
From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

author:Shanyu chats about the world
From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

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From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

Zhang Tong was born in an ordinary family, originally just a student in the computer science department of Nankai University, living an ordinary life from 9 to 5. However, fate made him discover his potential by an experienced talent scout by an accident in his sophomore year and participate in the filming of an advertisement.

Zhang Tong tasted the sweetness of his art career for the first time because of this impact. In just a few hours of work, he earned a salary of several hundred yuan, which is undoubtedly desirable for young people who have just entered the society.

Since then, Zhang Tong has developed a strong interest in the modeling industry, and he has become eager to work in this job and live a different life.

With his outstanding height and handsome appearance, Zhang Tong quickly made a name for himself in the modeling industry. A well-known company noticed the young and promising university student and decided to sponsor him to go to France for professional modeling training.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

In order not to delay Zhang Tong's study, the company also specially arranged for him to study at the Politecnico Polytechnique in Paris.

This is undoubtedly a rare opportunity, but the cost of studying abroad is indeed an unbearable burden for Zhang Tong's family.

Zhang Tong is faced with a major choice, and he is confused, vacillating between holding on to his dream and giving up.

In the end, with the support and encouragement of his family, Zhang Tong made a major decision. His parents resolutely poured out all their possessions, even borrowing money to raise the expensive school fees for their son.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

Seeing his parents doing their best, Zhang Tong felt full of guilt and self-blame, but at the same time, it also made him more determined to pursue his dreams.

With the high hopes of his parents and the heroic ambition of "not being famous if he can't learn", Zhang Tong embarked on the art road to France. However, the fate of fate is unpredictable.

After only three months of study in France, Zhang Tong suddenly had a deep yearning for a career in acting, and he decided to make a transformation, decisively signed up for the exam at the Lyon Academy of Arts and Drama, and successfully became an acting student.

This decision was a big blow to the family. Although the parents were sad in their hearts, they saw their son's dedication to his dreams, so they still respected Zhang Tong's choice.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

However, the road to study was bumpy. In France, students are not allowed to work and study; And the high tuition fees of the performance department of the Conservatory of Music made it unaffordable for the family.

In order to provide for their son to complete his education, his parents had no choice but to sell the only house in the family. Seeing his parents pay such a huge sacrifice for him, Zhang Tong's guilt in his heart is beyond words. He began to live a frugal life, relying on cheap dog food to survive even in times of financial hardship.

However, it is this firm perseverance and desire for dreams that have always inspired Zhang Tong to move forward bravely and stick to his inner yearning in the difficult years. Despite the constraints of life, his love for his career has always been unwavering, and this dedication eventually led him to make a breakthrough in acting.

In 2002, due to the rising cost of overseas and the deterioration of his family's financial situation, Zhang Tong decided to give up his study life in France and chose to return to his home country.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

As a young man who has just received a degree in drama, he is full of passion and beautiful vision, looking forward to shining in this familiar land of China.

However, reality is always crueler than imagined. Although Zhang Tong has solid professionalism, in the entertainment industry, where connections occupy an important position, his efforts are obviously not enough to impress everyone.

He had to frequently travel between various crews, playing some insignificant small roles one after another, so his income was meager and his life was difficult.

This period was a very difficult and painful time for Zhang Tong. The confusion and hesitation in his heart were like a high wall, tightly surrounding him, and anxiety and confusion pulled him down like a whirlpool.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

He began to doubt whether his choice was correct, and even had the idea of suicide for a while, falling into the lowest point in his life.

When Zhang Tong was confused and helpless, a figure that could warm his heart came into his life, and that was his girlfriend Guan Siting. They met during a theatrical collaboration and fell in love with each other.

Zhang Tong's first impression of Guan Siting was introverted and silent, and he hardly communicated with others except for reading lines when necessary. And Guan Siting is a sunny and lively girl, and she can quickly get along with everyone in the crew.

During a conversation, Guan Siting overheard Zhang Tong complaining about his lack of eye drops, so he carefully wrote down this unintentional sentence.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

It didn't take long for Guan Siting to buy a bottle of eye drops for Zhang Tong, and when she handed the eye drops to Zhang Tong, Zhang Tong was deeply touched in her heart. In this flashy and noisy entertainment industry, there is such a person, who is considerate everywhere, sincere and loving, this kind of thoughtfulness and purity, makes Zhang Tong feel a sense of admiration.

Since then, Zhang Tong's attention and affection for Guan Siting have become deeper and deeper. In their work with the same crew, they communicated frequently and deepened their understanding of each other.

Guan Siting saw Zhang Tong's lonely practice of lines, and was deeply moved by his enthusiasm for work; And Zhang Tong was also attracted by Guan Siting's sunny and warm qualities.

Although Zhang Tong has always had a deep love for Guan Siting in his heart, he has never been able to be honest with her because of his introverted personality. After a party, he finally confessed his heart to her through drinking, and their relationship continued to develop, and it took six full years.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

During this relationship, Zhang Tong's family has been very difficult, but Guan Siting doesn't mind it. She used her actions to make us realize that love should support each other and share weal and woe.

