
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

author:Shenzhen Longhua
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention


The highest temperature in many places across the country soared to 40°C

Guangdong has also opened the "hot and piping" mode 🔥

According to @guangdongweathernews

Yellow warnings for high temperatures have been issued in many places in Guangdong

From June 20, the number of days with a high temperature of 35°C will increase

Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

According to Shenzhen weather forecast

The recent temperature in Shenzhen

will stabilize around 32 °C

Rainy and rainy weather continues to circulate

It's either a "bureau" or a "baked"

Specific weather forecast for Shenzhen

It is expected that the city will be cloudy and sunny on June 19, with short-term showers locally; On the 20th, it was cloudy with sunshine and short-term (thunder) showers, and on the 21st-23rd, the cloudiness was further reduced, with short-term showers locally, and the weather tended to be hot.

Although the dragon boat water has come to an end, the subtropical high has not yet stably controlled South China, and there is still a risk of local heavy rain in our city, please pay attention to prevent local short-term heavy precipitation, and prevent derivative and secondary disasters such as geological disasters.

Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

Shenzhen will open the "steamer mode"

Increased risk of heat stroke

Severe heat stroke "heatstroke"

It can even be life-threatening


According to Shenzhen 120 dispatch data

June 1 to the present

In Shenzhen, 20 people have suffered heat stroke and need first aid

Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke is an acute disease caused by heat balance or water and salt metabolism disorders in a high temperature environment, with central nervous system or cardiovascular system disorders as the main manifestations.

When exposed to high temperatures for a long time, the body's heat production and heat dissipation are out of balance, resulting in impaired body temperature regulation, sweat gland failure, and people will suffer from heat stroke.

Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

What are the symptoms of heat stroke?

From the perspective of clinical manifestations, heat stroke can be divided into three categories according to the severity of it:

  • Premonitory heat stroke
  • Mild heat stroke
  • Severe heat stroke
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

The most important thing to watch out for is severe heat stroke

It includes:

There are three types of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke

In severe cases, it can lead to death

Among them, "heat stroke" is the most serious form of severe heat stroke, which is the most harmful to human life, with a mortality rate of more than 50%, and its typical symptom is a body temperature of more than 40 °C. Such a high body temperature can cause irreversible damage to the brain, leading to mass death of brain cells.

It is equivalent to the human body becoming a steamer, and the internal organs are "steamed" raw.

Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

How can I prevent heat stroke?

Heat stroke is more common in young people who work for long periods of time in a hot environment, such as those engaged in heavy physical labor or strenuous exercise, but also in the elderly or children who do not have heavy physical work, pregnant women, people with poor thermoregulation and adaptability, or people with underlying diseases.

Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

Therefore, everyone should do a good job of sun protection when going out and try to avoid activities under the scorching sun. If you must go out, be sure to do a good job of protection, such as wearing a parasol, a sunhat, sunglasses, etc. Try to choose cotton, linen, silk and other breathable and sweat-absorbing fabrics to avoid heat dissipation in time when sweating a lot, causing heat stroke.

Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

Special populations should avoid going out as much as possible. The elderly, pregnant women, children, and people with chronic diseases, especially those with cardiovascular diseases, should reduce outdoor activities as much as possible in hot weather.

The most important thing is to drink plenty of water! Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water, because thirst means that your body is dehydrated, and ideally drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day, depending on the temperature. When sweating a lot, you can supplement some salt water appropriately.

How to first aid after heat stroke?

If the elderly, children or friends around you suffer from heat stroke, you can choose the following measures based on the site conditions:

Moving: Quickly lift the patient to a ventilated, cool, and dry place, lie flat and unbutton the clothes, loosen or take off the clothes, and change the clothes if the clothes are soaked with sweat.

Cooling: You can use ice or cold water for a full body scrub bath, and then use a fan or electric fan to blow the air to accelerate heat dissipation. If conditions permit, cooling blankets can also be used to cool down. When the body temperature drops below 38°C, stop all strong cooling measures such as cold compresses.

Hydration: While the patient is still conscious, a refreshing drink, such as a sports drink, may be given. However, do not rush to replenish large amounts of water, otherwise it will cause symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, and nausea.

Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

Assess the state of consciousness: If there is no response to the call, breathing and heartbeat stop, the first witness at the scene should immediately call the 120 emergency number, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and use AED (the English abbreviation of automated external defibrillator) as soon as possible.

Transfer: For patients with severe heat stroke, they must be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the use of ice packs on the neck, armpits and thighs of the patient as much as possible, and actively carry out physical cooling to protect the brain, heart and lungs and other important organs.

Heat stroke should be treated as concentric muscle infarction, cerebral infarction, and cardiac arrest, time is life, and if you want to live, from the suspected or confirmed beginning, the whole process of treatment should be standardized as soon as possible to minimize the possibility of disability.

8 Cognitive Misconceptions About Heatstroke

A picture to read


Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention
Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

Pay attention to heat protection in hot weather

If you feel like you're showing signs of "heat stroke".

Be sure to pay attention

Seek medical attention promptly if necessary

Source | Shenzhen Meteorological Bureau (Taiwan) Guangdong Weather (Weibo) Shenzhen First Aid (Public Account)

Edit | Liu

Audit | Li Shizhao

Severe can be fatal! Don't underestimate heat stroke prevention

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