
Again, there are 6 "disadvantages" of raising a dog, don't start blindly!

author:Wangxing Rhapsody

Before raising a dog, many people often only see the joy and companionship brought by the dog, but it is easy to ignore the potential harm of having a dog. Here, I would like to give you one last advice: there are the following 6 harms of raising a dog, don't start blindly!

Again, there are 6 "disadvantages" of raising a dog, don't start blindly!

Outside time is severely compressed

After getting a dog, you have less personal time. I have to take it out for a walk every morning and evening, rain or shine. Sometimes, the dog will come to play with you when you are working or resting, and it is difficult to refuse.

Again, there are 6 "disadvantages" of raising a dog, don't start blindly!

The wallet will be thinner

Dogs don't just have to open their mouths to eat, dog food, snacks, toys, medical care, everything costs money. Especially when the dog is sick, if you go to the hospital once, your wallet will bleed profusely.

Again, there are 6 "disadvantages" of raising a dog, don't start blindly!

Social activities are affected

Once you have a dog, your social activities may have to revolve around it. When friends get together, you have to consider whether the dog can go, and you have to see if the dog can go together when you travel. Sometimes, you have to give up some social opportunities for the sake of your dog.

Again, there are 6 "disadvantages" of raising a dog, don't start blindly!

No privacy

Dogs are very curious creatures. Your every move, it wants to know. Want to sneak a snack at home? Want to dance the night away when no one is around? Hehe, the dog's "dog nose" and "dog ears" won't let you go!

Again, there are 6 "disadvantages" of raising a dog, don't start blindly!

Furniture can suffer

Dogs sometimes like to bite things, especially puppies in the teething period, sofas, slippers, and table legs may be its "teething sticks". You'll always have to be ready to repair the furniture or replace it with a new one.

If you don't want your dog to break down, then it is recommended that you train your dog to develop good habits from an early age, and it will be better to match snacks in training.

Again, there are 6 "disadvantages" of raising a dog, don't start blindly!

The home has become a "sea of hair"

Before you get a dog, you probably fantasized about your home being as clean and spotless as new. But once you get a dog, you'll find dog hair everywhere in your home, with a few sticks floating on the couch, on the bed, on the floor, and even in your bowl. It is common for dogs to shed their hair, especially when the seasons change, it is simply a "heavy snow of dog hair".

Again, there are 6 "disadvantages" of raising a dog, don't start blindly!

If your dog's hair loss is more severe, then it is recommended that you usually comb it more often, reduce floating hair, and give it a dog food containing fish oil as a staple food to alleviate hair loss.

Again, there are 6 "disadvantages" of raising a dog, don't start blindly!

Conclusion: Can you accept these disadvantages?

Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and take beautiful photos of the dog~

Again, there are 6 "disadvantages" of raising a dog, don't start blindly!