
How to make up for the lack of strength? Drink this bowl of medicinal herb soup, increase the time and strength, and the majesty will not decrease!

author:Dr. Liu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

Introduction~ How to make up for insufficient strength? Drink this bowl of medicinal herb soup, increase the time and strength, and the majesty will not decrease!

For many male friends, if there is a habit of frequent sperm injury, the final result will inevitably be a functional problem, either the tendons are too weak to exalt, or the threshold of the essence is too high to stick. All in all, having such a problem will make your quality of life plummet, and put yourself in a state of unconfidence and anxiety.

How to make up for the lack of strength? Drink this bowl of medicinal herb soup, increase the time and strength, and the majesty will not decrease!

Traditional Chinese medicine can solve such a hidden disease in men, but the premise is that on the basis of the symptoms, the symptoms will naturally get better if you insist on making up for a period of time. If the symptoms are not correct, no matter how good the tonic is, it will be futile, but it will discourage the confidence in Chinese medicine.

How to make up for the lack of strength? Drink this bowl of medicinal herb soup, increase the time and strength, and the majesty will not decrease!

Whether it's a weak cavernous body or an overly sensitive body, the ultimate goal of our conditioning is that our thoughts can be controlled freely. And in order to achieve this goal, you need to have a strong heart to support it.

How to make up for the lack of strength? Drink this bowl of medicinal herb soup, increase the time and strength, and the majesty will not decrease!

The heart, as the lord of the five internal organs, the yang of the yang, is the official of the monarch, and can act in place of our willpower, and can judge whether this thing can or cannot be done. For example, if we don't want to study, no matter how good our health and energy are, we won't study. Therefore, many people think that kidney deficiency is due to functional problems, and they need all kinds of supplements, but the disease will not be good, kidney deficiency is just a more obvious symptom of you, and you also need to replenish your heart at this time.

How to make up for the lack of strength? Drink this bowl of medicinal herb soup, increase the time and strength, and the majesty will not decrease!

It can also be said that when you have a color heart and an idea, the heart qi will go down, awaken the essence of the kidneys, and jointly nourish the sponge body. The kidney essence is strong, and the heart qi is not declining, and the two can work together to invigorate the king of Qin.

How to make up for the lack of strength? Drink this bowl of medicinal herb soup, increase the time and strength, and the majesty will not decrease!

Mr. Sun from Sichuan, who has serious functional problems, always habitually defects too quickly, has been conditioned a lot in the past, and is full of confidence every time, but the final result is always disappointing him, and he is often in a state of anxiety and irritability. Symptoms:

1. Insomnia and dreams, tossing and turning

2. Soreness and weakness in the waist and knees

3. Frequent urination bifurcation is inexhaustible

4. Poor memory, distracted in a daze

5. Tinnitus and dizziness

6. The complexion is dark and dull

7. Upset and repeatedly upside down

The tongue is light, pale, and the pulse is weak

The tongue coating is as follows:

How to make up for the lack of strength? Drink this bowl of medicinal herb soup, increase the time and strength, and the majesty will not decrease!

Dialectic: Yang Qi is deficient, and the essence is not guarded

Treatment: Replenish yang qi and keep the essence pass

Coptis chinensis, cinnamon, astragalus, atractylodes, ginseng, yam, yam, sagewood meat, rehman, poria cocos, zexiao, danpi, hyssop, salvia, fairy spleen, boiled licorice. Tell him to maintain a good attitude, not to be too anxious, and not to always live in illness. After a period of conditioning, the flexibility of the tendons is improved, the sensitivity is reduced, and the state of free control can be achieved.

How to make up for the lack of strength? Drink this bowl of medicinal herb soup, increase the time and strength, and the majesty will not decrease!

Many people take too much kidney supplement, which will lead to excessive sperm heat and then move out in vain, and sadness will make them in a more excited state, but will go up more instead of going down.