
Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?


When our dogs have accompanied us through a long period of time, gradually entering old age, their lives are gradually coming to an end like the sunset. In these last days, the elderly dogs may have some wishes waiting for us to discover and fulfill.

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

Wish 1: I hope to always feel the company of the owner.

Older dogs are no longer as energetic as they were when they were younger, and they are more often quiet to the sidelines. They long for their owners to sit by their side, gently stroke their heads, and talk to them. Even just silently accompanying them can make them feel reassured and warm. The companionship of their owners is what they crave most, and in the last moments of their lives, they want to be surrounded by this love all the time.

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

Wish 2: I want a comfortable and quiet environment.

Older dogs become weak and they need a quiet, warm, and comfortable place to rest. A soft cushion, a quiet corner to relax them in. The owner can carefully arrange such a small space for them so that they can spend each day in peace of mind.

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

Wish 3: To be able to go to familiar places again.

The paths and parks that I once walked with my owner carry their fond memories. They hope that while they can still walk, they can go to those familiar places again, smell familiar smells, and reminisce about the happy times of the past. The owner can take them by the hand and walk slowly, allowing them to relive those warm pasts.

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

Wish 4: Taste the food you once loved.

Even though older dogs may not have as much of an appetite as they once were, they will still miss the treats that once made their mouths water. The owner can prepare some food for them that they liked when they were young, maybe just a small bite, and it will also make them feel satisfied and happy.

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

Wish 5: Gain the master's understanding and tolerance.

Older dogs may experience some behavioral changes due to physical discomfort or aging, such as occasional incontinence, sluggishness, etc. They want their owners to understand that this is not their intention, but the helplessness of aging. The tolerance and understanding of the owner will make them feel deeply loved.

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

Wish 6: Say goodbye to the owner.

Older dogs know that their time is running out, and they want to have a deep emotional connection with their owners before leaving. A look, a hug, can convey unspeakable emotions between each other. The owner should feel their mood with his heart and give them the most sincere response.

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

In order for senior dogs to have a calm and peaceful old age, we need to take care of them more carefully.

[1] Pay attention to their physical changes and take them to the veterinarian regularly to ensure that their health is monitored and treated in a timely manner.

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

[2] In daily life, give them enough love and care, so that they can feel that we care. You can properly mix and chew treats to interact with the puppy and make it happier.

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

[3] The diet of elderly dogs is even more important, and their nutritional needs have changed due to the decline of physical function. It is recommended to choose a special dog food for senior dogs to meet nutritional needs.

Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?

Conclusion: How old is your dog?

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Have you fulfilled the wishes of the elderly dog "on his deathbed"?