
Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic

author:Wangxing Rhapsody

The Samoyed, a dog breed with snow-white hair and a sweet smile, was once the ideal pet for many. In recent years, however, the rate of abandonment in Samoyed has been increasing.

Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic

A "glass stomach" with a fragile stomach

Samoyed's gastrointestinal function is relatively weak, and eating something wrong can cause gastrointestinal problems. Diarrhea and vomiting are commonplace, which breaks the owner's heart. Some owners may choose to abandon the medical treatment because they feel that the cost of medical treatment is too high, or they cannot tolerate such a situation.

Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic

It is easy to get dirty, and the cost of bathing and beauty is high

Samoyed's snow-white hair is beautiful, but it is also very easy to get dirty. And because the hair is long and dense, it is very troublesome to take care of. Sending it to a pet store for bathing and grooming costs a lot of money at a time. For families with average economic conditions, this is indeed a large expense.

Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic

Being overly enthusiastic about strangers

Samoyed is docile and friendly, and the same is true for strangers. Sometimes, their enthusiasm may exceed the host's expectations, such as frantically pounce on guests when they arrive. This may be embarrassing or worrying for some owners, fearing that the dog will be abducted by a stranger.

Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic

Glutton, easy to gain weight

Samoyed is a voracious eater who will not refuse food. If left unchecked, they can eat more and more, leading to excess weight. Obesity not only affects the appearance of Samoyed, but also triggers various health problems such as heart disease, arthritis, etc.

Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic

Energetic "Demolition Captain"

Samoyed is a type of sled dog that is naturally possessed by exuberant energy. If the owner does not have enough time and energy to play with them and consume physical energy, then the sofa, mattress and other furniture in the home can suffer. They will use their sharp claws to tear down the house mercilessly, making the owner want to cry without tears.

Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic

Stubborn personality and difficult to train

Although Samoyed is intelligent and cute, they have a very stubborn personality. During the training process, they often show uncooperative and disobedient behavior, which makes the owner feel very troubled.

If you have a Samoyed, you need to put more effort into training it, and it will work better with snacks during training.

Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic

Shedding a lot

Samoyed's snow-white hair, although it looks fairy, is a big problem to take care of. They shed their hair almost all year round, especially during the moulting season, and their hair is everywhere in the house, and it is simply devastating to clean up. Many owners can't stand this "drizzle" and finally choose to give up.

Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic

If your Samoyed shedding is more severe, it can still be alleviated, usually comb its hair more, reduce floating hair, and give it a dog food containing fish oil on the staple food.

Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic

Conclusion: Do you like Samoyed?

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Why is the abandonment rate of "Samoyed" so high? These 7 reasons are realistic