
Doctor's warning: 2 times a day to drink tea is the most beneficial to the body and mind, hurry up and see if you drink it right?

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health

Drinking tea is an indispensable part of many people's daily lives. However, did you know that choosing the right time to drink tea will not only enhance the taste of tea, but also maximize its benefits to your body? Doctors have reminded us many times that there are two times of the day when tea is the most beneficial for the body and mind. If you don't know these two golden times yet, take a look at them, and drink them right to not only enjoy delicious food, but also promote health!

Doctor's warning: 2 times a day to drink tea is the most beneficial to the body and mind, hurry up and see if you drink it right?

When you wake up in the morning: start your day with energy

1. Cleanses the stomach and intestines and aids digestion

After waking up in the morning and resting for a good night, the body needs to rehydrate and start the metabolism. Drinking a cup of warm weak tea, especially green tea or pu-erh tea, at this time can gently cleanse the stomach and intestines and promote the activity of the digestive system. The caffeine in tea stimulates the secretion of gastric acid, which helps in the digestion of food, and at the same time, tea polyphenols and amino acids can also regulate the intestinal flora and maintain intestinal health.

2. Refresh your mind and improve your concentration

Mornings are the best time of the day for memory and concentration. The caffeine and theanine contained in a cup of tea can effectively refresh the mind and bring a feeling of freshness, helping you to better face the day at work and study. Unlike coffee, the caffeine in tea is released more slowly and persistently, without causing over-excitement and rapid heartbeat, making it suitable for long-term consumption.

3. Supplement antioxidants to delay aging

Tea is rich in antioxidants, such as catechins and vitamin C, which neutralize free radicals in the body and slow down the aging process of cells. Drinking tea in the morning is just the right start of the day to replenish your body with these important antioxidants and lay the foundation for a healthy day of activity.

Doctor's warning: 2 times a day to drink tea is the most beneficial to the body and mind, hurry up and see if you drink it right?

Two or three o'clock in the afternoon: relieve fatigue and restore energy

1. Fight afternoon drowsiness and improve work efficiency

Two or three o'clock in the afternoon is a time when many people feel tired and low in energy, and drinking a cup of tea at this time can effectively refresh and get rid of afternoon sleepiness. The caffeine in tea acts quickly on the central nervous system, improving concentration and reaction speed. L-theanine, on the other hand, balances the stimulating effects of caffeine, providing a calming and long-lasting refreshing effect.

2. Promotes digestion and prevents food accumulation

After a period of digestion and absorption after lunch, two or three o'clock in the afternoon is when the stomach and intestines begin to enter another digestive peak. Drinking a cup of tea, especially green tea or oolong tea, at this time can help promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, speed up food digestion, and prevent food accumulation and stomach bloating. At the same time, the polyphenols in tea also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, which are very beneficial to gastrointestinal health.

3. Relax your mind and relieve stress

1. Modern life is fast-paced and stressful, and two or three o'clock in the afternoon is the time of the day when work pressure gradually accumulates. At this time, making a cup of favorite tea and enjoying a moment of tranquility can effectively relax your mind and relieve stress. The theanine in tea also stimulates the brain to produce α waves, which can help relieve anxiety and boost your mood, so you can move on to the rest of your work in better shape.

Doctor's warning: 2 times a day to drink tea is the most beneficial to the body and mind, hurry up and see if you drink it right?

How to make tea correctly: master the skills and get twice the result with half the effort

1. Control of water temperature

Different kinds of tea have different requirements for water temperature. Green and white teas require a lower water temperature (70-80 degrees Celsius) in order to maintain the freshness and aroma of the tea leaves. Black tea and Pu-erh tea, on the other hand, require a higher water temperature (90-100 degrees Celsius) to fully release the components in the tea.

2. Time to make tea

The time it takes to make the tea is equally important. Green tea and white tea can generally be brewed for 1-2 minutes, while black tea and pu-erh tea can be brewed for 3-5 minutes. Steeping for too long will make the tea bitter and affect the taste.

3. The choice of tea set

Brewing tea with different tea utensils will affect the taste and aroma of the tea. Green and white teas are suitable for glass or porcelain cups, so that you can enjoy the beautiful posture of the tea leaves stretching in the water. Black tea and Pu'er tea are suitable for purple clay pots, which can better maintain the temperature and aroma of tea.

Contraindications for drinking tea: pay attention to details, double the health

1. Do not drink tea immediately before or after meals

Tea should not be drunk within half an hour before and after meals, because the tannic acid in tea will affect the absorption of iron, leading to anemia. In addition, drinking tea immediately after a meal can also dilute gastric juice and affect the digestion of food.

2. Do not drink tea before going to bed

The caffeine in tea has a refreshing effect, and drinking tea before going to bed can easily lead to insomnia. Therefore, it is best to avoid drinking tea, especially strong tea, within 2 hours before bedtime.

3. Tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach

Drinking tea on an empty stomach can irritate the gastric mucosa and easily cause stomach discomfort. Therefore, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm water before eating breakfast and then drink tea.

By choosing the time and way to drink tea scientifically and reasonably, we can maximize the benefits of tea to the body. The best time of day to drink tea is after waking up in the morning and at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, which not only refreshes the mind and promotes digestion, but also replenishes antioxidants and relieves stress. Choose the right tea for you, master the correct way to make tea, and pay attention to the taboos of drinking tea, you can enjoy the health and pleasure brought by tea. Hurry up and see if you're drinking right today?