
The man planted the land and dug out a hundred catties of humanoid tree roots, Ah Gong: You are in danger and don't know it

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

The man planted the land and dug out a hundred catties of humanoid tree roots, Ah Gong: You are in danger and don't know it

In ancient times, there was a small village called Jingjing Village, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the people are simple. There is a hard-working young man in the village, named Ah Qiang, who lives an ordinary life on a few acres of thin fields at home. Cuong has a gentle personality and treats people sincerely, but fate always seems to play tricks on him, and despite his hard work, the harvest is always unsatisfactory.

On this day, Cuong got up early as usual and went to the fields with his hoe on his shoulder. The summer sun shines on the green rice fields, and they are full of life. Cuong was sweating and loosening the soil when suddenly, the hoe hit something hard. Curious, he dug through the dirt and saw a large tree root exposed, shaped like a human and emitting a faint fragrance.

Cuong was shocked, he had heard all kinds of legends in the village about the roots of humanoid trees, and they all said that they were the embodiment of ghosts and gods, and that the people who dug it up were either rich or doomed. He hesitated for a moment, but thinking of the poverty of his family, he gritted his teeth and decided to dig out the roots of the tree to see if he could get some money.

The roots of the tree were unusually heavy, and Cuong had to dig them out with great difficulty. He estimated that the roots of the tree weighed at least 100 pounds, and he secretly rejoiced in his heart. He carefully carried the roots home and prepared to sell them at the market the next day.

That night, Cuong lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He thought about the humanoid root, and his heart was both expectant and uneasy. Just then, he heard a slight noise outside the window. Curious, he got up to check and saw a figure looming in the moonlight, seemingly walking towards his field.

Ah Qiang's heart tightened and quietly followed. When he came to the edge of the field, he saw the figure wandering where he had dug out the roots, as if looking for something. Ah Qiang had the courage to get closer, and it turned out to be his grandfather, the oldest man in the village, and the inheritor of the legends of ghosts and gods in the village.

Ah Gong didn't seem to notice Cuong's arrival, and he was chanting words in his mouth and gesturing with complex gestures in his hands. Ah Qiang was even more puzzled in his heart, and he quietly hid aside, wanting to hear what Ah Gong was saying.

The man planted the land and dug out a hundred catties of humanoid tree roots, Ah Gong: You are in danger and don't know it

Ah Gong's voice was low and mysterious: "Heaven and earth have spirits, and ghosts and gods are unpredictable. The roots of this tree are transformed by ghosts and gods, and they are either blessings or curses. Ah Qiang is ignorant, and he dares to dig it up, for fear that a catastrophe is coming, and he doesn't know it......"

When Ah Qiang heard this, he was shocked, it turned out that Ah Gong had already known about it. He was about to step forward to ask, but saw Ah Gong turn around and leave, disappearing into the night.

The next day, with trepidation, Cuong brought the humanoid roots to the market. Sure enough, his roots caused a sensation, and people watched and talked about it, and the bids became higher and higher. Cuong was overjoyed and felt that he was really lucky this time.

At this moment, an old man in a Taoist robe walked over, he carefully examined the roots of the tree, and then shook his head and said, "This root is extraordinary, it is transformed by ghosts and gods. Mortals get it, either a blessing or a curse. How dare mortals get involved so easily? ”

When Ah Qiang heard this, his heart tightened, and he remembered what Ah Gong said last night. He hesitated, but remembering the plight of his family, he decided to sell the roots. Seeing this, the old man sighed and did not speak again.

The roots of the tree are eventually bought by a wealthy merchant at a high price, and Cuong returns home with a heavy load of silver, with both joy and anxiety in his heart. He didn't know what fate the money would bring him, but he had already made a choice.

In the days that followed, little seemed to change in Cuong's life. With that money, he repaired his house, bought some farm tools and seeds, and his life gradually improved. However, there was always an inexplicable fear and uneasiness in his heart, as if something was about to happen.

The man planted the land and dug out a hundred catties of humanoid tree roots, Ah Gong: You are in danger and don't know it

As the days passed, the village remained quiet and peaceful. However, Cuong gradually discovers that something strange has begun to happen in the village since the humanoid root was dug up. First the family's livestock died inexplicably, and then the crops in the fields inexplicably withered. What scares Cuong even more is that he can always hear some strange sounds at night, as if ghosts are whispering.

Cuong begins to regret his decision, and he thinks he might have really messed with something he shouldn't have messed with. He wanted to ask Ah Gong, but Ah Gong seemed to be deliberately avoiding him. His heart was filled with fear and helplessness, and he didn't know what to do.

Just when Cuong was about to collapse, the old man in the Taoist robe appeared in front of him again. He looked at Cuong and sighed, "I knew you would have today's disaster. Ghosts and gods are either a blessing or a curse. Now that you have what you have, you have to bear the consequences. ”

Cuong knelt in front of the old man and begged him for guidance with tears streaming down his face. The old man was silent for a moment, and then said, "The only way to resolve this disaster is to find the true body of the ghost god, confess to him, and ask for forgiveness." But this road is dangerous and unusual, and life and death are uncertain. Would you like to give it a try? ”

Cuong gritted his teeth and nodded. He decided to find the true body of the demon and to atone for his sins. He didn't know what dangers and challenges lay ahead, but he was ready to face whatever was to come.

