
The college student committed suicide by taking out an online loan, and after his death, he still kept calling to collect what he wanted to do if his father was forced to die

author:Please eat melon

The father received a call from the police that his son had committed suicide by burning charcoal in a rental house, and he was still not far from home. Isn't the son working outside the home, the father can't believe it and thinks it's a scam call.

When I arrived at the scene, in addition to seeing my son's body, there were also relics around me, including relics written to my parents. There are also records of all the arrears and bills of his online loans and borrowing money from friends, and I saw that the arrears of my friends on the records have been paid off, but there are still more than 60,000 online loans.

There is also a thick brand new notebook full of words hating yourself and hating yourself from beginning to end, and the cover says I'm sorry Mom and Dad have let you down, don't feel sorry for people like me, it's not a pity for me to die.

If you will not gamble again or take out online loans in your next life, you must be filial to you. This time I have let you down again, I have failed the expectations of my family and relatives, and I feel guilty that I have no way to face you again.

The father said that it was not the first time for his son to gamble and take out online loans, and he owed 150,000 yuan in online loans because of gambling when he was in college. At that time, his family and relatives pooled money to pay him back, and he himself promised everyone to work hard in the future, be a good person, quit gambling, and not touch online loans.

The college student committed suicide by taking out an online loan, and after his death, he still kept calling to collect what he wanted to do if his father was forced to die

This college student who committed suicide by taking out an online loan is named Li Zheng, a remote and poor mountain village in Guizhou, where there are not many people who study, and the younger ones go out to work early.

Li is the only college student in his family, including the entire village, and he has excellent grades and can get a scholarship. At that time, the people in the village were very envious of their family, and Li Zheng would be able to make a lot of money and do great things after graduating from university.

Many people praise Li Zheng's father for being able to teach such a son, and his father is also very proud of Li Zheng's performance, and he also feels very face-saving and gratified.

Li Zheng is honest, kind, and introverted, and he has no friends in college because he feels poor and inferior. But he has a good classmate who is a fellow countryman in the same place, and the two have a particularly good relationship.

This classmate is very fond of online gambling, and in the end, he kept encouraging Li Zheng to gamble together, saying that it is easy to make money, as long as a mobile phone can be used, and it will not affect the study, killing two birds with one stone.

In this way, maybe he can solve his college expenses, and there is still the remaining money that can be sent home to help his parents reduce the burden, Li Zheng finally couldn't resist the temptation to try gambling.

But what to do if gambling also costs money, this classmate is obviously a veteran. He is familiar with teaching Li Zheng how to borrow money from credit cards and online loans, and he can borrow money on many platforms, as long as he has an ID card.

Li Zheng successfully borrowed a sum of money to participate in gambling, and at first he could win a little money and try to get sweet, but he soon began to lose money, and he lost more and more.

I originally planned to repay the online loan after winning, but now I have lost all the principal of the online loan. His classmates also taught him to continue borrowing money on other platforms, and he also knew people who specialized in helping others with online loans, but he had to charge a handling fee.

Li Zheng found that the interest on the online loan he borrowed was still a lot, and the handling fee for the loan through an intermediary was even more ridiculously high. Among them, a loan of 2,000 yuan was only 1,100 yuan, the student took 300 yuan as an introduction fee, and the agent took 600 yuan as an intermediary fee.

The college student committed suicide by taking out an online loan, and after his death, he still kept calling to collect what he wanted to do if his father was forced to die

In this way, I have borrowed a lot of online loans on various platforms one after another, but I have lost them all and can only repay the loan with a loan. In the end, there was no money to repay the online loan, only overdue, Li Zheng lived in fear every day and did not dare to tell his family.

The interest on overdue online loans is increasing more and more, and there is an online loan borrowing 20,000 5, and finally the overdue principal plus interest has to be repaid more than 50,000. All online loan platforms are overdue, and the collection phone messages are non-stop every day.

In the end, the address book was also exposed, family members and relatives received phone calls and messages to repay the money, and there were special people who went to the house to ask for debts and threatened and intimidated.

There were notes everywhere in the village that Li Zheng owed money and did not pay it back, and for a while Li Zheng became a joke in the village. Many people say that Li Zheng is not angry and disgraces the Li family and the village, and has become a rat crossing the street, and everyone dislikes and complains.

Li Zheng's father called Li Zheng to go home, and Li Zheng knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, so he could only go home and confess everything. told his father that he owed a total of 150,000 yuan for online loans on many platforms.

Li Zheng said that he knew that he was wrong, and he was confused for a while, promising to study hard and be a man in the future, and he would not let his family worry about it anymore, he thought that his father would definitely beat and scold him, and said something unpleasant and embarrassing to him.

His father didn't scold him, but just said that I will help you solve it, you study hard and don't be distracted, because the family is poor, and my father is only a farmer, and all the savings that the family can take out are only 80,000 yuan.

