
The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

author:Entertaining jokes

Edit: Entertainment Jokes

Zhu Xun began to host CCTV programs at the age of 14, and she was as famous as Dong Qing.

During her illness, rumors abounded, such as her mother's desperate abandonment of her, and the breakdown of her relationship after marrying into a wealthy family.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

She was not valued by her mother when she was a child, and she was treated indifferently by her mother when she was in college, she had a bumper harvest in career and love, and although she suffered from cancer after marriage, she still appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Now 51 years old, she lives happily, her hosting style is cheerful and generous, her experience is full of twists and turns, and her tenacity in the fight against cancer is admirable.

In Beijing in 1973, a seemingly ordinary but destined extraordinary girl was born - Zhu Xun.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

In a family of intellectuals, she was the second of three daughters, which in a way doomed her to face more neglect and self-exploration.

The busyness and preference of her parents made her learn to be independent and strong since she was a child, and this independence became her most valuable asset when she embarked on the road of studying in a foreign country.

After graduating from high school, Zhu Xun resolutely chose to study in Japan, which was an important turning point in her life.

The threshold of the Asian school did not open a path paved with flowers for her, but a journey full of thorns.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

The shortage of living expenses forced her to support herself, and the sudden hemangioma hit her hard.

In those days of loneliness and illness, Zhu Xun did not choose to give up, but used her thin shoulders to carry her fate.

She taught herself from her hospital bed, struggled in the library, and eventually won a scholarship with her own efforts, and even found her own stage on Nippon TV.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

In the face of her mother's indifference and alienation, Zhu Xun's heart was full of complicated emotions, which prompted her to make the decision to return to China and find her own world again.

After returning to China, Zhu Xun is like a phoenix reborn in Nirvana, not only not bound by the haze of the past, but with a new attitude, bravely spread his wings and soar towards a more brilliant future.

In the spring of 2000, she took a crucial step in her career - standing on the stage of CCTV.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

This is not only a physical transfer, but also a leap forward in her personal career and spiritual journey.

Zhu Xun, with his unique personal charm, is like a fresh spring breeze, blowing into the TV screens of thousands of households.

In the classic program "Zhengda Variety Show", Zhu Xun is not only a host, but also a cultural communicator and emotional bridge.

She uses her wisdom and talent to lead the audience to explore the mysteries of the world, and at the same time unabashedly shares her growth story, allowing the audience to witness a beautiful transformation from youth to maturity.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

Every appearance in front of the camera is her victory in self-challenge, and it is also the best response to the audience's expectations.

Every time Zhu Xun blooms on the screen, it is like announcing to the world: no matter what the past is, as long as there is courage and persistence, everyone can write their own gorgeous chapter.

The boom in his career did not make Zhu Xun ignore other aspects of his life.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

In 2004, she and Wang Zhi, who is also a CCTV host, entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, and the combination of the two is like a match made in heaven, not only because they are both leaders in the media industry, but also because of the mutual understanding and respect in the depths of their hearts.

This marriage is not only a testimony of love, but also the most solid backing for Zhu Xun's life journey.

Between work and family, Zhu Xun has found the perfect balance, she not only continues to shine in front of the screen, but also silently cultivates the field of love in the small world of the family, as a wife and mother.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

She used her actions to interpret what it means to "cultivate both inside and outside", and the double success of her career and family has made her a "winner in life" in the minds of countless people.

Zhu Xun's story is a legend of courage, tenacity and love.

She makes us believe that no matter what kind of challenges we encounter, as long as we maintain our faith and face them bravely, we can shine the brightest on the stage of life like her.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

Her experience is an encouragement to all dreamers, reminding us that true success lies not only in professional achievement, but also in how to love, live, and become a better version of ourselves.

Just when Zhu Xun felt that her career and life were beginning to enter a stable and hopeful track, fate quietly paved an unexpected tortuous path for her.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

In that tense and busy Spring Festival Gala preparation season, a sudden news was like a bolt from the blue - she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

Such news is undoubtedly a heavy and unacceptable blow to anyone who is on the rise in their career.

Zhu Xun did not choose to retreat or immerse herself in self-pity, she showed extraordinary courage and tenacity.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

In the face of illness, Zhu Xun did not let fear take over her heart, but continued to devote herself to the work she loved with an almost incredible optimism.

Even though the operation and subsequent treatment process were full of physical and mental tests, she never let go of her enthusiasm and dedication to the stage.

The ward has become her temporary "studio", where she actively undergoes treatment while not forgetting her work, and continues to participate in the planning and discussion of the program through conference calls and emails.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

Zhu Xun uses her actions to explain what true strength is, and her story inspires everyone who knows her.

Time passed slowly, and after a series of difficult treatments and unremitting efforts, at the Spring Festival Gala in 2009, Zhu Xun once again stood on the familiar and bright stage.

At that moment, her smile was brighter than ever, which was not only the relief and joy after overcoming the disease, but also a kind of tenderness and cherishment after a deep understanding of life.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

Her smile seems to tell the world: although life is fragile, the will can be extremely strong; The challenges may be daunting, but the power of love and dreams is enough to overcome them.

In the face of gossip on the Internet, Zhu Xun showed her calmness and wisdom beyond ordinary people.

She did not choose silence or anger, but through an open letter, with sincere emotions and a peaceful attitude, she clarified all false rumors, and this courage and honesty moved countless people.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

The death of his mother, for Zhu Xun, is another form of farewell and reconciliation.

Although the absence of mother's love during her growth made her resentful, under the baptism of time, Zhu Xun learned to understand and forgive.

She misses her distant mother in her own way, and this longing across time and space finally turns into a more cherishing and love for life.

She decided to let go of the burden of the past and meet every tomorrow with a more relaxed attitude.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

Today's Zhu Xun, although she may no longer be as sharp as she was back in the day in her hosting career, she is still a good wife and mother who can be at ease at home and work.

Her story is a revelation to those who come after her—no matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, as long as you have light in your heart, you can light the way forward.

Zhu Xun used his own experience to tell us that the spirit of perseverance and perseverance is the most valuable wealth in the journey of life.

The loneliness of "CCTV's first sister" Zhu Xun is the sorrow of the entire hosting industry, which makes people sad

She expects more newcomers to inherit this spirit, continue to pursue excellence, and make "one generation stronger than the next" is not just a slogan, but a belief in the hearts of every dreamer.

Zhu Xun's life is like a rose blooming proudly in the wind and rain, and her story is the best interpretation of the word "tenacity".

In the days to come, no matter what the road ahead, we believe that Zhu Xun will continue to write her own legend in her unique way.

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