
Guide to avoiding pitfalls: common mistakes made by novice Mozi

author:The loss of eating face

In Honor of Kings, Mozi has become the hero of choice in the hearts of many players with his unique skill mechanics and diverse tactical applications. However, for novice players, Mozi's complex skill set and the need for precise judgment often become an insurmountable hurdle. Here are a few common pitfalls that novice Mozi players should avoid, as well as advice on how to deal with them properly.

Guide to avoiding pitfalls: common mistakes made by novice Mozi

Myth 1: Relying too much on the control effect of the second skill

Mozi's second skill, "Trap Heavy Artillery", has excellent control and consumption capabilities, but this does not mean that you have to rely on it to open a group or consume it every time you fight. Novice players may focus too much on the hit rate of the skill and ignore the cooldown time and position of the skill. The right thing to do is to look for the best time to release on the premise of ensuring your own safety, rather than blindly trying to control every target.

Myth 2: Ignoring the timing of the ultimate

Mozi's ultimate "Conformism" is powerful, but if it is not used properly, it can be easily interrupted or dodged by the enemy. Novice players often turn on their ultimate at the wrong time, resulting in a waste of skills or even putting themselves in danger. The correct way to use it is to jump into the center of the enemy group to release it after making sure you have enough chain of control or your teammates can keep up with you.

Guide to avoiding pitfalls: common mistakes made by novice Mozi

Myth 3: Lack of attention to the use of passive skills

Mozi's passive skill, "Peaceful Walk", not only provides a shield, but also has a knockback effect that strengthens basic attacks. However, novice players tend to ignore this skill and focus only on the casting of the Action Skill. In fact, making good use of passive skills can give you a huge advantage in laning and teamfights. For example, when fighting enemy heroes in close combat, well-timed basic attacks can effectively repel the opponent and buy valuable time for themselves to retreat or counterattack.

Myth 4: Wrong outfit and inscription selection

Novice players are susceptible to the opinions of others when it comes to the choice of builds and inscriptions, without taking into account their own playstyle and the current situation on the battlefield. Mozi can be used as both an output mage and a support role, and different positions require different equipment and inscriptions. For example, if you use it as a support, you should focus on cooldown reduction and survivability increase, rather than simply pursuing high damage.

Myth 5: Lack of team awareness and communication

Mozi's skill characteristics dictate that he needs to work closely with his teammates. Novice players may break down teamwork due to individual operational mistakes, such as the empty release of the ultimate or the accidental injury of allies in the second skill. In the game, maintaining communication with teammates and informing skill cooldowns and location intentions can greatly improve the team's ability to work together.

Guide to avoiding pitfalls: common mistakes made by novice Mozi

Myth 6: Over-reliance on personal abilities

Although Mozi has strong individual combat ability, "Honor of Kings" is a team game after all. Novice players sometimes fall into the trap of going it alone, trying to turn the tide of battle on their own, which often leads to uneven distribution of resources and a chaotic team rhythm. The right thing to do is to keep an eye on the minimap, adapt your actions to the needs of your team, and work with your teammates to progress through the game.