
Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

author:Entertaining jokes

Edit: Entertainment Jokes

"Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" has attracted attention as a remake of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", but it has received rave reviews, the plot of the show has many loopholes, and important plots have been deleted, which is confusing.

The casting is even more of a disaster, the starring actors are all pulling their hips, Guo Jing is old-fashioned, Huang Rong's appearance and acting skills are not good, and other characters such as Mei Chaofeng is not ugly and anti-American, etc., are also inconsistent with the original work.

The new generation of actors and old actors are also inappropriate, and Wang Jinsong's frequent performances in bad dramas are worrying that his later season will not be guaranteed.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

Jin Yong's martial arts story was originally the ceiling, but the remake was so bad, it was rightly complained by the audience, and it was ridiculous that the casting did not respect the original work, and I just hope that it can be slightly improved in the future.

As the pinnacle of martial arts novels, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has a deep mass base.

Whenever Guo Jing and Huang Rong are mentioned, countless people's hearts will be filled with that innocent and bloody dream of rivers and lakes.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

When the news came that this classic was once again brought to the small screen, the audience's emotions were undoubtedly mixed - both expecting the surprise of the new interpretation and fearing that the classic would be destroyed.

As the series aired, the audience's apprehension gradually turned into disappointment, and that love for the classics was hurt by the various mishandling of the new drama.

The handling of the plot of the new drama can be said to be one of the biggest failures.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

The unforgettable plots in the original work, such as the warmth of Niujia Village, the emotional cultivation between Guo Jing and the Seven Monsters master and apprentice, and the vivid depictions of characters such as Temujin, Tuolei, and Hua Zheng.

This is almost brushed off or omitted entirely, making the entire story framework seem fragmented and lacking in coherence and depth.

Especially the emotional foreshadowing between Guo Jing and the Seven Monsters, the display of the deep master-apprentice friendship in the original work, is pale and powerless in the new play, making it difficult for people to feel the deep meaning of the love between master and apprentice.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

If the appropriate deletion of the plot can still be regarded by some viewers as a necessary adjustment to adapt to the needs of modern fast-paced viewing, then the character casting mistakes.

This sand version of Guo Jing is admittedly trying to capture and show the simplicity and integrity of the character in the performance, which constitute the core characteristics of Guo Jing's personality charm.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

It's a pity that his overly mature appearance and lack of youth's unique youth and vitality make this image a clear separation from the original book and the audience's hearts of the young hero who is new to the rivers and lakes, full of enthusiasm and righteousness.

On the other hand, Huang Rihua's interpretation in the classic version in the early years, whether it is in the proximity of the appearance, or in the deep excavation and presentation of Guo Jing's inner world, is more in line with Jin Yong's "Condor Hero".

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

Huang Rihua, with his unique honest smile, simple eyes, and tenacity and wisdom that gradually showed as the plot developed, perfectly outlined Guo Jing's mental trajectory from ignorance to maturity.

This allows the audience to deeply feel the growth and change of the character, and then resonate strongly.

His interpretation not only conforms to Guo Jing's "unpretentious" image setting in appearance, but also at the level of acting skills, through delicate emotional expression, Guo Jing's every choice and growth seems natural and convincing.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

The success of character casting is not only a matter of physical similarity, but more importantly, whether it can accurately grasp and convey the inner spirit of the character, as well as whether the temperament between the actor and the character is compatible.

This controversy over character creation once again reminds film and television creators that while pursuing innovation and individuality, they must also respect and be faithful to the spiritual core of the original work, as well as the audience's collective memory and emotional sustenance for classic characters.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

Only in this way can we find the most appropriate balance between inheritance and innovation, and truly win the hearts of the audience.

Huang Rong's casting Bao Shangen, although she tried hard to show the wit and agility of the character, her temperament was obviously inferior to Weng Meiling's version of Huang Rong, and the youthfulness of her acting skills also made this role lose its original brilliance.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

As for Mei Chaofeng, Meng Ziyi's image is far from the cold and ruthless Mei Chaofeng in the original book, and her interpretation is more like the sweet heroine in the idol drama, rather than the terrifying heir of the Nine Yin White Bone Claws.

