
"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

author:Little Plum Classroom
"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

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"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

In September 2019, on a gloomy day in San Francisco, a man dressed in professional attire fell directly into the air of a skyscraper. This thrilling scene made the hearts of all the witnesses grasp tightly.

Chen Qin, a genius boy who was once in the spotlight and had a promising future, finally chose to end his life, which shocked the world.

Once upon a time, this 24-year-old talent was already a core executive at Facebook, with a talent, a lot of money, and an annual salary of millions, which was the envy of everyone. His life is like a bright new star, shining brightly and dizzying.

However, at this moment, this new star chose to completely extinguish its own light, ending its short and legendary life in an extremely decisive way.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

Others only saw the panic and struggle of Chen Qin's fall, but they didn't know the pain and despair in his heart. Chen Qin is a post-80s generation from an ordinary background, and with his wisdom and hard work, he gradually turned the dream of a civilian millionaire into a reality.

However, just when the dream was about to come true, fate hit him cruelly again.

When Chen Qin struggled to fall from a height, many images must have surfaced in his mind: when he was studying in Fujian, he had an unattainable dream that one day he could turn the tide and change the poor family's situation; After entering Zhejiang University, he became the focus of attention with his excellent grades and leadership skills; At the age of 24, he received his doctorate and went to the United States to study and pursue his dreams.

Along the way, hardship and sweat have become an eternal mark in his life.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

However, just when Chen Qin thought that he was finally going to realize his dream, fate played a cruel joke again, and Facebook ruthlessly eliminated and fired him, and years of hard work seemed to come to naught overnight, and even his long-awaited place to settle down no longer existed.

Chen Qin, who came from a poor background, had always dreamed of one day living a prosperous life, but the blow made him fall into despair. He felt that he had no shame to face his former friends and relatives, so he made that extreme choice.

In that silent moment, a young life fell silently to the earth, forever frozen at the age of 24.

Looking back at Chen Qin's experience in his youth, we find that he showed extraordinary talent from an early age, and he was undoubtedly a gifted child. In 1998, Chen Qin was undisputedly admitted to Zhejiang University, a top university, with excellent results in science, and became a bright star of students.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

Chen Qin's performance after coming to Zhejiang University did not disappoint. He was a hard-working and studious student who not only excelled in his academics but also took the initiative to take on the heavy responsibility of extracurricular activities.

In just a few months, the young man successfully founded the Campus Mathematics Association with his extraordinary leadership skills and affinity, which attracted more than 600 students who love mathematics.

Chen Qin is a high-profile figure on the campus of Zhejiang University, whether it is in class or participating in club activities, he always attracts many attention.

In addition to his outstanding performance in learning, Chen Qin can also be good at seizing opportunities and showing his comprehensive strength. He often participates in social practice activities, and can integrate the theoretical knowledge he has learned with the actual situation, so he has won the favor of many enterprises.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

At that time, many companies were vying for this young man with unlimited potential, hoping that he would become a mainstay of their own.

In the past few years of study at Zhejiang University, Chen Qin has been like a constantly flashing new star, talented and promising. With wisdom and hard work, he actively pursues the ideal life of "learning to succeed", so that the people around him are full of expectations and longings for him.

In the face of outstanding students like Chen Qin, Zhejiang University has done its best to cultivate. But this kind of outstanding talent of children, even a prestigious school like Zhejiang University, can not be fully accepted.

In the end, with his outstanding grades and performance, he successfully won a doctoral place in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Southern California, and embarked on a new journey of further study abroad.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

Chen Qin is a very talented young man, and being able to win a full scholarship for doctoral students at the top university in the United States, the University of Southern California, is undoubtedly the best proof of his strength.

In 2002, Chen Qin, who was only 24 years old, left his motherland and crossed the ocean alone to start a new journey in his life.

After Chen Qin entered the University of Southern California, he was faced with a new living and learning environment, where top scholars and students from all over the world gathered, and the academic atmosphere was extremely strong, which was undoubtedly a big test for Chen Qin.

However, the solid foundation that Chen Qin has accumulated at Zhejiang University has enabled him to adapt quickly to the new environment and maintain excellent grades in his studies.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

As a Ph.D. student majoring in computer science, Chen Qin not only needs to take a large number of theoretical courses in his studies, but also needs to actively participate in the scientific research projects of the laboratory. Due to his outstanding talent, he quickly became the star of the laboratory, and was often admired and envied by his mentors and classmates.

Despite the heavy workload and scientific research tasks at the graduate level, Chen Qin is like a marathon runner who never tires, with extraordinary perseverance and amazing learning ability, he surpasses himself and breaks through the limits again and again.

As we all know, studying abroad is not always easy, whether it is language difficulties or differences in living customs, Chen Qin has always brought a lot of challenges. However, it is precisely with his perseverance and endless thirst for knowledge that Chen Qin was able to maintain excellent performance in the fierce competitive environment and won unanimous praise from his tutors and classmates.

In the endless time, four years seem to have passed in the blink of an eye. In 2006, Chen Qin received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, an achievement that is undoubtedly admirable for a 24-year-old.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

When Chen Qin wore a bachelor's gown, a doctor's hat, and a degree certificate in his hand, and accepted the applause of everyone, countless people on the scene blessed him, wishing this young man great ambitions and excellence on the road of life in the future.

After graduating from Dr. Chen, with his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, he quickly became a fish in water in internationally renowned technology companies and was favored by Facebook.

