
Sun Yang's dream was broken, Fu Yuanhui graduated, and Chinese swimming announced the list of participants in the Paris Olympics

author:Hiroko's basketball said
Sun Yang's dream was broken, Fu Yuanhui graduated, and Chinese swimming announced the list of participants in the Paris Olympics

In the list of the Chinese swimming team for the Paris Olympics, we can clearly see the profound heritage of Chinese swimming and the fierce internal competition. This list not only reflects the development trend of Chinese swimming in the past few years, but also reveals the potential for explosion in the international arena in the future.

Sun Yang's dream was broken, Fu Yuanhui graduated, and Chinese swimming announced the list of participants in the Paris Olympics

The size of the Chinese swimming team at this Olympic Games has reached 52 people, including divers, swimmers, synchronized swimming and marathon swimmers. This figure is enough to show China's extensive layout and solid strength in these projects. However, despite the size of the team, the highly competitive selection process still led to some notable defeats.

Of particular concern is the fact that the performance at the World Swimming Championships in Doha did not open the door for all athletes. Champions such as Huang Jianjie/Zhang Jiaqi and Ai Yanhan failed to make the Olympic team, which in part demonstrates the brutality of China's swimming trials. Despite winning two gold medals in Doha, Ai Yanhan missed out on Paris due to the strong return of his rivals. This is not uncommon in sports, but each time it sparks a discussion about the fairness and criteria of selection.

Sun Yang's dream was broken, Fu Yuanhui graduated, and Chinese swimming announced the list of participants in the Paris Olympics

Yan Zibei's defeat is also a major topic. As the former frog king of Asia, his absence could signal a strategic realignment of China's strategy on the project, or the rapid rise of new talent. The breaststroke in Chinese swimming has improved significantly over the past two years, which may be partly explaining Yan's defeat.

As for Sun Yang, a player who once had brilliant achievements on the world swimming stage, he was not selected because he failed to return to his top form, which is undoubtedly a big blow in his career. Sun Yang's defeat also marks a landmark event in the transition of Chinese swimming to a certain extent.

Sun Yang's dream was broken, Fu Yuanhui graduated, and Chinese swimming announced the list of participants in the Paris Olympics

Fu Yuanhui's situation is completely different. Her academic achievements and development outside of swimming are a reminder that an athlete's career can be diverse. Although she did not compete for a spot in this Olympics, her academic success deserves no less praise and attention.

Judging by the stats and results, even a World Champion may not be able to qualify for the tournament due to fierce competition at home. The selection criteria for the Chinese swimming team are strict, which is both a huge pressure and an incentive for the athletes. Every player has to give it their all in every tournament because they know that every lack can lead to them losing the opportunity to represent their country.

Sun Yang's dream was broken, Fu Yuanhui graduated, and Chinese swimming announced the list of participants in the Paris Olympics

The Olympic roster of the Chinese swimming team not only shows its deep talent pool and high-level competitive status, but also reflects the strict selection mechanism behind it and the fierce competition between athletes. This high-pressure but motivating environment will undoubtedly push the Chinese swimming team to strive for more glory at the Paris Olympics.

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