
After listening to Professor Fudan's words, I realized that Jiang Ping's popularity was due to the slap in the face of the four major phenomena of education

author:Born to the sun

### After listening to Professor Fudan's words, I realized that Jiang Ping's popularity was because of the four major phenomena of education in the face!

>**#q1#**: Jiang Ping, who everyone is talking about, her popularity is not accidental. Recently, a professor at Fudan University has made people recognise the four major phenomena in education. And Jiang Ping is precisely because of the courage to speak out and face the problem, which has aroused widespread attention and resonance in the society. Let's listen to these "truths" and see what needs to change in our education.

After listening to Professor Fudan's words, I realized that Jiang Ping's popularity was due to the slap in the face of the four major phenomena of education

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## Description

Jiang Ping's name is now a household name, and her remarks have not only ignited public opinion, but also made everyone think deeply about education. Her views echo those of Fudan University professors, revealing four major phenomena in education. This article will uncover the truth about this hot topic and see what problems exist in education.

## Body

### 1. Focus only on scores and ignore all-round development

A common problem in the current education system is that it focuses only on students' grades and ignores their all-round development. Jiang Ping pointed out that this utilitarian concept of education is outdated, which restricts the cultivation of students' creativity and practical ability. We should pay more attention to cultivating students' comprehensive quality and provide them with more opportunities and space for development.

### 2. Exams are stressful and cause to students

After listening to Professor Fudan's words, I realized that Jiang Ping's popularity was due to the slap in the face of the four major phenomena of education

Psychological burden

Another common problem is the excessive stress of exams, which creates a huge psychological burden on students. Jiang Ping pointed out that education should be a process of cultivating students' all-round development, not just to prepare for exams. We should reduce the number and frequency of exams, and focus on cultivating students' practical ability and creativity, so that they can enjoy the learning process.

### 3. The imbalance of educational resources leads to educational inequality

The imbalance of educational resources is a long-standing problem and a clear phenomenon in education. Jiang Ping believes that this unfair phenomenon seriously affects the development of students and equality of opportunities. We need to increase investment in education for remote areas and disadvantaged groups, narrow the education gap between urban and rural areas and between classes, and achieve equity in education.

### 4. The content of education is outdated and out of touch with the needs of society

The last phenomenon is the obsolescence of educational content, which is out of touch with the needs of society. Jiang Ping pointed out that education should be closely integrated with the development needs of society and cultivate talents with innovative spirit and practical ability. We need to comprehensively update and reform the content of education to adapt it to the rapid changes and development of society.

After listening to Professor Fudan's words, I realized that Jiang Ping's popularity was due to the slap in the face of the four major phenomena of education

### Conclusion

The four major phenomena of education were mentioned again, which triggered deep thinking about education in the society in Jiang Ping's popularity. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the problem of education, but we must face it and actively explore solutions. It is only through reform and innovation that we can build a more just, equitable and vibrant education system.

Disclaimer: The views and issues mentioned in this article are the author's personal opinions and are not hard and fast rules. But we should draw inspiration from this and promote the reform and progress of education.

**Source: Headline Editor**

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