
For the sake of my children, I chose to stay with my domestic violence husband, and I chose to leave when my children grew up

author:Xiaoqing's emotional story

People say that marriage is a siege, and those outside the city want to come in, and those inside the city want to go out. And my marriage is a cage surrounded by iron fences. Every time I tried to escape, I was dragged back into my cage by the cruelty of reality.

I was twenty-three years old and had just graduated from college. Youthful and full of hope for the future. At a class reunion, I met Amin. He was tall and handsome, and he spoke with a lot of humor, as if a beam of light had shone into my life. We quickly fell in love, as if there were only two of us in the world. When I was in love, he took care of me in every way, almost meticulously.

For the sake of my children, I chose to stay with my domestic violence husband, and I chose to leave when my children grew up

Half a year later, we entered the palace of marriage. I thought I had found true happiness, but it turned out that it was only the beginning of the nightmare.

In the first few months of our marriage, we were still as sweet as ever. But it wasn't long before Amin began to show his irascible side. The first time was because of a trivial incident where I forgot to turn off the lights, and he got furious and slapped me in the face. At that moment, my world seemed to collapse. Later, he apologized, gave me gifts, and tried everything to coax me, but I chose to forgive.

But the violence has not stopped, it has intensified. Each time he has a different excuse, sometimes it is work pressure, sometimes it is family trivialities. And I, again and again, forgive, because I found out I was pregnant. My child has become my biggest hudle, and I can't let him grow up in a broken family.

The birth of my son brought me infinite joy and gave me a glimmer of hope for marriage. Perhaps, the child can change Amin. But reality once again shattered my illusions. Amin's violence did not decrease with the arrival of the child, but became more frequent. Whenever he was angry, I would hold my son tightly and protect him with my own body.

I thought about divorce many times, but every time I thought about my son, I flinched. After the divorce, my son may lose his father's love or live with Amin, which is unacceptable to me. I can't risk my son falling into the hands of his irascible father.

As time passed, the son grew up and became sensible. Whenever I see his immature face, I feel extremely distressed. Children should not live in violence and fear, and this is my dereliction as a mother.

For the sake of my children, I chose to stay with my domestic violence husband, and I chose to leave when my children grew up

Once, Amin moved again in front of his son, and at that moment, my heart seemed to be torn apart. The son was so frightened that he hid in the corner, shivering. I realized that staying with Amin would only hurt my son more.

After a long period of thinking and struggling, I decided to leave Amin. I want to give my son a healthy, peaceful environment to keep him away from violence.

On the day my son went to college, I filed a divorce settlement. Armin was stunned, he probably never thought that I would have such a big determination. He tried to redeem it, but I will never relent. I've given so much and lost so much for this marriage, and now it's time to fight for a new world for myself and my son.

Life after the divorce was not easy, and I had to readjust to life as a single mother, facing financial pressure and emotional loneliness. But when I see my son doing well in school and a confident smile on his face, I know that it all pays off.

Today, my son and I live a peaceful and happy life. Although the pain of the past is hard to forget, I have learned to draw strength from it. After going through so much, I have become stronger and know how to cherish the beauty of the moment.

Sometimes, my son would ask me why I hadn't left sooner. I told him, "Mom wanted you to have a full childhood, but when Mom realized that staying would only cause more harm, Mom decided to leave." Everything Mom does, it's for you. ”

My son hugged me tightly, and at that moment, I felt extremely relieved. My choice was understood and supported by the most important person, my son.

For the sake of my children, I chose to stay with my domestic violence husband, and I chose to leave when my children grew up

Every choice has its price, and every mother has her helplessness and strength. My story may be just a microcosm of countless families, but I hope that through it, more people will be aware of the seriousness of domestic violence and the selflessness and greatness of mother's love.

It is often said that mothers are great. But in fact, mothers are also vulnerable. For the sake of our children, we can endure everything, but at some point, we will find the true courage and choose to leave.

Regardless of the past, I firmly believe that the future will be better. And my son, under the nourishment of love, will thrive and become a kind, strong and responsible person. This is my greatest wish and the motivation for me to persevere.