
Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique

author:Eight sections of the ancient method of the great river skill

Whether it is medicine, martial arts, or channeling, their principles are the same.

Treat the upper disease and the lower treatment, the left disease and the right treatment...... If you understand it, you're half a doctor.

Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique

These secrets of conditioning the human body, the Baduan Jin Channeling Technique has long been played perfectly.

1. Be smart, not stupid

If you want to get better quickly, the more medicine you take, the better.

If you want to be healthy, exercise is not about getting tired, the better.

If you find the cause, you can turn the crisis into safety with one injection, understand the key, and one trick can be effective like a god.

Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique

Health exercise is not stupid kung fu, you have to use your brain, you have to see if there are any mysteries of the human body that the ancient sages have discovered long ago in your exercise.

2. Treat the left disease and the right treatment

The treatment of diseases should cooperate left and right, and interact up and down.

"Su Wen" said: "Those who are angry are opposed, the disease is above, and they are taken below; The disease is below, and the above is taken; The disease is in the middle, and it is taken. ”

Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique

The same is true for guidance, it is necessary to coordinate hands and feet, and to seek the same breath.

But many people only practice half of it, the upper body and the lower body, each practicing their own. Some people will only have the same hands and feet and will not cross the hand...... It's good to be able to practice half of the effect.

3. The art of fighting left and right

The brain, too, cross-manages the body.

Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique

Our left brain controls the right side of the body, and our right brain controls the left side of the body, not only the body, but also the eyes, but we are not aware of it.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" said: "The husband and the evil guest are the great network, the left note is right, the right is left and right, up and down, left and right, and related to the scriptures, and the cloth is at the end of the four, its qi is impermanent, not into the Jing Yu, and the fate is called Miao Thorn." ”

Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique

Fourth, the bias is followed by the double stagnation

The same is true for martial arts.

Wang Zongyue said in "Treatise on Taijiquan": "If you are biased, you will follow, and if you are double, you will be sluggish." Every time I see a few years of pure work, those who can't be transported, the rate is self-controlled, and the double disease has not been realized. ”

Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique

If you understand the duality, there will be a policy for curing diseases, there will be a theory for health preservation, and there will be a killing opportunity for martial arts.

The cooperation of hands and feet, the front hands and feet can not be the same as the reality, there must be a yin and a yang, then the back hands and feet should also be a real and a virtual, this is the most simple action we walk, this is the road to simplicity!

Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique

Fifth, the ancient method of eight sections of brocade

The exercise of the ancient method of Baduanjin, one of which is the exercise known to the public, and the second is that it is skillfully integrated into the guidance of the left and right up and down, which is the theory of "corresponding with the same voice and seeking each other with the same breath" mentioned in the Book of Changes!

The source of destiny is in the waist system, the strength of the left leg is sent to the right hand, and the strength of the right leg must reach the tip of the left hand......

Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique

The second type, the left and right bows are like shooting eagles, and the third type, regulating the spleen and stomach must be single-lifted, especially the seventh type, accumulating fists and angry eyes to increase strength, left and right, up and down, hands and feet of the cross linkage, the subtlety of the guidance technique, to the fullest.

6. You are half a doctor

The general health exercise does not interact left and right, and connect up and down, and that's it.

The eight sections of the ancient method we practice, this is the essence of the wisdom of the ancient sages, the more details are concerned, the more you can't throw them away, and the devil is in the details.

Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique

Practice it to you, and you will have the confidence to walk the rivers and lakes.

Healing is it, guidance is it, martial arts is it, health is still it! It is said that Baduanjin is good, but why is it ineffective for you to practice? In fact, there are secrets in it

Whoever finds it belongs to whom, the secret of treating the left disease and the right treatment is hidden in the Eight Duanjin Guiding Technique