
There is a kind of "affection" called Luo Jin and Tang Yan, who married love and lived as a textbook for couples in the entertainment industry

author:Mu Mu said entertainment

1. In 2011, Tang Yan and Luo Jin cooperated for the first time to shoot the TV series "Gone with the Wind". At that time, they had just come out of their painful feelings and were wary of new romances. Tang Yan walked into the studio in a gorgeous costume, with bright eyes and bright teeth.

But outside the camera, her eyes are often distracted, and she doesn't seem to have completely recovered from her old wounds. , a popular little girl born in the mainland in 83, was betrayed by her ex-boyfriend Qiu Ze not long ago, and the emotional trauma made her cold and rational about love again.

As a Taiwanese student, Luo Jin also came to the crew with pain. He once had a sister-brother relationship with actor Sowers, and the age difference between the two by 4 years attracted questions from others.

But Luo Jin treats this relationship wholeheartedly, and when the nursery's parents are sick, he serves the two elders without reservation, winning the reputation of a quasi-son-in-law. Unexpectedly, just when he thought that he was finally recognized by his family and could set foot in the marriage hall, Sowers suddenly unilaterally proposed to break up, which broke Luo Jin's heart hard.

There is a kind of "affection" called Luo Jin and Tang Yan, who married love and lived as a textbook for couples in the entertainment industry

Luo Jin was sincere to the nursery back then. When the nursery's parents were seriously ill, Luo Jin personally went into battle to take care of the two elders and won the reputation of a prospective son-in-law. He thought that he had finally gained the approval of his family and could stride towards marriage.

Unexpectedly, when he was full of longing, the nursery suddenly unilaterally proposed to break up. This is undoubtedly like a basin of cold water poured on his head, pouring Luo Jin into the cold. He tried his best to keep it, but the nursery turned a blind eye and still left coldly in Luo Jin's pleading.

It wasn't until the nursery married a wealthy businessman that Luo Jin realized that he was just a marriage that was taken advantage of. And Tang Yan suffered even more heavily. She has been in love with her ex-boyfriend Qiu Ze for many years, and it can be said that she is obsessed.

Second, even if Qiu Ze has been photographed intimately with other women many times, Tang Yan is willing to forgive again and again. In order to maintain this relationship, she did not hesitate to argue for Qiu Ze on the show, and even flew to Taiwan to sort out his clothes and clean his room in person.

There is a kind of "affection" called Luo Jin and Tang Yan, who married love and lived as a textbook for couples in the entertainment industry

It wasn't until Qiu Ze and actress Li Yufen in the same crew were caught and raped by Tang Yan on the spot that she completely sobered up and saw Qiu Ze's scumbag nature clearly. But even so, Tang Yan couldn't let go in her heart, and she still delusionally hoped that Qiu Ze would change her mind.

It wasn't until Qiu Ze ruthlessly left the mainland and completely abandoned Tang Yan that she was completely disheartened and began to dislike the hurt of love. From "Gone with the Wind" to "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" to "Carat Lovers", Tang Yan and Luo Jin have cooperated in the crew again and again, and have also deepened their understanding of each other again and again.

At first, both men remained politely distancing from each other. After all, no one wants to open their hearts rashly when their wounds are not healed. But as time went by, Tang Yan found that Luo Jin was sincere and simple, and he had the greatest respect for every staff member.

Luo Jin appreciates Tang Yan's diligent and dedicated work attitude, even if she is already a popular flower, she never puts on a show to show off her might. The expectations of the two for the ideal other half also gradually coincided.

There is a kind of "affection" called Luo Jin and Tang Yan, who married love and lived as a textbook for couples in the entertainment industry

Luo Jin said that he thinks the most romantic thing about two people together is that they are relatively silent and have a good understanding of each other. Tang Yan also said that she didn't care about vows or material gifts, but only cared about whether the other party had the purest sincerity.

So unconsciously, the hearts of the two moved closer to each other. In the last drama of the cooperation, they can no longer hide their inner love and start a real relationship.

On December 6, 2016, Tang Yan's 34th birthday, they showed their affection on Weibo and officially announced their relationship to the world. Although some fans of Tang Yan previously questioned whether Luo Jin was another scumbag, watching the increasingly greasy interaction between the two, the doubts from the outside world gradually turned into blessings.

Third, everyone saw a deeply loved Luo Jin, and Tang Yan's look of dependence on him. The news of the relationship was made public and was not favored by the outside world at first. After all, Tang Yan was deeply hurt by her ex-boyfriend Qiu Ze before, and her fans were all worried that her new boyfriend Luo Jin was also a scumbag.

There is a kind of "affection" called Luo Jin and Tang Yan, who married love and lived as a textbook for couples in the entertainment industry

Moreover, Luo Jin was well-known in the entertainment industry at that time, but his career achievements were still much inferior to Tang Yan's. But as the love between the two became stronger and stronger, Luo Jin's doting on Tang Yan and his demeanor on the tip of his heart were shown again and again, and the doubts of the outside world gradually turned into blessings.

Everyone saw a Luo Jin who was deeply in love with Tang Yan and 100% single-minded. Tang Yan also praised Luo Jin as a man who is wholeheartedly devoted to his family, friends, and work, and always puts her in the top priority of life.

Luo Jin practiced his concept of love with actions, and the two have been together for ten years, and he has never had a trace of scandal or negative news. As a result, their relationship has been recognized by the whole people, and Tang Yan's fans have changed from questioning opponents to loyal CP fans, and they have been satisfied in the sugar melon stalls of the two.

Looking at this loving couple, everyone was sincerely happy and proud of them. Time flies, and by 2018, the relationship between the two has been long. On October 28 of this year, they held a dream wedding in a romantic European-style castle, which made Tang Yan finally realize her dream of marrying a princess.

There is a kind of "affection" called Luo Jin and Tang Yan, who married love and lived as a textbook for couples in the entertainment industry

The whole wedding scene was arranged like a royal wedding, sprinkled with flowers and candlelight everywhere, and Tang Yan was dressed in a white gauze dress like a princess bride who came out of a movie. Looking at Tang Yan, who was wearing delicate makeup, slowly walking, Luo Jin's eyes were full of obsession.

"She was so beautiful at that moment that I couldn't take my eyes off it," Luo Jin later recalled, "I made up my mind at that time that I must spend the rest of my life loving her." At the wedding, Luo Jin, under the witness of the host, solemnly made a lifelong love vow to Tang Yan.

Although he himself doesn't like exaggerated romance very much, for Tang Yan's sake, he still did his best to arrange this dream wedding, just to make her beloved happy. "When Luo Jin stood on the stage and told me those promises, my tears flowed out of my eyes.

Fourth," Tang Yan said, "I know that he loves me from the bottom of his heart, and that sense of happiness is unprecedented." After getting married, Luo Jin fulfilled his promise one by one with actions. As long as he is not working, he will be by Tang Yan's side 24 hours a day, and he will take care of all the big and small affairs in his life.

There is a kind of "affection" called Luo Jin and Tang Yan, who married love and lived as a textbook for couples in the entertainment industry

After Tang Yan became pregnant and gave birth, Luo Jin became a full-time dad and took care of all the housework. Seeing her husband taking such considerate care, Tang Yan's heart was not only moved, but also moved.

She smiled and said, "Sometimes I wonder if he is serving me like a princess?"

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