
85 years, 39 years old, 10 years married, tell yourself: don't be afraid, everything is in time

author:Mom is growing

Hello, I'm Promise Mom, a second-child town mother who is determined to die from the media after being unemployed

Since I lost my job last month, I haven't been idle, but I feel busier and want to do more

I want to update the official account regularly

I want to do Xiaohongshu (Xiaohongshu registered two years ago, and I gave up after updating a few articles, and I decided to update it at the beginning of this year, and now I basically update it regularly)

Distribute the written articles to Toutiao (after all, Toutiao used to be my main battlefield, although the traffic is not good now, but I still don't want to give up, the most difficult part of the article is written, and it doesn't take long to synchronize to Toutiao)

At the same time, I also want to take a certificate (relatives suggested that I take a teacher qualification certificate, saying that it is not difficult, I haven't thought about it yet, just thinking about the skills are not pressing, and now I really regret that I just graduated and will not take a few more certificates, although it may not be able to be used, but at least it is a stepping stone, and now I want to take this test and that, I really feel powerless!)

There is an old saying:

"Thirty don't learn art, forty don't change careers, and fifty don't do business."

Hehe, I'm a 40-year-old soon, and I'm still tossing around all day, I don't know if there's a chance?

Actually, I think that it doesn't matter what I do, the important thing is that I have a goal, and keep moving towards this goal to get the result I want.

Even if it's a little slower, it's okay.

85 years, 39 years old, 10 years married, tell yourself: don't be afraid, everything is in time

1. Put important and urgent things first

Now my daily tasks are sorted in order of priority:

  • Adhere to the daily public account
  • Distribute the written articles to Toutiao and Xiaohongshu
  • Disassemble an article every day
  • Read for at least 30 minutes a day

In fact, I have been doing many things in the past, but now that I have made a list, my goals are clearer and more actionable.

As for the above-mentioned matter of taking the certificate, I haven't thought it through yet, so it's currently pending.

Some people may say that they are almost forty, what else do you want?

I don't think you should give up on yourself no matter what age you are.

There is a sentence in the movie "The Big Bang Theory" that I think is particularly good:

The sad truth is that not everyone can achieve fame, and many of us are destined to find meaning in the little things of our daily lives.

So, how you live an ordinary and precious day, how you will live an ordinary and precious life.

When exploring the diversity of life, do not blindly follow, and find the love that really attracts you and can be achieved within your ability.

In this way, we can find fulfillment and happiness in our pursuits.

85 years, 39 years old, 10 years married, tell yourself: don't be afraid, everything is in time

2. Start with micro-habits and continue to be effective in self-discipline

Although I am currently unemployed, I am always disturbed by one thing or another every day.

Because you are an idler, the first choice must be you.

So in order to avoid encountering these uncontrollable factors during the day, I will always do important things in the morning before the child wakes up.

Just like yesterday, when it was almost noon, I received a call from my sister's school teacher, saying that the child had an upset stomach and vomited at school.

Hurry up and put down what you're doing and rush to school.

My brother has a fever, my sister has a cold and cough, and the medicine I packed last Saturday was just finished yesterday morning, and my stomach was uncomfortable at noon......

Now I'm basically used to it, when the child is young, this is your normal state, and it is something you have to face.

At night, of course, all kinds of tutoring children with homework, and then washing clothes and shining shoes, are all trivial chores, but they must be done.

If life goes on and there must be a breakthrough in self-improvement, the only way is to be self-disciplined.

Since last month, I have been updating the official account regularly, although I am really tired at times, but I have also gained a group of true love fans, which is still very thankful.

Last week, the number of recommendations of the system reached 79.9%, and the article written by the People's Daily has been read by 25,000+, and it is still being streamed.

Three books have been read so far this month, and a fourth book is in the works

  • Teacher Hongdan's "Intensive Writing"
  • Robert. Debord's "Mr. Toad Goes to the Psychiatrist"
  • Teacher Chen Yunbin's "How to Eat Determines the Way to Live"
  • Teacher Lu Yao's "Ordinary World" is reading

These books really recommend that you read them several times, writing, and living. Psychology, different card points correspond to different books, all of which have helped me a lot.

I put them in the most prominent position on my bookshelf so that I can easily access them at any time.

If you want to be self-disciplined, you have to put it into action, not just words.

Only you know best whether it is effective or not, and data is the best way to present it.

85 years, 39 years old, 10 years married, tell yourself: don't be afraid, everything is in time

3. Do what you are doing in the moment and don't have the illusion that you can get quick results

My mom used to say:

"Plant seeds in March and April, just do what you have to do, and you will naturally get results in July and August."

It is obviously counterintuitive to want to get the results you want without putting in the time and effort.

I'm not a smart person, and taking one step at a time is what I've been doing this year.

Truth be told, sometimes it's rushed.

Whenever this happens, I slow down and sober myself up by reading a book.

Tell yourself: be patient no matter what skill you learn, believe in the power of time, believe in the power of accumulation.

If you just scratch the surface, it is not easy to make achievements in any field.

It's not just writing, it's about other things as well.

Therefore, the most important thing is to do the present thing well.

Many people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years.

Maybe a month, a year, three years...... You can't see the results, but if you can stick to it in the right way for 10 years, I believe you will definitely achieve good results and create miracles.

85 years, 39 years old, 10 years married, tell yourself: don't be afraid, everything is in time

Write at the end

Luo Zhenyu said:

"The efforts of ordinary people, under the compound interest of long-termism, will accumulate into miracles. Time helped them, and they became friends with time. ”

Writing is not about the amount of reading at a moment's notice, but about staying power, and seeing who can output high-quality content for a long time, so as to usher in exponential growth.

At the age of 39, I decided to die from the media, although I walked slowly, but as long as you have been on the road, you are not afraid.

Come on, middle-aged girls! Encourage everyone!