
Procuratorial services into the enterprise need to provide advice and protection for development

author:Yibin Politics and Law

On June 18, the Xingwen County People's Procuratorate organized cadres and police officers to go deep into the pure oil mills of enterprises in the jurisdiction to conduct on-the-spot visits, find out the judicial clues of profit-seeking law enforcement, send legal products to enterprises, and help enterprises develop healthily.

Procuratorial services into the enterprise need to provide advice and protection for development

During the investigation and visit, the procuratorial cadres and police, accompanied by the person in charge of the enterprise, visited the factory of the enterprise on the spot, and comprehensively understood the basic situation and production and operation status of the enterprise from the person in charge of the enterprise around the rapeseed frying, production process, vegetable withering treatment and refined oil preservation.

Procuratorial services into the enterprise need to provide advice and protection for development
Procuratorial services into the enterprise need to provide advice and protection for development
Procuratorial services into the enterprise need to provide advice and protection for development

Through discussions and exchanges, the procuratorial cadres and police introduced the functional role and work effectiveness of the procuratorial organs in escorting the high-quality development of the private economy to the person in charge of the enterprise, publicized the special action policies and measures of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" and "inspection and protection of people's livelihood", explained in detail the legal knowledge of enterprise production and operation, safety management, and standardized employment, focusing on the interpretation of the standardized signing of labor contracts between enterprises and workers, the purchase of work-related injury insurance, and the protection of workers' working conditions, so as to help enterprises plug management loopholes and improve management levels.

In response to the specific legal issues raised by the person in charge of the enterprise, the procuratorial cadres and police started from the food field, analyzed the types of disputes that are prone to occur in grain and oil enterprises, put forward legal suggestions on safety production for pure oil mills, and emphasized that food safety is related to thousands of households and is closely related to the quality of life of the people.

The person in charge of the pure oil mill said that it will strictly implement standardized production and quality inspection to ensure the safety of grain and oil production, and also hopes that the procuratorate can regularly enter the enterprise to provide professional legal knowledge for the enterprise, help the enterprise solve the "visible" problem, and prevent the "invisible" risk.

(Li Yu)

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