
Coronary heart disease is blocked by phlegm, a "heart-saving prescription" can be cured, don't use a stent!

author:Guo Jingzhi, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

It is said that it is expensive to see a doctor now, where is the cost? It's the poor information.

For example, coronary heart disease, some people choose stent surgery, implant 13 stents before and after, spend millions, the disease is still not cured, chest tightness, palpitation, shortness of breath has not improved; And some people, who chose traditional Chinese medicine and drank medicine for three or five months, not only cured coronary heart disease, but also other minor physical problems.

People who don't choose Chinese medicine don't know Chinese medicine? No, most of them are because they don't understand Chinese medicine! Traditional Chinese medicine is too esoteric and difficult to understand. That's why I like to go into simple terms, so that patients can understand and think about it, so that they can recognize Chinese medicine and recognize this cheaper and safer treatment.

Coronary heart disease is blocked by phlegm, a "heart-saving prescription" can be cured, don't use a stent!

Coronary heart disease is blocked by phlegm!

As the old saying goes, phlegm obsesses the heart, that is, phlegm turbidity blocks the heart pulse, which causes coronary heart disease such as palpitations, irregular heartbeats, and premature atrial fibrillation.

So, I say, most coronary heart disease is blocked by phlegm!

There is a patient, 58 years old this year, is an old teacher, he has an old problem, but whenever there are too many classes, he will feel distressed, but he can be relieved by a ten-minute break between classes. 3 years ago, my blood pressure was found to be a little abnormal, and I thought it was because of this, and since then, I have taken antihypertensive medicine once I have a heartache.

It wasn't until recently that the heartache became more and more frequent, and I often broke out in a cold sweat, and I couldn't slow down for more than half an hour, so I realized that there was something wrong with my heart, and I went to the hospital for an examination, and it was really coronary heart disease. The hospital said that it would be necessary to have a stent operation, but the patient disagreed, and decided to try Chinese medicine after listening to the advice of his colleagues.

At the diagnosis, the patient's pulse was smooth, the tongue coating was yellow and greasy, the varicose veins under the tongue were severe, the face was a little blue, and the sweat was profuse.

The patient said to me, "Dr. Guo, I know that I have ecchymosis on my tongue, which means that there is blood stasis in my body, and I guess my high blood pressure and coronary heart disease are due to this." ”

Coronary heart disease is blocked by phlegm, a "heart-saving prescription" can be cured, don't use a stent!

This patient has studied Chinese medicine, but he didn't say it properly, and he was only half right. There is indeed blood stasis in his body, but this blood stasis is actually caused by phlegm and dampness, and the root cause of coronary heart disease is also the problem of phlegm and dampness.

The patients were very interested and begged me to talk about it carefully, and I have always been responsive to my patients' requests.

Eat out coronary heart disease and high blood pressure!

What is the old problem of heart pain in patients? Through inquiry, I found out that it was eaten.

The patient serves as a high school class teacher all year round, and in addition to teaching tasks, he also needs to bear various tasks, and has no time to eat well. If you think about the routine of high school students, they wake up earlier than chickens in the morning, go to bed later than dogs at night, and have to rush to eat three meals a day, which can be solved in 20 minutes.

The young man was sixteen or seventeen years old, and he could only carry it for three years, but this patient carried it for thirty years! It's because he eats fast during the day and is hungry quickly, and when he goes home at night, his wife will leave him food, and he doesn't exercise to digest and digest when he eats a full meal, and he goes to sleep directly. In the long run, the spleen and stomach will be weakened.

The spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and the spleen also mainly transports water and dampness, once the spleen is deficient, it cannot biochemical qi and blood, resulting in a lack of qi and blood nourishment in the body organs. Second, it will not be able to transport water and moisture, resulting in the accumulation of moisture in the body and condensation into phlegm.

Qi, blood and fluid are flowing in the meridians, once the phlegm sticky once randomly settled, stuck to the cardiovascular system, it will be miserable, this phlegm is like a roadblock, passing by the qi and blood are more and more sticky by it, slowly forming a large lump, blocking the blood vessels more and more narrow.

This is like a grain harvest, some of the victims have fallen into the grass and become robbers, and they continue to attract more victims to join, and slowly the organization is getting bigger and bigger, and it has become a bandit.

The heart is an engine, like a king, responsible for the unified dispatch of qi and blood, and now there are bandits on the road, and the flow of qi and blood materials is not smooth, isn't the heart in a hurry.

Coronary heart disease is blocked by phlegm, a "heart-saving prescription" can be cured, don't use a stent!

Therefore, at first, the heart hurts, and then the stenosis becomes more and more severe, the heart will beat harder, and it can also speed up the flow of qi and blood, which also leads to excessive pressure on the blood vessels and high blood pressure.

Therefore, at this time, it must be the first to suppress the bandits, that is, to dry and damp phlegm, invigorate blood and remove stasis; and then appease the king, that is, nourish the yin of the heart; Then treat the source of famine, that is, strengthen the spleen and stomach. This is a big package of projects, which needs to be carried out step by step, and only by taking into account the specimens can we cure the root cause of the disease and prevent the recurrence of the disaster.

My heart

I ask everyone, can this be done with a simple scaffold? The function of the scaffold is like a big stone falling from the sky to clear out the territory occupied by the original native bandits. If this piece is gone, won't there be regeneration elsewhere? Every time I put a stent, in the end, my heart became an iron pimple, and I became a hard stone heart!

Understand, coronary heart disease is blocked by phlegm, Chinese medicine can be cured, unless the situation is urgent, try not to use stents.

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