
The United States blocked DJI, and the technology world was shaken, what kind of thoughts are hidden behind it?

author:Universality does not exist
The United States blocked DJI, and the technology world was shaken, what kind of thoughts are hidden behind it?

Oops, DJI didn't escape Lao Mei's "banning order" this time! On June 17, the United States issued a bill to shut out Chinese drone companies such as DJI. This is not only a heavy blow to DJI, but also a big test for China's science and technology community. This "Sino-US war" in the science and technology community has once again been pushed to the forefront and attracted global attention. Why does this old beauty strike at Chinese companies so often? Let's take a look at the thoughts behind this old beauty today.

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01 The thoughts behind Lao Mei's ban

The United States blocked DJI, and the technology world was shaken, what kind of thoughts are hidden behind it?

First, the panic in Lao Mei's heart is like not seeing other people's children better than her own children. What they prohibit is often what they have achieved in a field that is difficult for them to achieve. Lao Mei's mindset is: You must always follow my pace, once you surpass a little, I will snatch by any means, and if you can't snatch it, I will try my best to suppress it. This hegemonic mentality is not only embodied in the economic field, but is also deeply rooted in its international strategy.

Second, the restrictive measures taken by the United States are actually a means of maintaining hegemony. By cracking down on Chinese companies, the United States is trying to slow down China's progress in key technology areas and maintain its leadership in the global technology field. However, such an approach not only undermines the spirit of global scientific and technological cooperation, but can also lead to a setback in technological development. It's like thinking about stumbling over a fast run when you can't run fast, and this kind of mentality really makes people laugh and cry.

Third, the blockade strategy of the United States reflects its complacent attitude. This attitude bears a striking resemblance to the policy of closing the country to the outside world in the late Qing Dynasty. Lao Mei seems to have underestimated China's determination and perseverance, ignoring the possibility of growing up in the face of adversity. However, history has proven that blockades and sanctions cannot stop a country's pace of development.

02 The growth of China's technology industry in the face of adversity

The United States blocked DJI, and the technology world was shaken, what kind of thoughts are hidden behind it?

In the face of the ban of the United States, the Chinese science and technology community did not choose to give in. On the contrary, we have seen the tenacity and wisdom of companies such as Huawei and Tiktok in the face of adversity. They have actively responded to challenges through technological innovation and market expansion, demonstrating the resilience and potential of Chinese enterprises.

Taking Huawei as an example, in the face of the blockade of the United States, Huawei has increased its independent research and development efforts and launched a series of competitive products. At the same time, Huawei is also seeking partners around the world to expand the market to mitigate the impact of the ban on the United States.

Tiktok also shows growth in the face of adversity. In the face of the suppression of the United States, Tiktok actively adjusted its strategy and strengthened cooperation with local enterprises to adapt to the changing market environment. In addition, Tiktok has also increased its investment in content innovation to attract more users.

Other Chinese companies, such as BYD, are facing similar challenges. They need to actively respond to changes in the external environment while maintaining their own strengths. This requires not only the efforts of enterprises themselves, but also the support of the government and society.

03 The limitations of the blockade strategy of the United States

The United States blocked DJI, and the technology world was shaken, what kind of thoughts are hidden behind it?

The blockade strategy of the United States against Chinese companies has also exposed its own limitations. The blockade does not really curb the development of science and technology in China. On the contrary, it has stimulated the determination and motivation of Chinese enterprises to innovate independently. Just like the blockades and sanctions in history, although they once brought difficulties to China, they eventually led to China's remarkable achievements in many fields.

The lockdown strategy ignores cooperation and win-win in the context of globalization. In today's world, no country can be independent of other countries and achieve comprehensive leadership in science and technology. The blockade of Chinese enterprises by the United States not only harms China's interests, but also undermines the pattern of global scientific and technological cooperation, and ultimately is not conducive to the United States itself.

04 The indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation

The United States blocked DJI, and the technology world was shaken, what kind of thoughts are hidden behind it?

Looking back on the development process of the Chinese nation, it is not difficult for us to find that no matter how severe the challenges and difficulties it faces, this nation has always been able to forge ahead with its indomitable will and perseverance. From the brilliant achievements of two bombs and one satellite, to the independent research and development of Beidou navigation and Dongfeng missiles, to the feats of Shenzhou spacecraft, Chang'e lunar exploration, space station construction and aircraft carrier manufacturing, all demonstrate China's spirit of constantly breaking through itself and pursuing excellence in the face of adversity.

In the face of the blockade, as long as we maintain an indomitable spirit, rely on ourselves, and work hard, we will certainly be able to break through the blockade and win a broader space for development. History has proven that no blockade or sanction can stop the pace of a nation's development. The innovation and breakthrough of the Chinese nation is a powerful driving force for the world's scientific and technological progress.

In the future, Chinese technology companies will continue to actively participate in global science and technology cooperation with an open mind, and at the same time, they will continue to improve their core competitiveness. We believe that through unremitting efforts and innovation, Chinese technology companies will be able to ride the wind and waves and move forward bravely in the tide of globalization.

The United States blocked DJI, and the technology world was shaken, what kind of thoughts are hidden behind it?
The United States blocked DJI, and the technology world was shaken, what kind of thoughts are hidden behind it?

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