
Yuan Yuan read the 240th book "Slow down, calm down" reading notes 40 classic quotations sharing

author:Fate reading
Book Introduction: "Slow down, calm down" This book is a book about travel, love and true life, San'er uses those beautiful and pure photos taken during the journey, those essays that are as transparent as flowing water, write - the people you meet, the scenery you see, the food you eat, the beauty and happiness you feel. Life, not long or short, just enough to see the world, I hope you and I can be like San'er and Jasmine day and night, see more beautiful scenery, as San'er said, "Travel is a way of life, everyone needs to travel, or feel, or redeem, or just put the soul on the road." "Yes, when you return from a trip, your face may be taken away by time, but the shadow of time can still be warm in your memory. There are hundreds of turns and thousands of turns, take advantage of the time to travel! There are some roads, you really have to walk down to know how beautiful they are......
Yuan Yuan read the 240th book "Slow down, calm down" reading notes 40 classic quotations sharing

1. Slow down, what is missing is definitely not opportunity, but courage and wisdom. Have the courage to slow down yourself in the endless "fast", relax your nerves, and wisely arrange your "slow" in the chaotic "fast". Choose your favorite lifestyle to the greatest extent, meet your own needs for leisure, achieve relative "freedom", and find the health and fun that are lost in life. It can be said that "slow life" is to let us learn to be a responsible "lazy person".

2. Zhou Zuoren said: "Half a day's leisure can be worth ten years of dusty dreams." "In this fast-paced, stressful world, it seems like a luxury for us to spend a lot of time on our careers, socializing, and work that we can never finish. But have you thought about it? In the journey of your life, you are always alone.

3. Life should be stop-and-go along the way, so we should not be too busy to reach the destination and miss the scenery around us; Don't complain about your life stumbling and unsatisfactory. You must know that there is not a lack of beauty in life, what is lacking is the eyes and mood to find beauty. Life doesn't have to be looking forward all the time, slowing down at the right time, and distracting your eyes around you, maybe what you desperately want to pursue is right next to you!

4. As the old saying goes: "One piece and one relaxation, the way of civil and martial arts." "Grasp the "zhang" and "relaxation", but also grasp the "degree" of life, so that life to maintain an ideal state, moving like a rabbit, quiet like a virgin, both sweaty like rain, but also leisure and leisurely stay. On the contrary, if you can't let go of anything, if you don't know how to stop and rest, day after day, year after year, you are tired and exhausted. There is no rest, only busyness; There is no enjoyment, only protracted persistence, just ask: is this really the life you want? Is this the life you want?

5. There is a wide lane in the famous Alpine valley with beautiful scenery on both sides, and a sign on the road reads a few bold words: "Walk slowly, admire!" "That's a reminder to people who are in a hurry not to miss the scenery along the way. In the rush of life, it is also necessary to slow down ourselves. Only in this way can we discover and enjoy the diversity of life.

6. Living in modern society, I always feel that the more material things I have, the more happiness I have. Every day I open my eyes and think about better positions, higher salaries, and better living conditions. We have more and more needs, and our work is getting busier and busier, but we don't know that this endless pursuit is slowly moving away from our own hearts, ignoring our inner needs. In such a situation, no amount of material things can make one's heart happy and satisfied.

7. A philosopher once said, "I am the master of my own destiny, and I am the master of my own mind." "Indeed, the only person who decides whether your life is sad or happy is yourself. If you think that life is full of troubles, even if the sky is clear, there is only a dark cloud in your eyes, and the natural life will be unhappy, and it will become worse because of your negative treatment. On the contrary, if you think that all your troubles will not affect your happy heart, then your life will always be full of sunshine and smiles, regardless of whether your so-called wishes are fulfilled or not, whether your so-called dreams are fulfilled or not.

8. The color of the mood determines the color of your world. When you paint it with gray, it is gray; When you paint it, it's colored. To be happy, we must always remember that life can be terrible, but we can choose not to be angry, and our hearts can always be happy. When your heart is peaceful, sunny and calm, then no matter how bad things are, you can turn into light smoke and turn into joy, and you can make life full of beauty and peace.

9. It is inevitable that we will encounter all kinds of people and things in the journey of life. When the sea becomes a mulberry field, when the flying flowers in the eyes have become just a shadow in the memory, please unload the burden of your heart! We should learn to get out of the invisible and untouchable shadow hidden in the depths of the soul, and out of the narrow bottomless pit in the depths of the soul. There is no light, no fresh air. Only by stepping out, allowing life to gain detachment in forgetting and relieving, and letting the soul gain tranquility in forgetting and relieving, will our life become more cheerful and free after removal.

