
Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

author:Chris's internal entertainment

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Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

Rose 果然出来道歉啦!

Look at her tearful and aggrieved appearance, she bowed and bent over for the live broadcast of the gold bracelet.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

Netizens had already guessed her routine, stopped for a few days and then apologized, and made up various reasons.

According to what she said, the brand is ready to give away hundreds of thousands of bracelets, and if the live broadcast is reported, it will not be sent.

But when the spiced fish bought the bracelet, why didn't it mention that it was a brand sponsorship? That's lying!

There was an accident in the live broadcast on June 10, and he apologized on the 19th, and the video was updated on the 16th in the middle, without mentioning the live broadcast, and he was happy to endorse cosmetics.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

The live broadcast overturned the frying pan in the comment area, and the couple don't watch it? I also happily discussed gifts, how can I apologize and repent!

Now the apology is obviously not able to stand the pressure of public opinion, and netizens don't care whether to send gold or not, but a matter of attitude.

Rose said that she paid out of her own pocket, but everyone wanted her to donate the money to public welfare.

This couple is too high-profile, not cultured enough, and loves to draw pies.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

If it's okay for others to broadcast live, they will be reported, can they be okay? Poor workers have to send gold to the high, and they can't afford to give it and make promises.

Today's Rose doesn't do housework, this hurts and that hurts, she uses her daughter as a cash cow, and the spiced fish is also full of lies.

Even the cheongsam on the day of the live broadcast can have two versions, what else is true? This couple is greedy and high-profile, and they really take everyone for fools!

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

On June 10th, Rose did a live stream.

In the live broadcast, she swore to give away gold bracelets worth hundreds of thousands.

At that time, many fans were excited, full of expectations to be the lucky one.

But who would have thought that this live broadcast went wrong and was reported, and the whole thing overturned in an instant.

This translation has a big problem.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

From the live broadcast overturning on June 10, it was not until June 19 that Rose finally showed up and sent an apology video.

In the video, she explains why the gold bracelet was not given away.

also said that if the brand doesn't send it, she will make up for it out of her own pocket.

But in the intervening days, Rose stopped for a while.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

But what's interesting is that on June 16, she appeared in the video again and continued to endorse cosmetics.

This made netizens not calm, and they questioned how sincere her apology was? How sincere?

Netizens are not just picking on thorns.

If you think about it, Rose didn't mention that the bracelet was sponsored by the brand when she was live.

This inconsistency does not make people doubt her integrity?

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

And before the apology video was released, she and her husband spiced fish were still happily bringing goods in the video, showing the gifts they received, and there was no guilt on their faces.

You say, can netizens not be angry? Can you not be angry?

As soon as this incident came out, netizens exploded, and all kinds of comments were overwhelming.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

Almost all of them were skeptical, and they all felt that Rose should be responsible for her own problems, rather than making excuses to shirk it.

Let's think about it carefully, what does this reflect? To put it bluntly, the Rose couple is too greedy and too high-profile.

Always thinking about making quick money and making a lot of money, but ignoring the most basic integrity and respect for fans.

Netizens all think that the two of them should not know all day long to make money with goods, they should do more real things.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

For example, focus on public welfare and make some contributions to society, instead of continuing to deceive the audience's feelings.

The overturning of this live broadcast made such a big fuss, and the impact on Rose and his wife was not small.

It's hard to say whether they will be able to regain everyone's trust in the future.

The key depends on whether they can really reflect on their past, change their past mistakes, and improve their behavior in a real way.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

Instead of just posting an apology video, talking about it, but not actually taking action at all.

Just like we usually live, if a person always talks and doesn't count, who wants to believe him after a long time? Internet celebrities are the same, fans are their foundation, if they lose the trust of fans, how far can this Internet celebrity go?

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

Let's go back to that.

Rose's initial promise to give away the bracelet may have been a desire to attract more attention and traffic, and there was nothing wrong with that idea in itself.

But the problem is that since you have promised, you have to do it.

If you can't do it, you can find all kinds of excuses, that is, you dig a hole for yourself.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

And ah, when they face problems, that attitude is really disappointing.

I didn't realize how much damage my mistake had done to my fans.

Let's think about it, if they can honestly explain the situation to everyone at the first time, maybe netizens can understand and not be so angry.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

But they chose to evade and cover up, and as a result, things got worse and worse.

Besides, this apology, if it is sincere, then you have to take practical action.

Don't just talk about it, you have to show people real change.

For example, in the future, when you broadcast live, you will speak more reliably, and you will definitely do what you promised.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

Or interact more with your fans, listen to everyone's opinions and suggestions, and improve your live broadcast content and methods.

For fans, liking an influencer is not only because they can bring interesting content and goods, but more importantly, because they trust their character.

Once that trust has been broken, it's much harder to re-establish it.

Help? Internet celebrity Rose apologized for sending fake gold out, and it was another routine to keep people's hearts!

So, Rose and his wife have to remember a little longer this time.

Don't take the trust of fans seriously, behave in a down-to-earth manner, maybe there is room for redemption.

Otherwise, this Internet celebrity's job will really be smashed in his own hands.

I don't know what my friends think about this? Do you think the Rose couple still have a chance to regain their trust? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or personal infringement, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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