
Putin appointed his niece as deputy defense minister for two words: rest assured

author:The second ball is Han
Putin appointed his niece as deputy defense minister for two words: rest assured

Putin is a big man and does things extraordinary. At a time when Russia and Ukraine were at loggerheads, on June 17, with a stroke of the pen, an order was signed to dismiss four deputy defense ministers.

They were: 1. Pavel Popov, relieved of the post of Deputy Minister of Defense and retired from active duty.

2. Nikolai Pankov.

3. Ruslan Tsalkov.

4. Tatyana Shevtsova.

A turnip is a pit, and if there is a dismissal, there will be an appointment. With another stroke of his pen, Putin appointed four new Russian deputy defense ministers.

The first is: Leonid Gorning, appointed First Deputy Minister of Defense.

The second: Anna Tsveryova, who was appointed Deputy Minister of Defense.

The third is: Pavel Vradkov, appointed Deputy Minister of Defense.

The fourth is; Oleg Savelyev, appointed Deputy Minister of Defense.

Putin appointed his niece as deputy defense minister for two words: rest assured

With a third stroke of the pen, Putin signed an order allowing the Ministry of Defense to appoint 12 deputy ministers, including two first deputy ministers.

Why did Putin dismiss four deputy defense ministers at this time, appoint four new deputy defense ministers, and allow the Ministry of Defense to appoint 12 deputy ministers?

The first is the purge of the remnants of the former minister, Sergei Shoigu, after the appointment of an economic expert as Minister of Defense. Although many people think that at the beginning of the war, Shoigu was able to become a god in one battle, but Dongfeng did not fight with Zhou Lang and fought the blitzkrieg for more than two years. It made Putin feel that although Shoigu is a cronie, it is not possible to fight a war by cronies alone. When Shoigu is dismissed, it is necessary to pull out the radish and bring out the mud, and Shoigu's cronies must also be dismissed, so that the new minister can better fight the battle.

Second, Putin believes that Chinese philosophy is not corrupt, and he has replaced some old vice ministers with new ones, lest the Ministry of Defense not have the ability to promote victory in the war.

Third, Putin wants to appoint people he believes in, so that the Ministry of Defense will not cause chaos.

In the point of replacing his own people, Putin learned the ancient Chinese principle of employing people and not avoiding relatives. Zveryova, is a relative of Putin. Tsveryova is the daughter of Putin's late cousin, and according to the Chinese, Tsveryova is Putin's own niece.

Letting his niece be the deputy minister of defense shows President Putin's courage and grandeur in not avoiding his relatives. The media said that in early June, Putin met with Zvileva in the Kremlin, and the discussion may be about serving as deputy defense minister.

Tsvileva did not hold a post in the army before her appointment as deputy defense minister. Tsvileva's profession is a businesswoman and psychologist, who served as the president of a large Russian coal mining company. A man with no military background became a deputy minister of defense, not in charge of the war, but in charge of the army's housing affairs.

Putin appointed his niece as deputy defense minister for two words: rest assured

Putin's niece, Tsveryova, who served as deputy defense minister, was also only a deputy minister. Her husband is Russia's energy minister and former governor of the Kemerovo region.

Russia is an energy power, and Putin is relieved to hand over the energy minister to his niece and son-in-law. Putting the deputy minister of defense to his niece, Putin is also for the sake of reassurance.

So Putin's appointment with a stroke of the pen is for two words: rest assured.