
When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

author:North Drift Kitchen

In this era of rapid development of the Internet, online shopping has become an indispensable part of our lives. With just a few clicks of a finger, you can easily buy goods from all over the world, and this convenience has undoubtedly made online shopping a favorite of modern people.

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

However, with the rise of online shopping, some unscrupulous merchants have also begun to take advantage of the virtuality of online shopping to set up various traps to deceive consumers. Today, as a responsible self-media person, I decided to reveal the "mille-feuille routines" of these online shopping stores for you to help you avoid "stepping on thunder" when shopping! When shopping online, once you come across these 8 stores, it is recommended that you do not place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled!

1. Ultra-low-priced, high-sales "Internet celebrity" stores

When you see on an online shopping platform that the price of a certain store's products is much lower than the market price, and the sales volume is very high, do you find it very tempting? Then don't be in a hurry to place an order at this time! This is most likely a merchant routine.

These stores tend to attract a large number of consumers by low prices, and then use fake or defective products to reduce costs, resulting in high profits. Therefore, in the face of ultra-low-priced goods, we must remain vigilant and not be confused by the superficial low prices.

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

2. The new store opened, and the evaluation was all five stars?

When a new store opens, there are often not many customer reviews to refer to. At this time, some merchants will use means such as swiping orders and praise to improve their store image and credibility.

So if you see that the product reviews of a new store are all five-star reviews, and the content of the reviews is the same and lacks authenticity, then it is likely that this is the merchant's order swiping behavior. Before purchasing, be sure to investigate many parties to avoid being deceived.

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

3. Shops that frequently change their names for "makeovers".

After some stores are exposed for bad business practices such as selling counterfeits and fraud, they will frequently change the name of the store in order to continue to deceive consumers. These stores often do not have a fixed business philosophy and brand awareness, and only pursue short-term profits.

So if you notice that a store changes its name and surname frequently, then be careful! It is very likely that the goods you purchased have quality problems or the after-sales service cannot be guaranteed.

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

4. The price is out of touch with the market, and there must be something strange

When you see that the price of a product in a certain store is much lower than the market price, do you feel that you have found a treasure? Not really. Too low a price often means that the product has quality problems or the merchant lacks after-sales service.

We must understand that the principle of "you get what you pay for" is applicable at all times. Therefore, in the face of low-priced goods, we, as consumers, must keep a clear head before paying, and do not be confused by low prices.

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

5. The product description of the store is blurred and the picture is distorted

Generally, when shopping online, most of us know the details of the product through the product description and pictures. However, some merchants deliberately blur product descriptions or use distorted images to mislead consumers in order to cover up defects or deficiencies in their products.

Therefore, before purchasing, be sure to ask the merchant to provide a detailed product description and real pictures so that you can have a more comprehensive understanding of the actual situation of the product. However, if the store provides some distorted pictures and blurry pictures, this kind of store recommends that you try to avoid some.

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

6. The after-sales policy is in vain

We all know that after-sales policy is an important part of protecting the rights and interests of consumers. However, some businesses often play "word games" when formulating after-sales policies, making it difficult for consumers to protect their legitimate rights and interests when they encounter problems.

Therefore, before purchasing, please be sure to carefully read the merchant's after-sales policy and ensure that its terms are clear and reasonable. If the merchant's after-sales policy is in vain or there are many restrictions, then it is recommended that you take a detour!

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

7. The cat behind the pre-sale

As an emerging shopping method, pre-sale has been loved by more and more consumers in recent years. However, some merchants use pre-sales to deceive consumers. They may deliberately prolong the pre-sale time, falsely advertise the quality and quantity of the pre-sale items, etc.

When purchasing pre-sale goods, please be sure to understand the specific rules and delivery time of pre-sale, and ensure that the merchant has a good reputation and reputation. Otherwise, you're likely to get stuck in long waits and endless disputes.

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

8. High sales but zero negative reviews? It's so fake!

When you see a store on an online shopping platform with particularly high sales but no bad reviews, do you think the store is very reliable? Not really. It is likely that the merchant has blocked or deleted the real bad review information through improper means to create a false impression of perfection to attract consumers to buy.

Therefore, before you make a purchase, please be sure to investigate and compare the evaluations of different stores in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of the quality of the goods and the service level of the merchants.

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

With the rapid development of the Internet, online shopping has indeed brought a lot of convenience to our lives; However, some unscrupulous businesses, in order to seek personal gains, will engage in some false propaganda and so on. As a self-media person, Xiaobian is also well aware of the risks and pitfalls of online shopping.

Therefore, we must be vigilant when shopping, learn to recognize various routines and choose reliable stores for shopping. Only in this way can we enjoy real shopping pleasure and high-quality goods and services. At the same time, I also call on the majority of merchants to operate in good faith and law-abiding, and jointly create a safe and honest online shopping environment!

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

But in life, how should we correctly identify the authenticity of some stores on the Internet? Or how to tell if the store is reliable? The editor will share with you 3 ways to distinguish for your reference.

1. Check store reviews and ratings

Checking your store's reviews and ratings is a very intuitive way to do it. Most e-commerce platforms will provide an overall score for each store, as well as how users rate the store. These evaluations usually include feedback on the quality of the product, the speed of logistics and after-sales service.

Generally speaking, the higher the overall score, the better the overall service quality. For example, a store with a rating of 4.5 or higher is usually more reliable. The other thing is to look at the content of the bad review. If a store has a lot of bad reviews and the problem is focused on one area, then the store may have a big problem.

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

2. Check the qualifications and certifications of the store

E-commerce platforms usually conduct certification and qualification audits for high-quality stores, which can be used as a reference standard for selecting stores. For example, some platforms issue certification marks such as "Gold Seller" or "Five-Star Store" to premium stores, which can help you quickly identify high-quality stores.

In addition, you can judge the reliability of the store by looking at its opening time and business history. The longer a store has been in business and has a better reputation, it is usually more trustworthy. At the same time, we can also check the store's business license, brand authorization letter and other qualification documents. These documents can prove the legitimacy and professionalism of the store.

When shopping online, once you come across these 8 types of stores, don't place an order! It's all routines behind it, don't be fooled

3. Pay attention to after-sales service and return and exchange policies

After-sales service and return policy are important criteria to measure the quality of a store. A good store not only provides high-quality service before and during the sale, but also provides protection to customers after the sale.

After-sales service includes: Is the return and exchange policy reasonable? Is the customer service responsive and problem-solving attitude timely and patient? At the same time, we also want to see what other customers have to say about the after-sales service. A store with good after-sales service usually gives positive feedback from customers.