In the most difficult time, it was Guan Siting's support and encouragement that made Zhang Tong not completely give up on himself.

In 2011, Zhang Tong's depression was so severe that it was uncontrollable. In order to take care of him, Guan Siting made a choice, she resolutely put down her career and devoted herself to taking care of Zhang Tong's life.

Whenever the illness attacked, she would hug Zhang Tong tightly, worried that he would do something to hurt herself. Sometimes, she even needs to wait for Zhang Tong to fall asleep before daring to take a break.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

Under Guan Siting's meticulous care and love, Zhang Tong successfully overcame depression in 2012 and regained the hopes and dreams of life. This year, he and his beloved her entered the palace of marriage.

Since then, Zhang Tong has found the strength to cheer up and regain the courage and motivation to struggle in the deep dependence of his family.

After a period of rugged and bumpy troughs, 2016 became a major turning point in Zhang Tong's life. That year, he successfully took over the TV series "Desperate Defender Division", and brilliantly portrayed the role of Chen Shuxiang in the play.

For Zhang Tong, the significance of this drama is not only that he finally waited for the highlight that belongs to him, but also the best interpretation of his years of hard work. From being discovered by talent scouts at the beginning, to giving up studying abroad and returning to China, and then experiencing the torture of family poverty and depression, Zhang Tong spent nearly 20 years pursuing and waiting for this dream to come true.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

Therefore, when the opportunity came, Zhang Tong almost exhausted his whole energy to devote himself to the filming of this drama. For all the shots and all the details, he was very cautious and pondered repeatedly, for fear that a small negligence would fail this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In "Desperate Defender Division", Zhang Tong's superb acting skills are amazing. He successfully created the image of Chen Shuxiang's hot-blooded man, making it full of vitality and attractiveness.

The crew directors and staff were deeply impressed by Zhang Tong's professionalism and dedication to the actor's profession.

As soon as the show was broadcast, it aroused enthusiastic responses from the audience across the country. On the Internet, Weibo, forums and other major platforms, everyone is giving high praise to Zhang Tong's outstanding performance.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

In a short period of time, the drama "Desperate Defender Division" won the Feitian Award for Best TV Series that year. This drama allowed Zhang Tong to win the honor of Best Actor for the first time.

For Zhang Tong, the significance of this honor is far more than just affirming his performance strength, but more importantly, it is completely affirming his spirit of persisting in pursuing his dreams over the years.

From an obscure newcomer to one of the highest honors in the film and television industry, this is an achievement that many young actors dream of. For Zhang Tong, this is more like a favor of fate, and it is the best reward for his persistence and dedication.

When Zhang Tong won the award, the applause on the scene lasted for a long time, and the audience cheered for him; However, on stage, Zhang Tong burst into tears. As the youngest recipient of the Emperor, this honor weighs a lot on him.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

He understands that this is a respect for all ordinary people who work hard for their dreams.

Looking back on the past, Zhang Tong has experienced countless poverty, despair, and despair, but he has never given up his persistence and pursuit of dreams, and it is this persistence and courage that has allowed him to achieve his current achievements.

Therefore, when he received the trophy, the complex emotions in his heart were indescribable, and only tears accompanied him. At this moment, he remembered the two most important people in his life: his parents and Guan Siting, whose selfless support and waiting have enabled him to get to where he is today.

This Feitian Award is not only an affirmation of Zhang Tong's personality, but also a reward for all supporters. From this moment on, he will work harder and continue to improve himself on the road of acting career to repay the love of the audience.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

Although he won the Feitian Award for Best Actor, Zhang Tong's acting career is on the right track, but he is not complacent because of this, but works harder on the road in the future.

In 2021, Zhang Tong successfully portrayed the role of revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao in the TV series "Awakening Age". He put a lot of effort into the creation of this character, and he put a lot of effort into it.

He read a large number of historical materials about Li Dazhao and gained an in-depth understanding of this literati and scholar's conduct, ideological propositions, and revolutionary spirit. Zhang Tong hopes to reproduce the image of Li Dazhao in a three-dimensional and vivid way, not only to show his noble personality and integrity, but also to reflect his unswerving determination to ideals and beliefs.

In order to get closer to Li Dazhao's living environment, Zhang Tong went to some revolutionary base areas and experienced the war-torn scenes of that era. He walked through the historic houses and alleys, trying to capture the atmosphere of that era.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

In this way, Zhang Tong used his own way to comprehend and understand the role of Li Dazhao bit by bit. For the crew, Zhang Tong is undoubtedly a conscientious actor.

Before each shooting, he will repeatedly ponder and scrutinize every detail, and strive to present the most perfect effect.

Sure enough, Zhang Tong relied on his meticulous carving of this role to vividly present the image of Li Dazhao in "The Awakening Age", which is impressive. With his deep eyes, he vividly displayed Li Dazhao's sincerity and enthusiasm for revolutionary ideals; In a firm tone, he demonstrated the indomitable revolutionary will of this pioneer.

