
Hong Hualang, 21 years old

author:New Crowd Newspaper Synthesis

The safflower that has crossed the cycle is sailing farther away.


Five generations have changed, and the classics have been achieved

A month ago, when the fourth-generation Honghualang announced the discontinuation of production, speculation inside and outside the industry that Honghualang would carry out a new iteration came and went.

Now, the news that the fifth-generation Honghualang 10 is officially launched and will accept orders from July 1 has naturally become the most eye-catching event inside and outside the industry in recent times.

Hong Hualang, 21 years old

The hot topic focuses on one point - can Honghualang, which spans 21 years and has gone through five generations, still bring surprises to the industry and consumers?

Judging from the response from all walks of life, the answer is yes.

At the Dragon Boat Festival Qu Making Ceremony, the mellow and delicate body of the fifth-generation Honghualang 10 for display, accompanied by the aroma of sauce, koji, grain and aging, lasted for a long time, and the tasting group composed of industry leaders, opinion leaders, dealer representatives and Langjiu fans commented on its "aged flavor of sauce koji grain, thick and sweet and long taste".

Zhang Baiping, a researcher at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, evaluated Langjiu with four precedents of "ecological brewing, open-air wine storage, natural cave storage, and manor sauce wine".

He concluded that unlike other large liquor factories that spread horizontally on the surface, Langjiu is "inlaid" on the cliff within 300-1000 meters above sea level on the left bank of the Chishui River, which is very "three-dimensional". It is this "three-dimensional" that profoundly affects the ultimate quality of Jiangxianglang liquor, and also helps Honghualang establish a differentiated advantage step by step.

Hong Hualang, 21 years old

Looking at the road of Honghualang's change, this "innate advantage" is important, but its 21 years of polishing and "acquired choice" are the key elements for Honghualang to cross the cycle.

After the turn of the millennium, China's liquor industry has developed rapidly with the rapid development of the economy, and the price of large single products has been rising. The most representative Moutai, from the initial 7 yuan a bottle, rose to 200 yuan in 2000.

Subsequently, domestic wine companies of all sizes followed up, history, production areas, vintages, and stories were laid out, and prices began to rise higher than one target.

And Honghualang, who was born "with a golden key", appeared like a clear stream in that era of savage growth.

Sharing the water source of the golden valley of the Chishui River with Moutai and brewing according to the traditional process of 12987, Honghualang anchors the sub-high-end price band with a very high quality foundation, attracting a large number of ordinary consumers who are beyond the reach of Moutai.

Looking back, Honghualang's choice at that time was not wonderful, and the differentiated strategic entry point allowed it to quickly establish the mentality and reputation of "extreme cost performance" among consumers with a "more people-friendly" image. And laid the foundation for achieving a greater degree of "breaking the circle".

After the Beijing Olympics, the whole country celebrated. For Honghualang, who has been precipitated for several years, this is a great opportunity.

Hong Hualang, 21 years old

In the winter of that year, the second-generation Honghualang who appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala became an instant hit. Since then, this bottle of wine, which has a prosperous appearance and symbolizes auspiciousness and reunion, has begun to enter thousands of households, becoming the memory of a generation of consumers, and planting the seeds of "holiday wine" in the hearts of consumers.

In 2011, Langjiu's revenue exceeded 10 billion, and Honghualang monopolized half of the sky and truly became a national-level single product.

But what is interesting is that Honghualang, who was in the limelight at that time, did not choose to "chase after victory", but turned around and continued to practice basic skills.

In the following ten years, in the process of continuous "squat and jump", Honghualang has experienced two iterations again, and has continued to refine the body and design dimensions.

It is also in this process that consumer reputation, sales scale and the quality of Honghualang itself are constantly growing in polishing, and this bottle of auspicious wine has finally been crowned with the reputation of "model of sauce fragrance" and has achieved a generation of classics.

Now, the 21-year-old Honghualang has ushered in another change.

With a more aromatic aroma, a more mellow and delicate taste, and a new packaging with better functions, better aesthetics and stronger penetration, the fifth-generation Honghualang 10 is still writing the legend of extreme quality.

More importantly, based on the giant ship of Langjiu behind it, Honghualang further expresses the identity of the manor sauce wine and the time value of the natural empowerment of growth and cultivation more fully.

This is especially important in today's context.

Hong Hualang, 21 years old


Chinese liquor, where to go?

When involution becomes the theme of the times, it is difficult for the liquor industry to stand alone.

The lack of substantial innovation is a hotbed for the growth of "disorderly involution". However, for the brewing industry, which has been inherited for thousands of years, "innovation" is like water without a source and a tree without roots, and it is difficult to grasp it.

As a result, more and more wine companies have joined the "price war", and most of them have fallen into the vicious circle of "volume expansion, volume marketing", and continue to revolve around the old model on the basis of "fine-tuning", and gradually move away from real innovation.

How to carry out differentiated innovation has become a recognized problem in the industry. China's liquor industry urgently needs an exact expression.

Relying on Langjiu Manor, Langjiu has created a new positioning of "Manor Sauce Wine", which provides an important solution to the problem.

The completion and maturity of Langjiu Manor not only marks the end of the "zero" history of China's world-class liquor estates, but also marks the birth of a new model integrating brewing, storage, sales and experience.

Hong Hualang, 21 years old

Relying on the cherished natural conditions and natural cave advantages of Chishui River, Langjiu Manor organically integrates the core veins of soy sauce wine brewing and storage, growth and storage, and at the same time supplements standardized processes, scientific research and intelligent production methods to achieve maximum control over the whole process, and redefine soy sauce wine brewing while ensuring the most fundamental ultimate quality.

At the same time, the fifth-generation Honghualang has become the only sauce-flavored liquor in the industry with a blend of 4-year base liquor + 10-year cave aged old liquor under the strict "Langjiu Sauce Flavor Product Enterprise Internal Control Guidelines".

Based on the long-term development of the industry, the short-term price war and disorderly involution are just episodes, and the competition is ultimately the understanding of the market, product power and innovation.

"Baijiu is an industry about the value of time, for ten years, twenty years, thirty years, Langjiu people have always kept in mind the mission of 'making good liquor', and constantly practiced the three-product strategy of ultimate quality, ultimate brand and ultimate taste, and are determined to dedicate the ultimate wine to the world." In the view of Wang Bowei, general manager of Langjiu Co., Ltd., insisting on the ultimate quality and giving it time is the best way to ensure product strength, and at the same time to create innovation based on differentiated advantages and organically integrate the two, which may be the next standardized expression of the liquor industry.

In the past 21 years, Honghualang, who has been following the main line of extreme quality and constantly crossing the cycle, is also reaping the fruits of time at the market end.

During last year's May Day, the number of orders received by Honghualang banquet continued to refresh the record high, with the number of orders received in a single day exceeding 25,000 tables for the first time, and the cumulative number of orders approaching 100,000 tables, involving nearly 1 million consumers.

Hong Hualang, 21 years old

Driven by the national banquet market, the blowout trend of Honghualang in the terminal market is further obvious. According to the data of media surveys, in a county-level market such as Zhoukou, Henan Province alone, Honghualang has grown from 10 million in 2016 to more than 200 million today, and still maintains a growth rate of 30%.

In 21 years, Honghualang has proved the significance of "route correctness" to the entire liquor industry, and has also planted the mental cognition of "what is a good liquor" in the hearts of more and more consumers in iterations again and again.

It is foreseeable that with this upgrade and iteration, Honghualang, which occupies the first-mover advantage, will accelerate the expansion of its influence in the market, which will further feed back its industry discourse power and create greater imagination space.

Source: Internet

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