
Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?

author:Great discoveries of knowledge


Have you ever wondered if a foreign ambassador commits a crime with us, can the police uncle come to the door and arrest him? The answer may surprise you – not really! Behind this, there is something that sounds quite lofty, but in fact has something to do with our daily life, called "diplomatic immunity".

Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?

What is diplomatic immunity?

To put it simply, diplomatic immunity is like a "bell-hooded iron shirt" for foreign diplomats. As long as they are still on errands in our country, they can basically avoid the legal control of our country. For example, if they accidentally crash into a car on the road, or owe someone money and don't pay it back, the police, the courts, and generally don't take them along. Doesn't that sound amazing?

Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?
Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?

Where does this right come from?

This privilege is not something that any country has come up with on a whim, but it is backed by international law. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is the "holy decree" of this matter, which clearly stipulates the privileges and immunities enjoyed by diplomatic agents. Why is this so?

Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?
Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?
Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?

Gotta start at the beginning. A long, long time ago, the envoys were like "messengers" between countries, they carried the king's message between countries, and if they were bullied on the road, the two countries would have conflicts. Therefore, everyone slowly formed a tacit understanding: don't touch other people's messengers, let them complete the task safely. This is the ancestor of diplomatic immunity.

How big is this privilege?

That's a big deal! Not only do diplomats not have to worry about being prosecuted for trivial matters, but they are sometimes "immune" to rent, utility bills, and even parking fines. What's more, their homes and offices, even if they are foreign land, cannot be searched casually in the country where they are stationed. This is simply an upgraded version of "my territory, my way"!

Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?
Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?

For example, there was once an ambassador of one country who had an accident in his car, which was quite serious. As a result, the police could only stare dryly when they arrived, because the ambassador enjoyed immunity and could not arrest or prosecute him directly. In the end, the fact that this issue was resolved diplomatically shows how tough this privilege is.

However, there are no rules

While diplomatic immunity may seem bullish, it is not unlimited. For example, if a diplomat commits a particularly serious crime, such as terrorism, immunity may be temporarily lifted and justice can be done. After all, the international community still pays attention to fairness and justice.

Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?
Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?

Those controversies and challenges

Sometimes, diplomatic immunity can be misunderstood or abused. Some people use this umbrella to do something illegal, and then hide behind immunity and get away with it. If there are many such cases, it will naturally cause public dissatisfaction and headaches for legal experts. How to find a balance between ensuring the smooth flow of diplomatic activities and maintaining the dignity of the law has become a major problem.

Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?
Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?

Now, many countries and international organizations are wondering how diplomatic immunity can be better adapted to the needs of modern society. It is likely that in the future we will see more detailed rules that will both protect diplomats and prevent abuses of immunity. After all, international rules also have to keep pace with the times!

Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?
Diplomatic immunity, what does it mean? Where does this right come from? What are the privileges?

After reading this, do you have a new understanding of diplomatic immunity? Do you think this is interesting? Or do you have your own opinion on a particular case?

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