
is also sucked by his family, abandoned by his ex-boyfriend, Zhu Zhe is more sober than Fan Shengmei

author:Natsuki chats about dramas

Fan Shengmei suffered from having no money and wanted to marry into a wealthy family, so she tried her best to package herself:

Spend money to learn flower arrangement, in order to integrate into the life circle of the rich;

strictly control your weight, lest it affect your appearance;

buy all kinds of high imitations, and try your best to pinch the tip in front of outsiders;

is also sucked by his family, abandoned by his ex-boyfriend, Zhu Zhe is more sober than Fan Shengmei

Fan Shengmei can be said to be a golden phoenix flying out of the chicken nest: under the condition that her parents are patriarchal and her brother is uneducated, she was admitted to a prestigious university and got a job with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan in Shanghai.

She sent 2,500 yuan of living expenses to her family every month to support her family, and even bought a house for her brother and sister-in-law.

It stands to reason that such an ambitious and capable woman, with the blessing of beauty, has no worries about finding a good partner.

But on the contrary, Fan Shengmei overestimated her ability and helped the vampire family without a bottom line.

Fan Shengmei did talk to multiple boyfriends, and during the relationship, she was obedient to her and gave her all kinds of luxury gifts.

It's just that after Fan Shengmei confessed her family situation, all the suitors left her.

Why is it said that when Fan Shengmei sends 2,500 yuan of living expenses to her parents every month and empties her savings to support the whole family, she is destined to not marry into a wealthy family?

is also sucked by his family, abandoned by his ex-boyfriend, Zhu Zhe is more sober than Fan Shengmei

1, money is not the key, but Fan Shengmei can't carry it

In Fan Shengmei's heart, if she marries someone from an ordinary family, she will not be able to improve her living situation at all.

Therefore, she is bent on marrying into a wealthy family, as long as a little wealth is revealed in the hands of a rich person, it is enough to resolve her financial crisis.

As everyone knows, rich people are not stupid, who would let themselves get into the quagmire?

This can be seen from the fact that Qu Lianjie casually gave Fan Shengmei a 10,000 yuan skirt, but refused to take the money to Fan Shengmei's father to see a doctor.

is also sucked by his family, abandoned by his ex-boyfriend, Zhu Zhe is more sober than Fan Shengmei

Money can indeed solve 90% of problems.

However, the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant.

Fan Shengmei's original family is a bottomless abyss, which cannot be filled with money at all.

If Fan Shengmei can't get rid of it ruthlessly, even if the other party has money, it is impossible to help her family without a bottom line.

2, Fan Shengmei didn't see through the essence of the matter

In the eyes of outsiders, Fan Shengmei is a real "fishing girl", who wants to marry into a wealthy family and live a worry-free life.

In fact, Fan Shengmei is really not as sober as a "fishing girl" and can't see her situation clearly.

If Fan Shengmei was a cold-blooded and ruthless woman who only cared about her own interests and climbed up for money, she would never be mixed up like this.

After all, a truly cold-blooded and ruthless woman will never be hungry and crowd the bus herself, and she will have to give all her savings to her family.

Fan Shengmei has not seen through it in the early stage:

is also sucked by his family, abandoned by his ex-boyfriend, Zhu Zhe is more sober than Fan Shengmei

I always thought that Fan Shengmei's tragic life was given by her original family.

It was only later that I found out that

When I watched the 3rd part of "Ode to Joy", I found that Zhu Zhe and Fan Shengmei's original families were too similar.

is also sucked by his family, abandoned by his ex-boyfriend, Zhu Zhe is more sober than Fan Shengmei.

is also sucked by his family, abandoned by his ex-boyfriend, Zhu Zhe is more sober than Fan Shengmei

Zhu Zhe saw through the essence of the family, while working diligently, he deliberately pretended to be poor, and used his savings for many years to buy himself a house in Shanghai.

Fan Shengmei woke up too late, fantasizing about relying on men, while using money to subsidize her family, with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, her life was tight, and she had no savings.

Fortunately, Fan Shengmei finally came to her senses and focused on herself and no longer relied on anyone.

Epiphany is only a matter of moments.

When a person completely wakes up and concentrates on cultivating his own skills, his future life will inevitably be uphill.