In 2008, the youth-led Internet giant extended an olive branch to Mr. Chen and invited him to join the company. For a young person who has just stepped out of school, it is a rare opportunity to have such an opportunity, which is tantamount to the realization of the dreams of countless people.

What's even more amazing is that Chen Qin's starting salary is as high as 224,000 US dollars, which is converted into about 1.54 million yuan! This is already a high annual salary that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve, which is enough to make Chen Qin a leader among his peers.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

As a post-80s ordinary family, Chen Qin, with his own intelligence and hard work, finally realized the ideal of "starting from scratch" and embarked on the pinnacle of life.

Chen Qin's performance at Facebook is still very good. He worked hard, learned and progressed, and quickly became the core backbone of the company. He was rated as a C1 employee, which is the highest recognition and commendation for employees within the company.

As a C1 Chen Qin, his responsibilities are not only limited to the technical aspects, but also to shoulder the management tasks of the company, which can be described as a double gain of power and salary.

At just 24 years old, Chen Qin has become a Facebook executive, mainly responsible for the company's core business. He works with some of Silicon Valley's top IT talent every day, and is undoubtedly one of the brightest stars.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

Soon after, he bought a mansion and planned to bring his parents to spend the rest of his life with. They will live a life of superiority that was once unimaginable.

In an instant, Chen Qin became an inspiring and inspirational role model in the Chinese community. Countless people are full of envy and sincere blessings when discussing him, wishing this unique talent a great future and endless wealth.

Chen Qin is proud of his dedication and achievements, and he believes that he can finally achieve the life that carries everyone's expectations.

Although Chen Qin has received an enviable high salary after joining Facebook, it does not mean that he can be high and at ease.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

As the backbone of a technology company, Chen Qin must always maintain a high degree of focus and perseverance, and live a high-intensity work schedule like "machine substitution".

Every morning, Chen Qin always wears a neat suit and leather shoes, and walks into the office with an okratti tired face to start a new day's work. As a C1 employee of the company, he not only has to be involved in technology development, but also has to handle various management tasks.

In order to live up to the company's high expectations, Chen Qin always worked late into the night and became the last person to leave the office.

As a result, Chen Qin's life was lived day after day, year after year, and his sleep time was compressed to the limit. He often hurried back to his residence in the early hours of the morning, and after a brief care, he quickly closed his eyes so that he could go to work the next day in good spirits.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

Chen Qin sometimes works overtime until midnight, and in order to reduce the waste of time on the way to and from work, he even takes a nap directly in the company.

Over time, day after day, year after year. Chen Qin's cheeks, which should have been full of youth, were gradually covered with haggard traces. His expression became more and more heavy and gloomy, and the youthful look of the past was gone.

Even with the occasional small break, Chen Qin couldn't completely relax, his heart was always surrounded by the weight of work.

The reason why Chen Qin worked so hard was to avoid being eliminated by the company's cruel mechanism. In a top business like Facebook, great talent abounds, and the slightest negligence can lead to replacement.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

Even though Chen Qin's annual salary is as high as millions, he has never dared to slack off, just like he is afraid that if he is not careful, he will lose this rare opportunity.

Chen Qin's life is full of insecurity, and he lives a rhythm of life that almost surpasses his own limits. On the surface, he is an executive white-collar worker who is rich and unrivaled, but in reality he is a never-ending "overtime machine".

For Chen Qin, working at Facebook, a top company, is like a brutal battle every day. Despite his efforts day and night, he could not escape the fate of being ruthlessly eliminated by the company.

In September 2019, Chen Qin received painful news that the company had decided to fire him and remove him from his senior management position. For a white-collar elite who once earned millions of dollars a year, this was tantamount to a bolt from the blue, which made his spirit fall to the bottom in an instant.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

After learning the news, Chen Qin became different from before. He became restless, blamed himself, and even wandered in the company conference room, losing his former focus and determination.

Everyone comforted him and encouraged him to face the future optimistically, after all, with his talent, there are still infinite possibilities and ways out in the future.

Chen Qin's heart had completely fallen into the abyss of despair.

Chen Qin began to blame himself harshly, believing that his conceit and pride were the main culprits for such a catastrophe. He felt that if he hadn't been so arrogant and had been more approachable to other ordinary colleagues, maybe he wouldn't have ended up where he is today.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

A deep sense of self-loathing and guilt began to creep in his heart.

Chen Qin fell into a desperate state from which he could not extricate himself, and he could not get rid of it. He even began to hate the world that had hit him hard, and his eyes saw his life as a waste.

On that rainy day in September 2019, Chen Qin made a decision that was destined to be deplorable and embarrassing. He made it to the top floor of the Facebook building, closed his eyes, and jumped down, ending his short life.

Chen Qin's young and lean body fell to the ground weakly, splashing with blood. By the time people arrived in a hurry, his eyes had been closed forever, forever fixed at the age of 24.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

He had high hopes, but in the end he fell, turning into a fluttering cloud on the horizon.

Chen Qin's life passed away like this, but his life is indeed legendary. He used his short years to witness how an ordinary person reached the pinnacle of life step by step.

However, it was at this time that fate played a cruel joke on him again.

Yes, happiness and success can only stay for a short time, while struggle and pain are our partners for a long time. Therefore, Chen Qin's life path also came to an abrupt end and came to a bleak curtain.

"Genius" Chen Qin: 24-year-old doctoral graduate, with an annual salary of one million, why did he choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building

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