The old man told Cuong that in order to find the true body of the ghost, he had to go to the ancient temple behind the village that had been forgotten by the world. It is said that the ancient temple was once a place where ghosts and gods lived, but over time, it was gradually forgotten by the world, and only a few village elders knew about its existence.

Cuong said goodbye to the old man and set out on the road to the ancient temple. Along the way, he crossed mountains and mountains and experienced hardships. Finally, at sunset, he came to the ancient temple covered in vines and moss.

The man planted the land and dug out a hundred catties of humanoid tree roots, Ah Gong: You are in danger and don't know it

The ancient temple was dilapidated, and the door was ajar, as if waiting for his arrival. Cuong took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to step inside. The temple was dark and cold, and there was an eerie smell in the air. He lit a candle and, by the faint light, began to search for the true body of the ghost.

He explored around the temple and finally found a mysterious stone platform in a corner. On the stone platform was a dilapidated statue of a god, whose face was blurred, but with a faint sense of majesty. Ah Qiang's heart moved, thinking that this might be the true body of the ghost.

He knelt before the idol and repented of his sins and asked for forgiveness from the spirits. He vowed that he would no longer be greedy, work hard, and be kind to his family and neighbors. His voice echoed through the empty temple, as if reaching the ears of ghosts and gods.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the candles in the temple suddenly went out, and the entire temple fell into darkness. Cuong was shocked, but instead of flinching, he closed his eyes and continued to pray.

After a while, he felt a warm power coming from the idol, as if a hand was gently patting him on the shoulder. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the face of the idol had become clear, and there was a kind light in his eyes.

Cuong knew that he had been forgiven by the spirits. He knelt on his knees excitedly and thanked the demons for their forgiveness. Since then, he has never encountered strange things again, and his life has gradually returned to normal.

He returned home, improved his life with hard work and wisdom, and became a role model for the village. He also often went to the ancient temple to worship ghosts and gods, thanking them for their teachings and salvation.

The man planted the land and dug out a hundred catties of humanoid tree roots, Ah Gong: You are in danger and don't know it

This story has been passed down in the quiet village and has become a legend that warns future generations not to be greedy, to fear nature and ghosts. Cuong also used his own experience to teach people how to face their mistakes and be brave enough to make amends and change.

As the years go by, the quiet village is still quiet and peaceful. And the field where the roots of the humanoid tree were once dug up also grew luxuriantly, as if telling a story of repentance and redemption. Since receiving forgiveness from the demons, Cuong has become more industrious and kind. He not only worked hard in the fields, but also often helped the old, weak, sick and disabled in the village, and became a good person in the hearts of the villagers. His life has gradually improved, and life at home has become more and more prosperous.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, while working in the fields, Cuong suddenly received shocking news that the wealthy merchant who had bought the roots of a humanoid tree had suffered misfortune shortly after obtaining the roots, and his family had fallen into ruin, and even his life was almost lost. The news made Cuong feel a wave of trepidation, and he wondered if he would suffer the same fate.

Cuong found the robed old man again and asked him for guidance. After hearing this, the old man sighed and said, "Although you have been forgiven by the ghosts and gods, the resentment carried by the roots of the tree has not completely dissipated. The rich merchant suffered misfortune precisely because he could not bear the resentment. And the reason why you can be safe and sound is because you have good thoughts in your heart, and the ghosts and gods can't bear to harm you. ”

After hearing this, Cuong was both happy and worried. He asked, "So what can I do to completely resolve this resentment and keep myself and my family safe?" ”

The old man pondered for a moment and said, "To resolve this grievance, we need to find a pure power to neutralize it. I heard that in the deepest part of the village, there is a forgotten pure land where a magical plant called 'Pure Spirit Grass' grows. You can try to find it and use it to defuse the grievances at the root of the tree. ”

After hearing this, although Ah Qiang was a little apprehensive in his heart, he still decided to look for the Pure Land and Pure Spirit Grass. He said goodbye to the old man and embarked on a new journey.

This journey was even more difficult than the last. Cuong walked through dense forests, crossed precipitous mountains, and finally came to the pure land that the world had forgotten. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, as if it is an isolated fairyland.

The man planted the land and dug out a hundred catties of humanoid tree roots, Ah Gong: You are in danger and don't know it

In this pure land, Cuong found the legendary Pure Spirit Grass. It is unremarkable, but the leaves emit a pure and divine light. Cuong carefully picked the Purifying Spirit Grass and brought it home.

He placed the Purifying Spirit Grass and the humanoid tree roots together, and silently recited a mantra to ask for the protection of the spirits. Gradually, the black gas emitted from the roots of the tree began to dissipate, replaced by a fresh breath. Cuong knows that he has succeeded in defusing the resentment at the root of the tree.

Since then, Cuong's life has not been affected in any way. He continued to work hard, treat his family and neighbors well, and live a peaceful and happy life. And the story of the Pure Land and the Pure Spirit Grass that has been forgotten by the world has also become another beautiful legend in the quiet village.

This story teaches us that greed and ignorance often lead to disaster, and kindness and courage are the keys to resolving it. Only by having good thoughts and courageously facing our mistakes and difficulties can we attain true happiness and peace.