
People have old kidney failure first, and a Zhang Zhongjing's kidney tonic prescription will help you make up for kidney qi, kidney yang, and kidney yin

author:Traditional Chinese medicine male Ke Lu Shuilin

When people are old, their kidneys fail first, and many people will pay attention to the state of their kidneys when they are healthy, and they will always eat something to nourish their kidneys. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation, the kidney stores essence, the main reproductive development, the main bone and marrow, and the health of the human body is very closely related to the kidney. In addition, kidney essence can metamorphose kidney qi, and kidney qi can be divided into yin and yang, which each plays its own role and jointly promotes the physiological activities of the viscera.

People have old kidney failure first, and a Zhang Zhongjing's kidney tonic prescription will help you make up for kidney qi, kidney yang, and kidney yin

Whether we are healthy or not depends on whether our kidneys are healthy or not. Some friends, next year is not old, they always feel weak, unable to lift energy, no energy every day, accompanied by dizziness and tinnitus, waist and knee soreness, gray hair, memory loss, etc., some male friends also have functional problems, that aspect is always inadequate, in fact, these are the manifestations of kidney deficiency.

For this situation, if we want to replenish the kidney, we had better not blindly make up for it, we must know one thing, that is, kidney deficiency can be divided into kidney qi deficiency, kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency. If you make up for it in the wrong direction, not only will it have no effect, but it may also lead to an aggravation of the disease.

People have old kidney failure first, and a Zhang Zhongjing's kidney tonic prescription will help you make up for kidney qi, kidney yang, and kidney yin

I would like to share with you a recipe - Kidney Qi Qi, which comes from the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing, and is composed of eight Chinese medicinal herbs such as Poria cocos, Ze Yuan, Yam, Rehmannia and Cinnamon Branch. And you know what? This medicine is based on the six flavors of Astragalus and two more herbs, namely aconite and cinnamon branches.

Among them, Poria cocos, Danpi and Ze Epsom can vent heat, stasis and dampness, collectively known as "three discharges"; Yam, dogwood and rehmannia can nourish the essence and blood of the liver, spleen and kidney, collectively known as "three supplements", and these six flavors of medicine constitute the famous six-flavor rehmannia root; In addition, aconite can warm the kidneys and help yang; Cinnamon branches, which have the effect of channeling yang, these two flavored medicines, can replenish kidney yang. The combination of various medicines can restore the function of the kidneys and restore kidney qi.

People have old kidney failure first, and a Zhang Zhongjing's kidney tonic prescription will help you make up for kidney qi, kidney yang, and kidney yin

The above content is for reference only, if you are unwell, you need to take medication under the guidance of a professional doctor! Well, that's all for today's sharing, see you next time!