
Bad sex and damp thighs? Traditional Chinese medicine helps you get through the blockage and make up for the deficiency

author:Traditional Chinese medicine male Ke Lu Shuilin

Many male friends have decreased function, poor andrology, damp thigh roots, many people think that this is caused by kidney deficiency, but after tonifying the kidney, there is no effect, and even good on fire, such as mouth and tongue sores, mouth ulcers, etc., what is going on?

Bad sex and damp thighs? Traditional Chinese medicine helps you get through the blockage and make up for the deficiency

In fact, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this situation has a lot to do with liver depression. Nowadays, life is quite stressful, and many people will feel anxious and depressed, and their mood will be sluggish after a long time. Liver stagnation and poor qi will affect the operation of yang qi and qi and blood in the body, and hinder the filling of qi and blood into the tendons, which will cause symptoms such as soreness in the waist and knees, dampness in the scrotum, and decreased function.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the circulation of the liver meridian surrounds the yin organs, so whether the liver is normal or not has a great impact on that aspect. If the liver is depressed and the qi and blood are not running smoothly, resulting in the fact that the tendons cannot be nourished by the qi and blood, then there will naturally be poor intercourse. In this case, it is necessary to relieve the liver and relieve depression.

Bad sex and damp thighs? Traditional Chinese medicine helps you get through the blockage and make up for the deficiency

At the same time, it takes into account the warmth and yang supplementation of yang, so that there is an opportunity to have sufficient yang energy to warm up the transpiration water and invigorate the sect's tendons. This cleared the blockage in the body, the qi and blood were smooth, and the yang qi was smooth, and the situation in that aspect was naturally improved.

At this time, you can consider using Bupleurum Shugansan with Guifu Dihuang decoction to regulate, which can effectively help you improve a series of problems such as decreased function caused by liver stagnation and kidney yang deficiency, poor intercourse, and dampness at the root of the thighs.

Bad sex and damp thighs? Traditional Chinese medicine helps you get through the blockage and make up for the deficiency

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, and the conditioning plan varies from person to person, so it is recommended to use medicine under the guidance of a professional Chinese medicine doctor! Well, that's all for today's sharing, see you next time!

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