After the whole drama was broadcast, the role of Li Dazhao immediately aroused heated discussions among the audience. Zhang Tong's acting skills have been affirmed by many audiences, and many people have praised his performance online.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

Many film critics have praised Zhang Tong's acting skills, saying that he is an actor full of unlimited potential.

Although Zhang Tong was not shortlisted for the Magnolia Awards, the audience's regret for him was obvious. After all, he used practical actions to show everyone the ultimate interpretation of a role, and his style was sultry.

Although Zhang Tong did not win the award, his heart was full of pride and pride that could not be concealed. Through this experience, he proved his strength with facts and showed the world the courage and sense of responsibility that an actor should have.

A real actor should not only complete superficial work, but also have a unique understanding and cognition of the characters in the play. Only in this way can the audience be moved by the vivid and three-dimensional characters.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

Zhang Tong is very happy that he has been able to do this and has won praise from both inside and outside the industry for this.

No matter what kind of gains and losses he will encounter in his career, Zhang Tong will not waver in his professional ethics. He will always maintain a professional attitude, shape each character with heart, and strive to give the characters a more vivid image and bring more audio-visual enjoyment to the audience.

His career has had its ups and downs, but the spirit that Zhang Tong has is his most valuable asset.

Just when everyone was looking forward to Zhang Tong going to the next level in the field of film and television, he made an unexpected decision - to switch to the drama stage and join the China National Repertory Theatre.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

Regarding the doubts of the outside world, Zhang Tong has publicly expressed his views many times. In his view, this decision is not a momentary heat-head, but a kind of re-examination and positioning of self-worth after careful consideration.

As an actor, stage and film are two very different fields, and each form of performance has a unique charm.

Compared with film and television works, drama can test the actors' grasp of the details of the role and the ability to improvise on the spot, so that the audience can feel the charm of the role more three-dimensional and comprehensively.

On the stage without any post-modification, every demeanor and tone of the actor will be directly displayed in front of the audience, so the requirements for the actor are extremely high.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

It was Zhang Tong who developed a strong interest in drama, because the high difficulty of drama made him hope to break through himself on stage and challenge himself again. He has many years of film and television experience, which gives him the confidence and determination to face this challenge.

He hopes to show the unique charm of theater art through the purest and most simple form of performance.

Zhang Tong is no stranger to the drama stage, having received relevant stage training while studying in France. He believes that the significance of engaging in performance work is not only the pursuit of fame and fortune, but more importantly, maintaining an open heart and expressing the value and power of art in the most sincere way.

Therefore, when the National Repertory Theatre of China extended his invitation, Zhang Tong chose to join without hesitation. For him, this could be an opportunity for him to re-explore and practice his understanding and dedication to theatre on stage.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

Zhang Tong's career change from a film and television star to a drama actor is undoubtedly a new challenge for him. Not only did he need to adapt to the huge difference between stage and screen, but he also needed to learn to use his body and language to perfectly interpret each new role.

Zhang Tong knows that this road is not easy to walk, and it may even collapse. But it was this uncertainty and challenge that encouraged him and made him willing to give 200% of his efforts.

He is eager to rekindle his passion for acting on stage in his own way and move every audience member.

Out of the hustle and bustle of the film and television industry, Zhang Tong can finally devote himself wholeheartedly to the pursuit of performing arts and conduct in-depth research on performing arts. Fame and fortune are no longer a factor that bothers him, and his only goal is to go all out to improve himself and create new brilliance for his stage career.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

To some extent, Zhang Tong's decision reflects his dedication to his career as an actor. He has proven his strength through film and television works, but he is not satisfied with this, hoping to meet new challenges and climb higher mountains.

Zhang Tong's passion for pursuing his dreams is his most precious treasure.

Looking forward to the future, Zhang Tong will surely shine on the drama stage. Although the road ahead may be full of challenges, he firmly believes that as long as he sticks to his dreams and keeps working hard, he will one day achieve a new breakthrough in his career.

The persistent pursuit of ideals will attract more young people with dreams to join him and ignite his infinite enthusiasm for the cause of art.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

Looking back on Zhang Tong's life, it is not difficult to find that his road to success is actually the result of sticking to his dreams.

Zhang Tong used his life to tell us the weight of the word "dream". From an unpretentious young man to a well-known film and television star, his success was not achieved overnight, but by relying on the persistent pursuit of ideals, he has experienced many twists and turns.

Poverty, despair, and despair...... These hardships once crushed Zhang Tong's desire for dreams. However, it was because of his perseverance that he was able to finally realize his dream of becoming a real actor.

Although his career has been a little successful, Zhang Tong has never stopped. He always kept in mind his original intention, bravely jumped out of his comfort zone, and took the initiative to devote himself to the drama stage to seek new breakthroughs.

From "Monk Wei" to "Li Dazhao", Zhang Tong's disappearance from the screen is the sadness of the entertainment industry

His dedication to his career is his most valuable asset.

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