10. There is a mentality in psychology, called "empty cup mentality", which means that we should have an attitude of denying or emptying the past, to integrate into the new environment, and to treat the new job and new life. Never be entangled by the burdens of the past, learn to empty yourself and return your heart to zero, so that your heart can be relaxed and pure.

11. Emptying yourself is not to give up on your original intention completely, on the contrary, it is precisely to find a better version of yourself. As the Indian Krishnamurti says in Chapter 14 of Know Thyself Anew: "You must die every day from all known wounds, honors and disgraces, with self-controlled imagery and all experiences, in order to be free from the known." Every day you die, your brain cells will become fresh, young and innocent. ”

12. It is only the sweetness of the heart that dissolves suffering. As long as your mind is clear and sweet enough, no amount of trouble can change your smile. The reason why people are easy to be troubled is that their souls are bound by various desires, but in fact, they are mostly cocooned and self-trapped. If you can learn to let go of the troubles of your heart, you will find that happiness and happiness are not out of reach. As Bian Zhilin's poem "Broken Chapter" wrote: You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people watching the scenery look at you from upstairs; The bright moon decorates your windows, and you decorate other people's dreams.

13. The reason why the sea is so vast is that it contains the remnants of sand streams. So, learn from the sea, have a broad, leisurely, simple, and comfortable heart, and stay away from the troubles, worries, and disturbances of life. Master Hongyi said, "When the heart is pure, everything is pure; The heart is at ease, everything is at ease. "Instead of having to put yourself in impatience and pain because of your busy pursuit, it is better to slow down, let go of obsession, and give yourself a happy heart!

14. In the summer of the 20s of the 20th century, the famous British thinker Russell came to Sichuan and accompanied him on Mount Emei in a bamboo sedan chair carried by two people. The weather was unusually hot that day, and the mountain road was very steep, and several palanquin drivers were sweating and panting. Seeing this scene, Russell felt very uncomfortable and thought: In order to survive, the sedan chair drivers must be very painful in their hearts when they work in such a harsh environment. In comparison, I am much happier than them.

15. Is it true that more and more intelligent human beings have invented so many advanced things for their own use that the ancients never thought of, but all of this shows that we feel happier and happier than they are? Our bodies are just running and rushing forward, but have you ever wondered if the chasing souls behind us will be exhausted? The absence of the soul will make our soul lose its support and become impetuous. So, it is necessary for us to slow down and wait for our souls.

Yuan Yuan read the 240th book "Slow down, calm down" reading notes 40 classic quotations sharing

16. In "Su Wen: The Ancient Theory of Innocence", it is said: "There is no trouble of thought in the heart, and the pleasure is the business, and the self-satisfaction is the work, the body is not broken, the spirit is not scattered, and you can be a hundred years old." This sentence expresses the true meaning of life: in people's hearts, if there is no burden of thought, no anxiety, no impatience, only spiritual optimism, happiness as the top priority, regardless of honor and disgrace, do not suffer from gains and losses, can regard everything as a happy thing, be at ease, and reach the age of 100.

17. "Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence and leisurely seeing Nanshan" is the realm that everyone yearns for, but only people with warm hearts, tranquility and non-impetuousness can stay away from the world. The beauty of Nanshan is not an accidental encounter, you need to meet with your own quiet and leisurely state of mind, so that you can see the beauty of the world and enjoy the happiness of the moment leisurely.

18. I remember someone said: "True peace is not to avoid the hustle and bustle of cars and horses, but to build hedges and plant chrysanthemums in your heart." Although the past is still the same every day, as long as we get rid of our obsessions, we can be quiet and peaceful. "Yes, if our minds are calm, even if we are not far away from the hustle and bustle, we are not far away from the distractions, no matter where we are, we can still find the entrance to the paradise, rest our heads on the breeze, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of life. Many times, it is not the lights and traffic of the outside world that trap our hearts and make us upset and noisy, but ourselves.

19. If the heart is sunny, it will be warm; If the heart is sad, it will be desolate. In the chaotic red dust, we can't change the cruelty of fate, we can't hope for the kind eyes of others, the only thing we can do is to always have an indifferent and calm heart to accept the vicissitudes of life. Tranquility, that should be the simplicity after complexity, calmness in the ups and downs, in the face of the warmth and coldness of human feelings, and in the face of the temptation of red dust. People with a calm mind are usually better able to understand perceptions, know how to make trade-offs, and know how to do their best to seek the best results than ordinary people.