The father also found relatives of the family to lend money to Li Zheng to repay the money, and by the way discussed how to deal with the matter, although their family was poor, but very united, relatives all took cash to Li Zheng's house.

In the end, I got all the rest of the money, and then I paid it back one by one according to the online loan platform and arrears bills written out by Li Zheng. Some online loans have high interest rates but can't pay them back, so they call the customer service and say that because they signed an agreement, they don't support early repayment and can only be repaid in one installment.

The college student committed suicide by taking out an online loan, and after his death, he still kept calling to collect what he wanted to do if his father was forced to die

The father took Li Zheng's hand and said to everyone, "My son made a mistake this time, thank you for your help, knowing that you can change your mistakes is a good child." The child is not big, life is still long, and it is inevitable to make mistakes for a while, I hope everyone can give him the opportunity to be a new person, and then bow to everyone.

He also said to Li Zheng that some people's success comes a little earlier, and some people's success comes later. Don't be discouraged and don't feel frustrated, this is a lesson and a valuable lesson in your life.

Pack up your mind, go to school hard, graduate soon, work hard, pay off the arrears soon, and life will slowly get better, and your father is very confident in you. Relatives also cheered for Li Zheng one after another, and no one said anything bad and blamed.

Li Zheng was very touched by everyone's understanding and trust in him, and promised that he would correct it and work hard in the future. Li Zheng did not gamble online loans later, found a good job after graduation, and studied on his own while working, thinking that he could take the civil service examination in the future and have a good income.

Li Zheng, including his fathers, thought that the matter had passed, but they did not expect that there would be a sudden change and they received the news that their son had committed suicide by burning charcoal.

Father didn't expect Li Zheng to secretly gamble again and go to the step of suicide, there is something that can't be passed, and there is something that parents can carry with you. Knowing that mistakes can be corrected is a good child,

Since you choose to change your heart this time, your father will believe in you again, why don't you take one more step, as long as you take one more step and enter the house, things will not develop to this point.

Because his son wrote in his suicide note that he was preparing for the graduate school entrance examination while working, his classmates contacted him again and told him that there was a newly opened gambling website and it was easy to make money. You may have a chance to turn around and win back what you have lost.

This time, Li Zheng struggled for a long time, and finally fell and embarked on the road of online loan gambling, and finally owed money borrowed from online loans and friends and colleagues, and finally lost his job because of the impact of gambling online loans.

The online loan began to be overdue again, and there was not much money left on him, and he really regretted it this time, blaming himself for not holding on and making mistakes. He regretted it very much, and he wondered if he should confess to his father this time.

The college student committed suicide by taking out an online loan, and after his death, he still kept calling to collect what he wanted to do if his father was forced to die

This is really the last time and will never happen again, he has to work hard, go to graduate school and successfully find a job with a good salary and start over. I will be able to pay off my arrears soon, and I will have to live a good life with my parents.

But Li Zheng really had no way to face them, everyone's trust and encouragement to him at the beginning, as well as his assurances to everyone, are vivid.

Li Zheng thought that his father would be disappointed in him if he knew that his father might lose face in front of everyone. My father has a relatively high status in the family, and he is often respected for helping others. And his father is an honest and good-looking person, and this time he really embarrassed his father.

The bereaved family wrote that Li Zheng lost his job and had no money, but in fact, he really wanted to go home and confess to his parents and promised that he would change in the future. When he went back, he rented a cheap hotel near his home, and several times he came back late at night and took out the key to open the door to enter.

But he really didn't know how to face his parents, the keys were all inserted in the door and pulled out and sneaked away, there was really no way to get out of that step.

In the end, he decided to pay back all the money from his friends and colleagues, because his friends trusted him to lend him money, so as not to live up to the trust of others. There are still more than 60,000 yuan of online loans, and there is no way to repay them.

He was so tired, really tired, he felt that life was too a failure, he failed many people's expectations, and his parents were ashamed, and he had no face to see them again, and finally chose to burn charcoal in the hotel and commit suicide to end his life.

The father said that half a month after his son's death, he received hundreds of collection calls and messages on his mobile phone, and he replied to each message with a unified sentence: Everyone has been forced to death by you, what do you want.

The reply over there said that it is fair to repay the debt, and the money still has to be paid back when he dies, and you have to help him pay off the money in the future, otherwise I will not let you go.

The father finally understood that online loans were too scary, and he wanted to publicize his son's story so that everyone could understand not to gamble and not to take out online loans.

The death of his son is an example of this, and he wants to help save more young people, so that they don't go to the point of no return because they are confused, so that their lives are over.

This is a real story, I hope everyone can take this as a warning and remember to stay away from gambling and stay away from online loans. Nowadays, there are too many online loans, and any APP has online loans to borrow money, why is it easy to make money because of high interest rates. However, because it is easy to get online loans, it has also killed many families.


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