
"Drought is not drought, the summer solstice looks at the sky early", the summer solstice is on Friday, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

author:Sweet mom works hard

As the saying goes, "the days are long until the summer solstice, and the days are short until the winter solstice", which means that the longest daytime in a year is the summer solstice, and the longest night is on the winter solstice. And on Friday of this week (June 21 of the Gregorian calendar), the summer solstice solar term will be ushered in, which means that the hottest time of the year is also coming.

Moreover, this year's weather conditions are relatively special, in many places in the south since the beginning of summer, there has been plenty of rain, while in the north it is the opposite, there are different degrees of drought.

"Drought is not drought, the summer solstice looks at the sky early", the summer solstice is on Friday, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

Coupled with the frequent occurrence of extreme weather in recent years, experts also said that extreme weather will increase this year, and the year is not very good. Therefore, farmers are worried about whether there will be a drought this summer. After all, for farmers, the most feared thing in summer is drought, especially during dog days.

The older generation said: "Drought is not dry, the summer solstice looks at the sky early", so since this week's Friday is the summer solstice solar term, how should we look at it? And what is the way to put it? The answer is here, everyone can understand and prepare early.

Introduction to the summer solstice solar terms

The summer solstice, as the tenth of the 24 solar terms in China and the fourth solar term in summer, usually falls on June 21 or 22 of the Gregorian calendar, and this year it is on June 21.

"Drought is not drought, the summer solstice looks at the sky early", the summer solstice is on Friday, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

On the day of the summer solstice, the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Capricorn, and the daylight hours in the northern hemisphere reach the longest of the year. After the summer solstice, the direct point of the sun begins to move south from the Tropic of Capricorn, and the days begin to gradually shorten in the Northern Hemisphere.

Among them, there are also three waits in the summer solstice solar terms: "one waits for the antlers to be solved; Second, the cicadas begin to sing; Three and a half summers. These three seasons vividly depict the changes in nature during the summer solstice: after the summer solstice, the antlers begin to fall off, then the cicadas feel the heat and start chirping, and then the plants such as Banxia begin to thrive.

It is worth mentioning that the summer solstice was one of the "four hours and eight festivals" in ancient times, and it was also called the "summer solstice festival" at that time, which was a more important festival, like the Song Dynasty when the civil and military officials had to take a three-day holiday after the summer solstice solar term. And there are many customs related to it among the people.

"Drought is not drought, the summer solstice looks at the sky early", the summer solstice is on Friday, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

For example, in ancient times, people would hold a "sacrifice to the ground" ceremony on the day of the summer solstice to pray for good weather and a good harvest. At the same time, there are customs such as eating summer solstice noodles among the people, as the saying goes, "winter solstice dumplings and summer solstice noodles", and in some places, it is customs such as eating dog meat, lychees, and spread cakes.

"Drought or not, look at the sky early on the summer solstice", how to look at it?

The proverb "drought is not drought, look at the sky early on the summer solstice" is also the experience summed up by the working people in ancient times in long-term agricultural production. It tells us that observing the weather on the day of the summer solstice can predict drought and flood conditions for a period of time in the future. Specifically, we can refer to these proverbs below.

(1) The summer solstice is sunny, and the drought is to the autumn side. :

The meaning of this agricultural proverb is that if it is sunny on the day of the summer solstice, then it indicates that there will be more sunny days and less rain in the coming period, and there may be a continuous drought, which may continue until autumn.

"Drought is not drought, the summer solstice looks at the sky early", the summer solstice is on Friday, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

This situation is not good for agricultural production, so this proverb also reminds farmers to prepare for drought in advance if this happens.

(2) No rain on the summer solstice and drought in June.

The summer solstice solar term in the lunar calendar is generally in May, some years are in early May, some years are in mid-May, and some years are postponed to late May. The meaning of this proverb is that if the summer solstice is sunny on the day, there may be a drought throughout the following June.

The sixth month of the lunar calendar is basically already in ambush, that is, dog days. This is the hottest time and the most feared time for drought.

"Drought is not drought, the summer solstice looks at the sky early", the summer solstice is on Friday, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

As the old saying goes, "It's hard to buy a drought in May if you have money, and you can eat enough in June", which means that the weather conditions in May and June are different, indicating that the harvest will be different. In the sixth month of the lunar calendar, it is better to have more rainy days, so that the crops will not suffer from drought, so it is easier to harvest a bumper harvest.

(3) The summer solstice rains eighteen times, and seven or eight pounds fall a day.

The meaning of this proverb is that if it rains on the day of the summer solstice, then it may continue to rain for the next 18 days, and the rainfall will be relatively heavy, and it will rain seven or eight times a day.

After the summer solstice, most parts of the mainland are already extremely hot, and crops are also growing vigorously during this period, coupled with high temperatures, soil transpiration is obvious, so rain is more needed.

"Drought is not drought, the summer solstice looks at the sky early", the summer solstice is on Friday, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

Therefore, precipitation has a great impact on agricultural production at this time, and there is also a saying that "summer solstice rain is worth a thousand gold" in the folk, which shows that this situation is conducive to the growth of crops, but it should be noted that this may also lead to flooding.

(4) Southeast wind on the summer solstice, heavy rain after 18 days.

The ancients also observed that the wind direction on the day of the summer solstice can also predict the weather conditions later, and this proverb tells us that if the southeast wind blows on the day of the summer solstice, then there may be heavy rain after 18 days. This argument is also valid, as southeasterly winds usually bring warm and moist airflows, which are prone to rainfall.

"Drought is not drought, the summer solstice looks at the sky early", the summer solstice is on Friday, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

As the old saying goes, "drought is not drought, and the summer solstice looks at the sky early", although this is simple, it is a valuable experience summed up by the ancients in long-term agricultural production. It tells us that observing the weather conditions on the day of the summer solstice can predict drought and flood conditions in the coming period, so as to prepare measures in advance.

In general, the summer solstice is a sunny day, indicating that there will be less rain later. And if it rains on the same day, it indicates that the rain is relatively abundant.

Of course, in modern society, we can also use weather forecasts and other means to more accurately understand the future weather conditions and provide more powerful support for agricultural production. #头条创作挑战赛#