
How to be a good "little panda ambassador"? This class "reveals" high-energy skills

author:Nature Exploration Action
How to be a good "little panda ambassador"? This class "reveals" high-energy skills

"These 4 giant pandas, they are two pairs of twin giant pandas born on the same day on June 23, 2019, they are called Shuangshuang, Chong, Xixi, Qingqing, and they are called 'Double Celebration' together, and they were nicknamed playing mahjong by netizens, and later said that they were making tea around the hearth."

How to be a good "little panda ambassador"? This class "reveals" high-energy skills

On June 18th, the Chongqing Youth Nature Exploration Panda Action "Into Chongqing, Hong Kong and Macao, Falling in Love with Giant Pandas" entered the Xipeng Park Experimental Primary School, and Tian Xiaofang, the science popularization director of Chongqing Zoo, brought a vivid "Panda Messenger" special lecture to the students.

"Giant pandas are solitary animals, so why can they get together?" Mr. Tian explained that this is because they are not yet adults, and when they reach adulthood, the pandas have a very strong sense of territory, so they must be kept separately when they become adults.

The adult age of giant pandas is about 5~6 years old, and if it is in captivity, it may even start to have some signs of puberty at the age of 4.

How to be a good "little panda ambassador"? This class "reveals" high-energy skills

This means that after that, pandas can be paired and reproduced. "However, pandas are not something that can be matched casually." Teacher Tian said that the giant pandas that are "blind dates" are all screened, and each giant panda has a number called the pedigree number, just like our ID card. Humans are not allowed to marry close relatives, and we giant pandas are the same, and we must select individuals who are more distantly related to each other to mate with.

According to Mr. Tian, up to now, Chongqing Zoo has given birth to a total of 31 litters and 45 giant pandas, of which 13 are twins, and then one has triplets. The "double celebration" that appeared in the video just now, giving birth to two pairs of twins on the same day, is very rare in the zoo.

How to be a good "little panda ambassador"? This class "reveals" high-energy skills

After listening to Mr. Tian's explanation, the "Little Panda Ambassadors" called "increase knowledge".

"If the mother panda is not paying attention a little, the red panda will not exist after a slap." Mr. Tian also said that the breeding of giant pandas is a very difficult thing. Before the baby is born, the mother panda will find a hidden tree hole or a natural rock cave, and carefully lay the branches and hay that need to be used in the early stage. In order to better protect and care for the baby panda, the mother panda almost "stays put" during the first two weeks of the baby's birth, holding her baby in her arms and never leaving an inch. Within a week, the ears and eyes of the red panda will slowly turn gray, and after two weeks, the shoulder straps of the limbs of the baby panda will show a noticeable gray-black color.

How to be a good "little panda ambassador"? This class "reveals" high-energy skills

Subsequently, Mr. Tian talked about where the bamboo eaten by pandas in Chongqing comes from, the main habitat of pandas, whether there are fingernails and so on.

In addition to explaining these knowledge, Mr. Tian also brought panda cub props, panda palm skeleton molds, panda "youth group", etc., so that the "panda ambassadors" could touch and experience it up close.

How to be a good "little panda ambassador"? This class "reveals" high-energy skills

The "Little Panda Ambassadors" said that after listening to the class, they have become more fond of pandas, and in the future, we will actively participate in activities to protect the earth's environment, learn more about pandas, and work with our classmates to promote and protect pandas in the society.

According to the organizers of the event, this event takes the popularization of youth animal protection science as the main content, recruits young "panda messengers", allows the popularization of giant panda science into the campus, guides the majority of teenagers into Chongqing Zoo, Chengdu-Chongqing, Hong Kong, Macao and other animal protection institutions around the world, carries out animal protection publicity and explanation activities, builds an animal care platform for schools and animal management and protection institutions, and also allows teenagers to learn animal protection knowledge in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, and cultivate their love and sense of social responsibility.

Upstream news reporter Yan Wei Photo provided by the organizer

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