
Remembering the great man has become a "business"

author:The eunuch talked

Chairman Mao, the great leader, is a great man in the eyes of the people of the whole country, and many people on the Internet have spontaneously expressed their nostalgia for the great man through various means.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

Some people share rare photos of great men, some people write down their feelings, and the vast majority of the people involved are nostalgic for the great man from the bottom of their hearts, but there are also a small number of people with impure motives, who miss the great man for other purposes.

To this day, these people are actually using the huge influence of the great man to earn benefits for themselves, on the surface, they are also missing the great man, many netizens are still paralyzed by them, and even like and comment on the content created by these people, becoming their loyal fans, thinking that they have found a confidant.

I have to admit that their camouflage ability is indeed very strong, and there is a tendency to discriminate between right and wrong and reverse black and white, because they have openly turned the memory of Chairman Mao into a money-making "business".

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

In order to facilitate the expression, a relevant self-media author was randomly selected as a representative of the influence of the great man of consumption.

Looking at the basic information first, the author has as many as 34,000 followers, and his influence cannot be ignored, and what is even more surprising is that almost all of the content he creates is related to great people, the number reaches more than 8,500, although the content is quite brief, he is indeed incredibly prolific.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

An observation of his work suggests that these are often centered on photographs of great men, accompanied by a short text in a nostalgic style.

is such a mediocre content, every time it can bring him hundreds of likes, and the number of views of each piece of content is more than 10,000, it is not too much to call it a traffic darling, because his content can always attract a large number of fans, and he knows too well what fans want to see.

It is worth mentioning that he has received a total of 8.46 million likes, and his works are more than 8,500, which shows that his average number of likes per work is about 1,000.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

Is it so popular on the web because the content is excellent?

Of course not.

The super high popularity is mainly due to the influence of the great man, and the author took advantage of the psychology of the masses to love Chairman Mao, and inadvertently gained huge traffic.

This is also the reason why he has been able to persist for several years, he has grasped the secret of traffic, and according to his posting habits, he posts five works a day, that is, five photos and copywriting with a total of no more than 100 words, and the total time of posting will not exceed five minutes.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

Compared with those real self-media, this is simply a gesture, and it can even be said that it is unearned, the author repeats the same operation year after year, day after day, the traffic is inexhaustible, and the income is endless.

Some people may wonder, is such simple content that doesn't require a lot of thought really that popular?

Yes, really welcome.

The author's early creative content was simpler, with only one photo and no text explanation, but it did not affect the majority of fans to praise him.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

Some people are also curious, with more than 8,500 works, even if one work uses one photo, it needs more than 8,500 photos, where can he find so many materials? Do great men have so many photos?

Don't worry about him, photos are reusable.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

In fact, he has posted the same photo many times at different times, and those materials have been used by him repeatedly, not only the photos can be repeated, but even the text is exactly the same, and sometimes multiple content posted on the same day, the copy is the same, which makes people laugh.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"
Remembering the great man has become a "business"
Remembering the great man has become a "business"

Where does this seem like normal remembrance?

All of the above proves that the noble behavior of remembering the great man has been made into a "business" with no bottom line, and he has done everything in order to obtain traffic and income.

He did get a substantial return and made a lot of money because of it.

So, is his behavior really remembrance?

Of course not.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

He was only doing it for personal gain, and if his actions were not supported by interests, he would not have been able to hold on for so long and still enjoy it.

It's a pity that many netizens who don't know the truth still regard such an author as a bosom friend, but they don't know that they have fallen into his trap.

There are also those who retort that whether he is doing it for profit or really out of nostalgia, his actions are at least genuine, and it is better than those who speak disrespectfully and speak openly, and there is no need to delve into what the purpose is.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

Please observe carefully, his works, the copywriting is the same, almost all of them are shouting slogans, without any thoughts and feelings of their own, all relying on copy and paste, such remembrance is not warm and insincere.

If it is the real villain who speaks disrespectfully, then the author of hypocrisy is a hypocrite.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

And what about those photos?

He never explained the details or the context of the photos, and even if he didn't know, he could explore them and share them.

He is keen to post pictures, but has never contributed to the restoration of old photos, and some of the photos he publishes have tricky angles, which seriously do not match his enthusiastic copywriting, but the author just likes to post these not very representative photos or video screenshots, and he ignores those photos of truly representative great people.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

Where is this remembrance?

There is no such vulgar, low-level remembrance.

It is worth mentioning that this "businessman" has sent more than 8,500 works, the photos have been sent, the copywriting has long been used up, and the next thing is to keep repeating and repeating.

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

Anything noble, once it is linked to money and interests, will be polluted and become unnoble.

Remembering the great leader Chairman Mao, how can it be a "business", such a remembrance, I would rather not.

It should be particularly emphasized that the above-mentioned author is just a representative I randomly found on the Internet, and there are many similar people, and there are many similar "businesses".

Remembering the great man has become a "business"

Therefore, please keep your eyes open, don't be taken advantage of by these people, the real remembrance is simple, without distractions.
