
It is countless farmer friends who have bent their backbones and made great contributions to China's development!

author:Chen Chuer

Since ancient times, the mainland has been a big agricultural country, and peasant friends, as grassroots laborers, have shouldered the heavy responsibility of agricultural production and made great contributions to the prosperity and development of the country. As an ordinary person, when I was a child, I often listened to my grandfather talk about the hard years of their generation of farmers.

Today, I take this as the title to pay tribute to those unknown and hard-working farmers!

It is countless farmer friends who have bent their backbones and made great contributions to China's development!

When I was a child, I liked to follow my grandfather to the fields, watch them work, and listen to their stories of the past.

At that time, I was not sensible, I only knew that my peasant friends worked hard at sunrise and sunset, but I didn't know how heavy the burden they were bearing. As I grew older, I gradually understood that it was the hard work of these farmer friends that brought about a bumper grain harvest in our country and supported the cornerstone of the country's economy.

Mainland farmers have a long history, and for thousands of years, they have worked the land for generations to thrive. In the past years, they have faced various difficulties, such as barren land, natural disasters, wars, etc., but they have never given up, always stuck to the land, and contributed their own strength to the development of the country.

It is countless farmer friends who have bent their backbones and made great contributions to China's development!

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the lives of peasant friends have been greatly improved.

With the support of national policies, they were allocated land and became the real owners of the land. Since then, they have worked hard, for the improvement of the country's grain production, for the prosperity of their hometown, and for the prosperity of the motherland, they are willing to pay without complaint or regret.

However, in modern society, many young people have less and less understanding of agriculture and farmers.

They pursue the prosperity of the city and the white-collar life of the office, but ignore the obscure peasant friends behind them. It is these peasants, with their hard hands, who grow grain and feed the people of the whole country; It is these peasants, with their tenacious backbone, who support half of the country's economy.

It is countless farmer friends who have bent their backbones and made great contributions to China's development!

In my opinion, farmer friends are the greatest people in the world.

They work hard and selflessly, for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of their families, they shoulder a heavy burden, but they always smile. It is this perseverance and perseverance that allows our country to continue to develop and our people to live a better and better life.

Today, the process of agricultural modernization on the mainland is constantly accelerating, and the living standards of peasants are also constantly improving.

But we must not forget that there are still many farmers who are working the front line, and their lives are still not easy. Therefore, we must always pay attention to them, care for them, create better living conditions for them, and let them feel the love of the motherland.

It is countless farmer friends who have bent their backbones and made great contributions to China's development!

Finally, let us pay tribute to those countless farmers and thank them for their great contributions to the development of the country. May their lives get better and better, may their spines no longer bend, and may their smiles be brighter!

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