
A man wants to break up with you, so he is willing to treat you in these 4 ways, stop being stupid and entangled!

author:Duoduo reads emotions

Most of the couples who fall in love are obsessed and intimate, because they have love in their hearts, so they want to get along day and night, stick together with each other day and night, and do all the good things in the rest of their lives in a certain moment.

I think the best thing in the world is probably like this, I love you deeply, and you also treasure me in your heart, this feeling of being refreshed will always make people sink into it like quicksand.

The sweetness of love is certainly heartbreaking, but when the relationship between the two couples is flat, time will become a hurdle, and many lovers who originally loved each other have been consumed by time, give up love, and finally become strangers.

When a man loves you, he will be intimate and inseparable from each other, and as long as you reply to the message a little later, he will become flustered inside. But when he doesn't love you, even your occasional greetings will get bored.

Although he will not break up with you directly, he will slowly disappear from your world step by step. You must know that a man wants to break up with you, so he is willing to treat you in these 4 ways, don't be stupid and entangled!

A man wants to break up with you, so he is willing to treat you in these 4 ways, stop being stupid and entangled!


Using busyness as an excuse to snub you

When a man wants to part with you, busyness often becomes his excuse.

He will start to work overtime, travel for business or participate in various social activities frequently, in short, it will make you feel that he is very busy and does not have time for you. This behavior is actually deliberately creating distance in preparation for a breakup.

In fact, busyness is a strategy that men adopt during the emotional retreat phase.

He reduces his dependence and emotional investment in you by increasing his freedom in time and space. At the same time, busyness is also a kind of escape, and he wants to avoid facing problems in his relationship in this way

A man wants to break up with you, so he is willing to treat you in these 4 ways, stop being stupid and entangled!


Lose your temper with you and start counting down your shortcomings

When a man loves a woman deeply, no matter how many flaws you have, he can accept it, and even regard it as your cuteness.

When a man changes his mind, he will care about all your shortcomings, and he can't count you every day. He doesn't want to tolerate your shortcomings anymore, and he doesn't want to coax you patiently anymore.

So, at this time, the man's attitude will change greatly, and he will start to lose his temper with you, and even hit you all the time by your side, saying that he regrets being with you.

If the man behaves like this, then you can take the initiative to leave, because he has already made up his mind to break up with you in his heart and will not change.

A man wants to break up with you, so he is willing to treat you in these 4 ways, stop being stupid and entangled!


I stopped being honest with you and started hiding things

When a man no longer loves you, he will stop being honest with you and start hiding things.

Concealment is a sign that a man wants to break up, and he doesn't want you to know what he really thinks and does.

He used to share all his things with you, but now he has begun to hide something from you; In the past, mobile phones were transparent, but now they are starting to set passwords; I used to go home with you a lot, but now I often don't come home at night.

If a man shows signs that he is no longer honest with you, it means that he has lost trust in you and wants to break up with you.

A man wants to break up with you, so he is willing to treat you in these 4 ways, stop being stupid and entangled!


Unwilling to spend money for you

The more a man loves you, the more willing he is to spend money on you.

On the contrary, when a man no longer loves you and even has the idea of breaking up with you, he will become more and more stingy with you, and he will drastically reduce the amount of spending and spending on you.

When he truly loves you, he will be extraordinarily generous to you, no matter how expensive the gift, as long as you like it, he will not even blink an eye, and directly spend money to buy it for you. Once he wants to break up with you, he will be so careful about you that he can't even afford to pay for a bottle of water.

So, when you find that a guy is spending less and less money on you, he starts to do a dime to you like an iron rooster, and he would rather spend money for his buddy friend than for you, then it implies that he doesn't love you anymore and he wants to break up with you.

A man wants to break up with you, so he is willing to treat you in these 4 ways, stop being stupid and entangled!


Emotional message

The twisted melon is not sweet, and a relationship comes to an end, which cannot be redeemed by your own strength.

Especially when a man is ready to break up with you, it means that this idea has been brewing thousands of times in his heart.

And when he finally showed these obvious moves, he just wanted you to take the initiative to break up and let each other get together and separate.

Woman, you remember, the love that can't be kept is never the true love that belongs to you, rather than letting both people live in pain, it's better to let him go bravely.

So, when you love, try your best to love, so that even if you break up in the end, it won't be you who regret it.

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