
The key point of the secret chicken soup is to put more of these 1 things! Sweet and nutritious! 1. The proportion of ingredients used is 1, 1 native chicken (hen), about 1500 grams (remove hair and internal organs.)

author:North Drift Kitchen

The key point of the secret chicken soup is to put more of these 1 things! Sweet and nutritious!

First, the proportion of ingredients used

1. 1 native chicken (hen), about 1500 grams (net weight after removing hair and internal organs)

2. 50 grams of shiitake mushrooms (dried shiitake mushrooms need to be soaked in advance)

3. 10 grams of wolfberry

4. 10 red dates

5. 1 small piece of ginger, about 20 grams

6. 2 tablespoons of cooking wine (about 30ml)

7. 1 teaspoon of refined salt (can be adjusted according to personal taste)

8. 30 grams of Codonopsis

9. Appropriate amount of water

10. 1 piece of Angelica dahurica

Second, the detailed production steps

1. Chicken cleaning: Clean the whole chicken and remove the residual hair on the internal organs and skin. The surface of the chicken can be scrubbed with a small amount of salt and then rinsed with clean water.

2. Blanching chicken: In fact, freshly slaughtered local chickens do not need to be blanched to boil chicken soup directly; However, some friends usually blanch the meat to remove the excess blood; Then it is recommended that the chicken can also be blanched in advance.

Add enough water to the large pot, place the chicken in the pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Add 30ml of cooking wine and continue to cook for 2-3 minutes to remove the smell. Then use a colander to skim off the foam from the pan and make sure the surface of the chicken is clean. Until no foam is left in the oven, remove the chicken, rinse it with warm water, drain and set aside.

3. Stew chicken broth: Add 3000ml of water to the saucepan and put the washed chicken in. Then add the ginger slices, green onions, soaked shiitake mushrooms, codonopsis and pitted red dates. Then add 1 piece of Angelica dahurica. When stewing chicken soup, you must not forget this angelica, which can not only remove the fish, but also bring a unique fragrance.

Bring to a boil over high heat and skim off the foam on the surface. Then reduce the heat, cover the pot and simmer for 2-3 hours. Stir at the right time during the simmering process to ensure that the chicken and ingredients are heated evenly.

4. Seasoning: After the chicken broth has been simmered for about 2 hours, add the wolfberries and continue to simmer. Then add salt, white pepper and chicken essence, simmer to taste, and the chicken is soft, you can turn off the heat directly.

3. Precautions for boiling chicken soup

1. When boiling chicken soup, be sure to choose fresh whole chicken, so as to ensure the deliciousness and nutrition of chicken soup. In addition, it is recommended to use local chicken, black chicken, and small chai chicken for boiling chicken soup.

2. When processing chicken, be sure to clean up the internal organs and residual hairs to avoid affecting the taste and cleanliness of the soup. In addition, if the chicken is blanched, then the foam must be skimmed when blanching, which can remove the fishy smell of the chicken and make the chicken soup more fragrant.

3. Stewing time: Stew chicken soup, it is best to simmer slowly, and the general time is controlled at about 2-3 hours, otherwise the chicken is not soft enough and the soup is not thick and white enough.

4. In addition, the heat should also be mastered, when simmering chicken soup, it is best to boil on high heat first, and then turn to low heat and simmer, so as to fully release the nutrition and aroma of chicken.

5. Don't put salt in advance: Don't add salt to the chicken broth too early, so as not to affect the taste of the chicken. Salt is usually added to taste at the final stage of the stew. Finally, the stewed chicken broth is best strained through a strainer to remove impurities and herbs from the soup and make the soup clearer. #头条创作挑战赛#

The key point of the secret chicken soup is to put more of these 1 things! Sweet and nutritious! 1. The proportion of ingredients used is 1, 1 native chicken (hen), about 1500 grams (remove hair and internal organs.)
The key point of the secret chicken soup is to put more of these 1 things! Sweet and nutritious! 1. The proportion of ingredients used is 1, 1 native chicken (hen), about 1500 grams (remove hair and internal organs.)
The key point of the secret chicken soup is to put more of these 1 things! Sweet and nutritious! 1. The proportion of ingredients used is 1, 1 native chicken (hen), about 1500 grams (remove hair and internal organs.)

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