20. Life is like being in a thorny bush, if the heart does not move, the body will not move, and if it does not move, it will not hurt; If the heart moves, the person moves vainly, and if he moves, he hurts his body and hurts his bones. When the mind is quiet, we can feel the natural artistic conception of "a crane in the clear sky and a row of clouds, it will lead poetry to the blue sky", we can have the leisure and elegance of "walking to the poor place of water, sitting and watching the clouds rise" at any time, and we can achieve the transcendent state of mind of "looking back at the bleak place, returning, there is no wind and rain and no sunshine". When the mind is calm, we will also find that happiness is everywhere.

21. I remember a philosopher who said, "I would not like to have a brain full of knowledge, but to have an open mind." "Indeed, the hustle and bustle of the city makes us unable to stop, and the glittering life makes us unable to stop, and the tired mind gradually withers under the neon light. But don't forget, a person should be the master of his work, and he should be the master of his own soul. Whether your mind can relax or not depends not on where you live or what you do, but whether you have the idea to let your mind relax. If your mind is in a mess, or if you are constantly driven by haste and desire, then no natural beauty, no wooded cottage or lakeside cottage will be able to make your mind truly idle and quiet.

22. People with a calm heart will not be swayed by the busyness and impetuousness of reality, and can always find the leisurely feelings of life, so that their hearts can be happy and satisfied. In that year, Su Dongpo was demoted to Huangzhou for 4 years, and then moved to Ruzhou when he wrote "Huanxi Sha", and wrote such a poem: "Snow foam milk flowers float in the afternoon, and artemisia shoots try spring plates." The taste of the world is refreshing. With just a few brushstrokes, he sketches the scenery of elegant, smart and fresh ink paintings: in the farmhouse of the mountain villa, brew a cup of tea like a floating snow foam milk flower, taste the spring plate vegetarian dishes of tender green artemisia bamboo shoots in the mountains, and feel comfortable, this fresh joy is the most beautiful enjoyment in the world.

23. The world is already impetuous, and it is always hitting our originally pure hearts. In such an environment, we should know how to precipitate ourselves, strive to keep ourselves away from impetuousness, have a pure heart, and be a person of great love. In this way, no matter how confused you are, you can wave your sleeves indifferently; No matter how many vicissitudes there are, you can be unharmed.

24. A famous American singer once said with emotion: "When I was young, I always rushed to the top of the mountain, like a horse participating in a race, wearing an eye patch, and running forward desperately." I couldn't see anything but the white line at the end. My grandmother, seeing that I was too busy, said to me worriedly, 'Son, don't go too fast, or you'll miss the good scenery on the road.' ’

25. The Japanese writer Junichi Watanabe, who is best known for Paradise Lost, once wrote a book called "Dull Sensibility". Feeling the squeeze of human life, human value and dignity in the post-industrial society, Watanabe proposed: we should keep a certain distance from the high-speed modern society, appropriately slow down the pace of life that we think is very meaningful, do not be too fast in everything, and let ourselves be appropriately "sluggish". In fact, this is telling us that we should recognize the flashiness, maintain a calm and sober heart, and be clear about what we should want, what we can want, and how we want it. In short, it is to grasp yourself correctly and let yourself have a comfortable heart.

26. When people look up, they will always be unable to see the road under their feet clearly, so that their eyes are empty. Once you lower your head and lower yourself, the road under your feet will be clear at a glance. When you calm down and look at everything around you with humble eyes, you will find that there are people outside of people and there are heavens outside of the sky. You will see more clearly that there are still many deficiencies in yourself, that your achievements are insignificant, and that you will also be able to find the shining points in others.

27. The brave are calm, and the wise are calm. As the saying goes, "Those who bow their heads and bend down are full of ears of rice, but those who raise their heads are fruitless weeds." "The more ripe and full the ears are, the lower the head hangs. If you don't bow your head, it won't ripen, the wind will break it, the rain will rot it, and the birds will feed on the fruit. Only those barnyard people who are empty in their hearts will appear too ostentatious and always hold their heads high.

28. A writer once said, "A person who truly has great wisdom and great talent must be low-key, modest, and calm." Talent and wisdom are like a bright moon hanging in the depths of the spirit, which has already illuminated their hearts. Their state of mind is peaceful, and their soul is quiet. ”

29. I have always liked such a couplet in "The Story of the Dark Window": "Don't be shocked by the humiliation, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; Go and stay unintentionally, looking at the clouds in the sky. "A few words, but it tells us this truth: in the world, if we can treat favor and humiliation as ordinary as flowers blooming and falling, we can not be surprised; Seeing fame and fortune change like a cloud, can not be unintentional.

30. A philosopher once said, "When one foot flattens the violet, it leaves the incense on that foot." "How wonderful is the creation of God! While giving life, it also gives life a broad mind. Just like that violet flower, never punish yourself for the mistakes of others. In life, there will always be all kinds of unexpected troubles, but as long as we open our hearts and minds to release and forget with a tolerant and calm heart, we can get the ease and happiness of the soul.

