
Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

author:Mu Mu said entertainment

1. It was a warm and sunny morning in June 2005, and there was a solemn and solemn atmosphere at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing. The famous director Feng Xiaogang looked mournful and wore a black suit to preside over the funeral of a film giant.

Beside him, his old friend Zhang Guoli couldn't hide his sad eyes, choked up and recited the eulogy in memory of his late teacher, and the words were overflowing with endless thoughts and memories of this senior.

In the cemetery, countless seniors and juniors in the entertainment industry gathered together, some of them wept, some of them had heavy backs, and they were all shrouded in a deep sorrow. Because, they have lost an admirable predecessor, a master director who has made outstanding contributions to the Chinese film industry.

This master is the famous director Fei Lei, born in Beijing in 1963, graduated from Beijing Film Academy, and has been teaching at his alma mater for a long time. passed away at the age of 42, which was deeply regretted by the Chinese film industry.

Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

He pursued excellence throughout his life and created many unforgettable classic film and television works, such as "Hesitation", "Coming Home for the New Year", "Coming Home for the New Year 2", etc., vividly showing the changes of the times, social development and human nature, which is the pride of the Chinese film industry and the treasure of the Chinese nation.

With his unique artistic concept and creative style, Ferre has injected new vitality into film art and opened up a new artistic vision. While his works are thought-provoking, they also have a humorous and witty side, showing an elegant and pure artistic realm.

With his outstanding directorial talent and outstanding contributions, Ferré is undoubtedly a well-deserved master of cinema and art. His death made countless people sigh and mourn the loss of such an outstanding film talent, which shrouded the entire Chinese film industry in mourning.

2. His immortal artistic achievements, which are higher than the times but rooted in the times, will surely be recorded in the annals of history forever. The years go back to Beijing in the 60s of the last century, when Ferrey was young and strong.

Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

Born in poverty, he has been full of infinite longing and yearning for the art of film since he was a child, and is determined to become an excellent film director. In 1972, Ferré made his screen debut as a minor role in "The Eternal Wave," a film that reflected the social realities of the time.

Although he is only a supporting role, he is young and observant, attentively observing and learning the work process of the crew, eager to learn valuable experience from it. Whenever the camera is pointed at him, he can't wait to swallow the camera and carefully study the details of film and television shooting.

In addition to studying film theory in his youth, Ferre did not forget to devote himself to inspiration, laying a solid foundation for the ideal position of director in the future. He once worked as a clerk in a variety show film and television company, although it was just tedious clerical work every day, he was full of enthusiasm, carefully observed all aspects of the crew, and tried to master the work content and skill requirements of each position.

Later, Ferrey left the film and television company and joined a foreign company as a salesman. With his affable personality and excellent communication skills, he quickly became an excellent sales elite.

Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

But no matter what industry he goes to, his persistent pursuit of the ideal of directing has never wavered. In his spare time, Ferré taught himself a variety of filmmaking techniques, including composition and the use of lens language, and delved into the works of classic directors to understand the artistic mysteries.

He also observed a lot of literary and artistic works of the time, from which he drew inspiration. After having sufficient theoretical foundation and practical experience, he finally became a full-fledged film and television director in 1983 and started his brilliant film life.

In 1983, Ferré finally became a full-fledged director with his solid film theory and rich practical experience. The instant hit debut film "Wandering" won him rave reviews, and everyone inside and outside the industry had high hopes for the new director.

3. In this way, Ferré's directing career kicked off and stepped into the Yangguan Road to success. But happiness is often temporary, and it can't be achieved forever. Several successive works were mediocre at the box office and had setbacks.

Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

At one point, he even fell into the lowest point of his career, and the reputation of the film plummeted, and he was repeatedly questioned and criticized by the media and film critics, and suffered an unprecedented blow.

Just when Ferré was feeling confused and hesitant about his prospects, some nobles came into his life one after another, and regained his confidence with sincere care and sincere encouragement.

The famous director Feng Xiaogang is one of them. Feng Xiaogang, a friend for many years, spared no money, manpower and material resources to fund Fei Lei to regain his vitality and continue to engage in film creation. In addition to Feng Xiaogang, other industry insiders also lent a helping hand, not only mentally emboldened Fei Lei, but also gave him practical support, so that he could devote himself to new film projects and continue to chase his dreams.

Ferré is sincerely grateful for the company and encouragement of these nobles, and he is determined to work tirelessly on the road of film, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, he will never give up halfway. With the encouragement and help of so many noble people, his faith was reborn and his fighting spirit was completely ignited.

Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

In this way, Ferré joined hands with his friends and supporters, and after ten years of low predicament, he finally made a comeback, made excellent film and television works that won the audience and word of mouth, and once again walked on the peak of his life.

As a veteran director, Ferré has a unique artistic concept and creative pursuit. He opposes rigidity and mediocrity. He hopes to convey positive life concepts and values to the audience through his films, inspire people to face up to the dark side of society, and also pay attention to the joys, sorrows and sorrows of ordinary people.

Director Ferré's film works focus on showing the various life of contemporary society. Whether it is depicting the living conditions of office workers in the city, or paying attention to the plight and fate of the people at the bottom, he strives to be close to the truth and achieve a detached appearance.

Fourth, the picture is simple and simple, but the core contains profound ideological connotations. Refracting the brilliance and flaws of human nature from different perspectives, and showing the various states of life, this is Ferré's highest insight and persistent pursuit of film art.

Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

He used the lens to present an edifying artistic experience to the audience, enriching the spiritual life of the public, and thus making indelible contributions to the Chinese film industry. With his outstanding directorial talent and outstanding artistic achievements, Ferré and his representative works are undoubtedly well-deserved classics.

Many of his film and television works have gained huge social influence and reputation, and have won unanimous praise and high praise from peers, experts and scholars in the industry. Some film critics praised Ferré as "a director who shows the various lives of contemporary society".

Even he himself once admitted that he just tried his best to truly reflect the living conditions of ordinary people, and tried to be in tune with his appearance. His films are unpretentious, but their ideological cores are extremely profound, reflecting the rich brilliance and dark side of human nature.

Through documentary but not narrow lens language, director Ferrey presents an edifying artistic experience for the audience, which arouses endless thinking and resonance. This distinctive artistic personality and creative style have left a strong mark on the history of Chinese cinema.

Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

Later in his career, the master director focused more on teaching and educating people. Since 1999, Ferré has been teaching at the Beijing Film Academy and has cultivated a large number of outstanding film talents for the country.

As a mentor, Ferré unreservedly imparts to his students the hardships of his life's film journey, his unique insights and professional accomplishments, hoping that they can learn valuable experience and gain spiritual inspiration.

Countless students have been impressed by the teacher's charisma and noble sentiments, and regard him as a role model and mentor in life. Ferré's tireless teachings have greatly benefited the mystrequents and become the inheritors of the master's precious spiritual wealth.

5. At the same time, he also has his own unique and wise views on the art of film. He advocated that films should not be too reduced to commercial means, but should emphasize artistry and ideological core, so as to achieve the lofty artistic value of educating sentient beings and revealing the times.

Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

At his alma mater, Ferré often talked with his students about artistic concepts and shared his experience in filmmaking. He encouraged students to be bold and innovative, to break outside the traditional framework, to observe the world from a unique perspective, and to speak their minds through the lens.

Many students were impressed by this master's creative philosophy and artistic pursuit, and were determined to study hard and become an outstanding filmmaker in the future, contributing to the film art career of the Chinese nation.

Ferré's legacy on future generations is profound and long-lasting, and his legacy will be passed on from generation to generation through his students. The master retired in this way and passed away, but his spirit and career will be immortal.

In the solemn atmosphere of the cemetery, countless seniors and juniors in the entertainment industry wept bitterly, all of whom have infinite admiration and remembrance for this film master. Many other filmmakers who had worked with Ferre also came to pay their respects, all of whom were impressed by the master's noble personality and outstanding artistic achievements.

Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

Some people held the script of his last work before his death, and told the camera about their endless thoughts about their teacher; Some people cried and said that they would pass on the spirit of the master forever.

Throughout his life, Ferré pursued excellence and achieved remarkable achievements in the film industry. His works vividly show the changes of the times, social development and human nature, and are the pride of Chinese films.

He uses his unique artistic concept and creative style to inject new vitality and vision into the film. And his tireless teaching and educating philosophy will be remembered and passed on by countless students and followers.

6. The master is dead, but his artistic life will forever go down in history, and his film career will not be extinguished. Everyone present was deeply impressed and moved by the life of this great filmmaker.

Feng Xiaogang presided over the funeral, Zhang Guoli read the eulogy, but his death made half of the entertainment industry cry

We will always remember this great film artist, admire his personality, and admire his achievements. He is rooted in this era, but above this era, and is a timeless example of art!

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