
Quick Start Guide: Mozi's gameplay cheats

author:The loss of eating face

Among the many heroes of "Honor of Kings", Mozi is loved by players for his changeable positioning and powerful control ability. Whether it's as a mage in the mid lane or as a solid team support in the support position, Mozi always has a key role to play. But for novices, mastering the essence of Mozi is not an easy task. Here's a quick guide for beginners to help you become a Mozi master in no time.

Quick Start Guide: Mozi's gameplay cheats

Understand Mozi's core values

Mozi's biggest strength lies in his ability to control and remotely consume. His second skill, "Heavy Artillery", can stun enemies from a distance, and is a powerful weapon for attrition and group formation. At the same time, Mozi's passive skill "Peaceful Walk" gives him an additional shield and a knockback effect from basic attacks, allowing him to maintain a certain amount of survivability in both lane and team battles.

Inscription & Equipment Selection

In order to realize Mozi's full potential, it is crucial to choose the right inscriptions and equipment. It is recommended to use a combination of inscriptions such as Nightmare and Mercy based on cooldown reduction and spell penetration to ensure that skills are cast frequently. In terms of equipment, Mid Lane Mozi can choose the Holy Grail, Erudito's Wrath, and Mask of Pain to increase spell damage and endurance; The support Mozi is more inclined to Guard Glory, Arctic Storm, and Witch's Cloak to enhance team protection and self-survival.

Quick Start Guide: Mozi's gameplay cheats

Skill combos and usage techniques

Mozi's combos usually start with a second skill, and after stunting the enemy, he quickly connects to the first skill "Heavy Artillery Bombardment", displacing and dealing damage, and then using a passive enhanced basic attack to pursue him. In team battles, Mozi's ultimate move "conformism" is the key to determining victory or defeat, finding the right time to jump into the center of the enemy group, continuously control the enemy, and create output space for teammates.

Master rhythm and map awareness

Mozi's positioning in the game dictates that he needs to have a good sense of maps. As a support, you should keep an eye on the minimap, be ready to support your teammates, and use the second skill to harass from a distance. In the mid lane, well-timed wandering and support can dramatically change the tide of battle, especially with Mozi's control skills to help teammates complete kills.

Teamwork and communication

Mozi's strength lies in his team's contributions. As a support, your first task is to protect the shooter or mage, using skills to interrupt enemy attacks. Communicate well with your teammates and inform you of your skill cooldowns so they can plan their battle strategy around your control skills.

Quick Start Guide: Mozi's gameplay cheats

Practice & Review

Finally, if you want to master Mozi, a lot of practice and review is essential. Watch videos of high-level players in action to learn their moves, when to cast skills, and how to work as a team. At the same time, after each game, you should review your performance, summarize the lessons learned, and constantly optimize your game style.

Mozi is a versatile and adaptable hero, and mastering his gameplay will make you an indispensable team pillar in Honor of Kings. With the guidance of the above guides, I believe you will soon be able to harness Mozi on the battlefield and bring victory to your team.