Yuan Yuan read the 240th book "Slow down, calm down" reading notes 40 classic quotations sharing

31. Everyone has their own different path in life, and yours can't be exactly the same as everyone else's. What we shouldn't have, we are destined not to get; What you deserve, sooner or later will be yours. Therefore, you don't have to worry too much about your own gains and losses, learn to forget the unhappiness of the past, and do your present self calmly and with peace of mind, you will find that the root of happiness is in your heart.

32. The philosopher says, "Do not open your eyes too wide, and ask, in a hundred years, which one will be yours?" "Only the peace of mind and happiness are the true meaning of life, so that we can have it forever. Therefore, we should be like Haizi's poem wrote: "From tomorrow, be a happy person." Feed the horses, chop wood, and travel the world. From tomorrow, care about food and vegetables. I have a house facing the sea and spring is blooming. "A simple life can have a simple life, and a simple life can have happiness and calmness.

33. When the heart is relaxed, it will be easy and simple to see any problem. At that time, if you think about it carefully, you will find that all troubles are actually caused by desire, and in fact, they are all self-inflicted troubles. If you plan less, you will be happier; Less stress, more ease; Less complaining, more comfort; Less complex, much simpler. In life, although the life we face is hurried, tense, and impetuous, we must also learn to take it and let it go. We should understand that being able to afford it is survival, and being able to let it go is life; It is the ability to take it, and it is wisdom to let it go. Make life simple, and life will be more happy and satisfied; Let the mind relax, and life can be calm and calm.

34. Living your own posture and making your life simple is a realm, and it is also a process of understanding life. Most of those who can always play with the true meaning of life in life understand that "experience" itself is happiness, and "participation" itself is happiness. What is more important is that once we have taken the step of conserving the mind, we have entered into the most appropriate link with life. This link is a beacon that guides us to live our own life values in our own ways and attitudes.

35. There was once a philosopher who said, "Man needs little, but wants much." "Happiness and joy do not increase because you take it endlessly. What you have now may make you feel happy for a while, but it won't necessarily bring you long-term happiness. The human heart is often easily bound by desires, and the result can only be cocooned and self-bound. For example, when you eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, from the taste buds to the mouth, to the feeling of fullness in the stomach, will bring you happiness. However, anyone's gastrointestinal capacity is limited, and you can't consume food without restrictions. If you don't know how to control this kind of pleasure, if you eat too much and too much, you will damage your body and bring trouble to yourself.

36. There is a life motto: Be content, be content, be insufficient, and be not content. It is easy to be content with life and not focus on fame and profit, so that you can live a quiet and happy life. Learning to cherish all the good things in the world, and having an open-minded mind of "the desert is lonely, and the sun sets on the long river", we can let our minds and souls get more washing and baptism.

37. Life is our own, we can choose everything we want, and we don't have to be swayed by the evaluation of others. A philosopher once said: "For this world, you are brand new, never before, from the moment of the birth of heaven and earth to the present, there is no one who is exactly the same as you, and there will never be one who is exactly like you, and there will never be another person who is exactly like you." So, "If no one believes in you, then believe in yourself; If no one appreciates you, then please appreciate yourself; If no one blesses you, then bless yourself. "Yes, glowing isn't just for the sun, you can too. Believe in yourself, be yourself, let the mood drift away with the wind, and achieve your own legend, so that your life is comfortable.

38. Please do not regret the wasted time of yesterday, and do not place endless hopes on the happiness of tomorrow, and enjoy the peace and happiness that you have now. When we slow down the pace of life and quietly enjoy the beauty of life, we will not have so many flashy desires, and the most magnificent side of human nature will be revealed.

39. Our happiness comes from the truth of our hearts, to be the best version of ourselves; Our misfortune is due to the impetuous soul that compares with others. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, envy the scenery of others, and the pursuit of happiness outside the body is a fool's move. There are no two identical leaves in the world, no matter how unbearable you are, you are also unique, you don't need to be contemptuous, and you don't need to be someone else's shadow. The essence of life is to have a calm mind and a slow down attitude, listen to the voice of your heart calmly, and live a new and different self.

40. Life is a process of constantly creating beauty and enjoying happiness, beauty is not only the success and glory of the career, life does not always need to be vigorous, even if it is sometimes ordinary, sometimes simple happiness, even if life is as dull as flowing water, as long as you feel good, feel the value of your existence, time is not spent in vain.

Yuan Yuan read the 240th book "Slow down, calm down" reading notes 40 classic quotations sharing
