
Doctors often say "avoid spicy", but not only chili, many people are wrong

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health

On a hot summer afternoon, Li Ming sat on the sofa at home, holding a diet list that the doctor had given him. He frowned in distress as he looked at the words on the list.

"Li Ming, good afternoon." His wife, Wang Li, put down the shopping bag and walked into the living room, and saw that Li Ming's expression was a little wrong, "What's wrong?" Is the doctor's advice worrying you again? ”

Li Ming sighed and handed Wang Li the piece of paper, "The doctor said that I had better not eat too much spicy food, but I really don't know what spicy food includes." ”

Wang Li took the paper, frowned and looked at it for a while, "Spicy? Isn't it just chili? ”

"I thought it was, too, but the doctor said it wasn't just chili." Li Ming hesitated, "I think we may have been jealous all along. ”

This scene may have been experienced by many people. Doctors often say that spicy should not be spicy, but many people may have misunderstood what exactly is spicy. Let's take a look at the misconceptions about spicy food.

Doctors often say "avoid spicy", but not only chili, many people are wrong

Misconceptions about spicy foods:

Chili may be the first spicy food that comes to our mind, but in reality, spicy is not limited to chili peppers. Chili peppers are just one of them, and the range of spicy foods is much more than that.

Spicy foods mainly refer to those foods that can irritate the oral mucosa and cause a hot and spicy sensation. In addition to chili peppers, it also includes peppercorns, ginger, green onions, garlic, pepper, etc. These ingredients contain spicy ingredients that give the food its unique taste and texture.

However, many people's understanding of spicy food stays on chili peppers, ignoring that other ingredients can also have a spicy nature. For example, many people like to eat spicy hot pot, in which Sichuan pepper is a common spicy ingredient, which will also irritate the oral mucosa and produce a spicy feeling.

The misconception of spicy food is not only about the range of ingredients, but also about the perception of its effects. Many people think that they can avoid spicy foods as long as they don't eat chili peppers, but they ignore that other ingredients may also have an impact on the body.

Therefore, to properly understand what doctors say about "avoid spicy", it is necessary not only to know the range of spicy foods, but also to understand their effects on the body.

Doctors often say "avoid spicy", but not only chili, many people are wrong

Common spicy foods

Chili peppers:

Chili peppers are one of the spicy ingredients we are most familiar with. It contains capsaicin, which is the main ingredient that causes the spicy taste. Common chili peppers include red peppers, green peppers, finger peppers, etc. The pungent taste of chili peppers comes from the capsaicin in them, which irritate the oral mucosa, causing a spicy sensation.


Sichuan pepper is a commonly used condiment in Chinese cuisine, and its spicy taste is different from that of chili pepper, and it is more of a spicy feeling. The pepper in Sichuan pepper will stimulate the oral receptor nerves, resulting in numbness and tingling.

Ginger, green onions, garlic, etc.:

In addition to chili peppers, seasonings such as ginger, shallots, and garlic are also considered spicy ingredients. They contain volatile spicy ingredients that can stimulate the mouth and digestive system and add a unique flavor to dishes.


Pepper is a common condiment that is divided into white pepper, black pepper, etc. The spiciness in it comes from the fruit of the capsicum family, which contains capsaicin, which gives the dish a slightly spicy taste.

Doctors often say "avoid spicy", but not only chili, many people are wrong

Effects on the body

Effects of the digestive system:

Spicy foods stimulate the digestive system to a certain extent. Capsaicin can promote the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, enhance appetite, and aid digestion. However, for people with poor gastrointestinal function or digestive problems such as stomach ulcers, consuming too much spicy food may aggravate symptoms, leading to discomfort.

Effects on the cardiovascular system:

Eating spicy foods in moderation has certain benefits for the cardiovascular system. Capsaicin helps to promote blood circulation, reduce blood viscosity, and support cardiovascular health. However, for people with high blood pressure, consuming too much spicy food may cause blood pressure to rise, and it should be taken in moderation.

Effects of metabolism:

Spicy foods boost metabolism, increase calorie expenditure, help with weight loss and fat burning. Some spicy ingredients also have antioxidant effects, which can help prevent aging and certain diseases.

Doctors often say "avoid spicy", but not only chili, many people are wrong

Effects of sleep quality:

Excessive consumption of spicy foods may affect sleep quality. Spicy food can increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, leading to indigestion, heartburn and other discomforts, affecting sleep onset and sleep quality.

Individual Differences:

It is important to note that the level of tolerance to spicy foods varies from person to person. Some people may be more sensitive and prone to stomach upset or indigestion after consuming spicy foods, while others are better receptive.

Overall, spicy foods are safe for most people to consume in moderation and have some health benefits. But for people with digestive problems or other health conditions, intake should be moderated to avoid causing discomfort.