
Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

author:Laughing oranges
Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!


Language is the ladder of human progress, but it can also be a stumbling block to thinking. Have you ever been troubled by vulgar phrases like "cooking" and "thunder"? Do you feel that the barrenness of language is slowing down our cognitive progress? Let's examine the crisis of this linguistic carnival...

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

01. The dilemma of vulgarization of online language

In recent years, there has been a trend of vulgarization in online language, which has seriously polluted the purity of the language environment. It is not difficult to find that many words that were originally normal and harmless have been given a superficial and obscene new connotation.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

For example, the two mundane words "cooking" and "stir-frying" have begun to refer to a subtle sexual act. To use such an explicit metaphor to describe the most intimate behavior of human beings is undoubtedly a blasphemy against linguistic civilization. There are also words such as "big thunder" and "medium thunder", which are used to describe women's figures, and the synonym for objectifying people's physiological characteristics into weapons is too obscene and obscene.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

It can be seen how dirty and dirty the thinking pattern behind these words is. The use of such filthy words to spread freely on the Internet will inevitably greatly corrupt the purity of the online language environment. After a long period of immersion, people's ability to manipulate and appreciate language will slowly degrade.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

What's more, if these words are widely disseminated, I am afraid that they will eventually become the same vocabulary that people use in real life. At that time, the linguistic civilization of the whole society will be completely lost. We are afraid that one day, everyone will casually say words like "cooking" and "thunder in thunder" while talking and laughing, and it doesn't sound unusual. Isn't that kind of society a low-level vulgar and morally depraved society?

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

On the other hand, some words that should not be ashamed to speak, such as "pregnant women" and "sanitary napkins", have also begun to be misinterpreted on the Internet, replacing them with strange words such as "little pregnant women are pricked by needles" and "bread". This is another blasphemy against the civilization of language, showing people's twisted attitude in expression, excessive hypocrisy and shame.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

In the long run, the online language system will become chaotic and bizarre, and the original simple and pure words will be misinterpreted against their will, which will make people even more incomprehensible. When everyone communicates, they are bored, and their thinking will become more and more restrained and deformed. Isn't this a great degradation of linguistic civilization?

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

Not only that, the vulgarization of language will also affect the aesthetic taste and moral cultivation of netizens, so that people are accustomed to vulgar and dirty expressions from an early age, and it will never be possible to realize the charm of noble and elegant language art...

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

02. Narrow-mindedness brought about by language simplification

In addition to vulgarization, another issue to be wary of in online language is the tendency to oversimplify. Young people in front of the screen are increasingly keen to create new words and new words, using very simple letters or words to refer to more complex vocabulary concepts.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

For example, "PUA", which is supposed to describe a social phenomenon, is abbreviated to "CPU", "KTV", "PPT" and other completely unrelated things. For another example, depression is jokingly called "jade syndrome", and the state of twisting and pinching shy is said to be "very secretive".

This kind of language expression certainly has a sense of freshness among young people, but if it is used more frequently, it will make the language more and more superficial and casual. When people communicate, they have become accustomed to using hot words made up one by one to understand each other, rather than precise and neat normative terms.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

In the long run, everyone's vocabulary reserve and language skills will inevitably be eaten away little by little, and the ability to express themselves will become increasingly scarce. After all, after getting used to it for too long, people even forget what the original meaning of those new words is used to replace.

What's even more frightening is that this kind of language simplification, if it spreads wantonly, will make people's thinking and cognition more and more narrow. Our thinking is built on language, and the lack of language naturally leads to the thinness of thinking. If the words do not reach the meaning, they can only talk emptyly, and it is difficult to express complex and subtle ideas.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

Have you ever seen a classic book with such sloppy and concise text? Or is it the rhetoric of a thought giant that is so superficial? Excellent ideas and theories need to be carried by complex and rich language, not those trendy Internet buzzwords that are short-lived.

If even the most basic tool of language is so crude and rudimentary, how can human beings use it to explore the essence of things and express the most subtle feelings of the heart? Our cognition will always stop at the surface, and our thinking will not reach the depth it should have...

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

03. The fatal impact of language pollution on culture

The importance of language lies not only in the fact that it is a tool for human communication and expression, but also in the language of a nation, which carries the crystallization of thousands of years of cultural wisdom and cognition of this nation.

If a language is severely impoverished and polluted, the cultural connotations it can express and convey will become increasingly boring. When language is excessively distorted, superficialized, and reduced to low-level vulgarity, the ideology and culture it can carry will naturally stagnate, and even lead to degeneration and corruption.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

For example, if the classical language of Chinese is reduced to the level of "cooking", "big thunder", and "CPU", which lack clear definitions, what language resources do we have to understand and recite Li Bai's swan song for the ages? What other glossary etymology to learn the essence of Chinese Confucian culture?

If the words do not convey the meaning, the essential properties of things cannot be accurately expressed. If the language is not reasonable, it is naturally impossible to construct advanced theoretical knowledge on it. Such a lack of linguistic resources dooms us to stay only at the superficial level of perceptual cognition, and it is never possible to touch the essence and inner laws of things.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

The highest level of culture often requires complex and profound language to carry it. For example, the analysis of concepts such as cause and effect and karma in Buddhist culture is inseparable from the precise and delicate definitions and expressions in Chinese. For another example, the strategy of soldiers in ancient China also relied on the rhetorical techniques of the flowing Chinese language, so that they could tell the wisdom and strategy with ease.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

Once language is distorted, rudimentary, and superficial, isn't it destroying an important carrier of human civilization and wisdom? Hindering new generations from learning and understanding the rich cultural heritage of their predecessors? As a result, human cognitive and thinking abilities will inevitably shrink day by day, and cultural development will also stagnate.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

Therefore, we must attach great importance to the protection and maintenance of the language environment, reject vulgar, casual and superficial language habits, and return the language to its original purity and richness. Only in this way can we use high-quality language to protect and carry forward the national culture, and constantly broaden the breadth and depth of human cognition...

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!


The power of language is enormous, not only determining the depth of our understanding of the world, but also influencing the continuity of a nation's culture. Protecting the purity of the linguistic environment is to protect the complexity of human cognition and the continuity of civilization.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

Therefore, each of us should contribute to it. In life, we should consciously stay away from disturbing vulgar language and avoid following the trend of language simplification; When communicating, we should pursue accurate and beautiful expression, and use high-quality language to show our unique thoughts; In the process of learning, we should devote ourselves to the essence of the language and strive to explore the cultural heritage contained in it.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

Only when the efforts of all people converge into a river can we revitalize the pool of language. Let us all be cautious in our words and deeds, and promote the vitality of culture through elegant and civilized language.

Destroy the three views! "My boyfriend and I cook every day", a new type of shame, will hurt Chinese young people!

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