. The extensive investment and income of German car companies in the Chinese market make Sino-German cooperation the main cornerstone of China-EU economic cooperation.

Germany said it did not recognize China's sovereignty over Ren'ai Jiao and supported the Philippines

The reasons for the current challenges in Sino-German relations are directly related to the economic, financial, and geopolitical confrontation between the United States and Western countries and China. As a defeated country in World War II and a country garrisoned by the US military, Germany has insufficient say in major international affairs, and acts more as a subordinate and subordinate party of the United States. In line with the United States, through the G7 mechanism and other means, it has repeatedly framed accusations against China, which has had a negative impact on China-Germany relations.

In the recent situation in the South China Sea, on June 17, a Chinese coast guard ship boarded a Philippine vessel without permission to enforce the law, handed over the weapons held by Philippine personnel, and forcibly drove them away, ensuring China's sovereignty and implementing China's law enforcement powers. After the incident, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and other external interference all voiced accusations against China, and the German Foreign Ministry subsequently joined the ranks. The so-called South China Sea arbitration is used as an excuse to refuse to recognize China's sovereignty over Ren'ai Jiao, which encourages the Philippines' abusive practices. On June 24, the spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Germany expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the German side and rejected the German remarks one by one. Germany should be cautious in its words and deeds on China-related affairs, so as not to damage mutual trust between the two sides and damage Germany's own interests.

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