In "The Legend of the New Condor Heroes", although the performances of several main characters have their own highlights, they inevitably attract some criticism from the audience.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

Huang Yaoshi played by Zhou Yiwei, who should be a suave and talented Peach Blossom Island owner, seems to be a little too strong under Zhou Yiwei's interpretation.

His every look and movement seems to emphasize "I'm acting", and this excessive performance trace does not deepen the charm of the character.

gave the character of Huang Yaoshi a veil of deliberateness and artificiality, which was far from the elegant image in the original book.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

turned to look at Hong Qigong played by Ming Dao, and the problem is more reflected in the disconnection between the shape and the character's personality.

Hong Qigong, known as the "Nine-Fingered Beggar", is an open-minded and uninhibited martial arts master in Jin Yong's pen.

The Mingdao version of Hong Qigong is too particular about its styling design, lacking the freedom and uninhibition that the beggar gang leader should have.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

Such a visual presentation makes it difficult for the audience to associate him with the "northern beggar" who wanders the rivers and lakes casually and enjoys food, which invisibly weakens the convincing power of the character, and even makes the audience feel out of drama in some scenes.

As for the master of the lamp played by He Rundong, he was originally a descendant of the royal family of the Duan clan in Dali, who became a monk due to love and eventually became a monk, so he should show a kind of indifference and detachment beyond the world.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

It's a pity that in He Rundong's performance, this transcendent temperament has not been fully reflected.

His interpretation is more inclined to the calm on the surface, lacking the depth and wisdom that radiates from the inside out, which makes the role of the master of a lamp appear relatively flat, not three-dimensional and full.

Ouyang Feng played by Gao Weiguang, as the villain "West Poison" in the original book, should have been a scheming and scheming character.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

But Gao Weiguang's handsome and upright face is in stark contrast to Ouyang Feng's cunning and vicious personality, and this image incongruity makes it difficult for the audience to fully immerse themselves in the complex psychology and dark side of the character.

Although Gao Weiguang tried to make up for this deficiency through his acting skills, that righteous and awe-inspiring face still made Ouyang Feng's image seem a little out of place, and failed to perfectly convey the yin and ruthlessness that the role should have.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

In this sea of casting controversy, Wang Jinsong's appearance should have been a bright spot.

Although he only plays the supporting role of Huang Yaoshi's father-in-law in the play, his superb acting skills are still one of the few highlights.

Wang Jinsong has frequently dabbled in some works with poor reputation in recent years, which also makes people worry about the "late festival" of this old drama bone.

The remake of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is undoubtedly a challenge to the classics, but it is also a test of the production team's ability.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

In the face of classics, any changes need to be cautious, because every adaptation is a dialogue with the memories of millions of readers and viewers.

The failure of this remake is not only due to the deletion and confusion of the plot, but also to the serious deviation of the casting, which not only hurts the audience's emotions, but also has a bad impact on the actors themselves.

The audience's criticism of the new drama is a love for Jin Yong's martial arts world, and a desire for high-quality film and television works.

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

Future remakes should learn lessons from it, respect the original work more, cast carefully, and polish the script finely, only in this way can we live up to the classics and expectations.

What is the ideal casting for "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in your mind? Among the many versions, which actor's interpretation is closest to Guo Jing and Huang Rong in your heart?

Rotten! Wang Jinsong's remake of the new "Shooting the Condor", the casting of all the staff was spicy and scolding, and he was ridiculed for not being able to protect the night

The remake of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" may not be satisfactory, but it also reminds us that the reason why a classic is a classic is because it has left an indelible mark on the hearts of countless people.

There is still a long way to go, and we look forward to one day seeing a "Legend of the Condor Heroes" that can really touch the heart and satisfy both new and old audiences.

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