
Yin Hong gave a lecture on discipline to the students of the main class of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, and expounded the requirements of "five things to remember" in simple terms

author:Jiangxi Women's Federation
Yin Hong gave a lecture on discipline to the students of the main class of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, and expounded the requirements of "five things to remember" in simple terms
Yin Hong gave a lecture on discipline to the students of the main class of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, and expounded the requirements of "five things to remember" in simple terms

On June 18, Yin Hong, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, came to the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee to give a lecture on discipline to all the students of the main class. He stressed that it is necessary to deeply study and practice General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, fully implement the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", consciously use party rules and party discipline to correct thoughts and actions, and constantly enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption.

Zhuang Zhaolin presided.

Focusing on the theme of "taking political construction as the guide, deepening the study and education of party discipline, and striving to build a team of high-quality cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible", Yin Hong closely linked it with reality and expounded the requirements of "five things to keep in mind" in simple terms. He stressed that it is necessary to keep in mind that loyalty to the party is the most important political discipline and to grasp a firm and correct political direction. It is necessary to deeply understand that only with firm ideals and beliefs can we have the party in our hearts, the "two safeguards" are the party's highest political principles and fundamental political rules, and a clear stand on politics is our party's consistent political advantage. It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the party's innovative theoretical armament, continue to consolidate the achievements of thematic education, improve political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and constantly temper and enhance their party spirit, so that the requirement of stressing politics can truly be transformed from external requirements into internal initiative, and ensure that political beliefs remain unchanged and political direction is not biased.

Yin Hong gave a lecture on discipline to the students of the main class of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, and expounded the requirements of "five things to remember" in simple terms

Yin Hong stressed: Keeping in mind discipline is both a "mantra" and a "talisman," and we should always maintain our political character of being honest and honest. The newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China (CPC) draw a bottom line for Party organizations and Party members, and set out a "negative list". Party members and cadres must always tighten the string of discipline, integrate strict discipline requirements into daily life, grasp it regularly, and reflect it in all aspects of the whole process of work and life. It is necessary to grasp the "first time", consciously start from the "small things", and be cautious and cautious. It is necessary to make prudent use of power, establish the awareness that "power must be responsible, responsibility must be assumed, and failure to do so must be investigated", and consciously accept supervision from all sides. It is necessary to keep the relationship of people, strictly teach and family style, grasp the proportion, adhere to the principles, and always be innocent in politics and clean as an official.

Yin Hong emphasized that it is necessary to keep in mind that cadres should be clean and work at the same time, and shoulder the political responsibility of starting a business. Cleanliness is the minimum criterion, and officers are the most fundamental responsibility. Party members and cadres must establish and practice a correct view of political performance, resolutely implement the strategic orientation of "three new and one high", adhere to seeking truth and pragmatism, act according to objective laws, and make great efforts to solve the remaining problems, do a good job in the current work, and do a good job in long-term planning. It is necessary to grasp the implementation in the spirit of nailing, in its position, seek its own government, and fulfill its duties, continue to rectify formalism and bureaucracy, and promote all work to be done in a down-to-earth and meticulous manner, and to achieve results. We must dare to dare to work and innovate, focus on building the "three highlands" and implementing the "five strategies", actively emancipate the mind, dare to break the old and establish the new, and truly pick up the "heavy burden" and gnaw the "hard bones".

Yin Hong stressed that keeping in mind that the danger of detachment from the masses is the greatest danger, and standing firm on the political stance of putting the people first. Party members and cadres should ask themselves: "Have you taken the party's mass line in the new era and often gone deep into the masses and the grassroots?" "Have you mastered the methods of mass work in the new era and truly carried out the work to the hearts of the masses?" "Is it true that the people have something to call for, I have something to do, and to safeguard the fundamental interests of the masses?" It is necessary to vigorously carry forward the party's fine traditions, take the lead in strictly observing the party's mass discipline, always uphold the supremacy of the people, stand firm on the people's stand, practice the party's purpose, always maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people, enter hundreds of homes, know the feelings of hundreds of families, and solve hundreds of worries, so that the "good work style of cadres in the Soviet areas" can be passed on from generation to generation, and the class foundation and mass foundation for the party's long-term rule will be solidified.

Yin Hong gave a lecture on discipline to the students of the main class of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, and expounded the requirements of "five things to remember" in simple terms

Yin Hong emphasized that only by daring to struggle can we overcome risks and challenges, and strengthen the political responsibility of daring to grasp good management. Courage to struggle and being good at struggle are the distinctive characteristics of the Chinese communists. It is necessary to carry forward the spirit of struggle, dare to adhere to principles, be more serious and tough, do not shirk or evade in the face of urgent and difficult matters, do not flinch or dodge in the face of risks and challenges, and earnestly hold up the piece of heaven that we should be crowned with. It is necessary to cultivate excellent skills, master the laws of struggle, enhance the ability to struggle, strengthen practical training, and endure trials and hardships, see the world, and develop talents in complex and severe struggles. It is necessary to establish a clear orientation, adhere to the orientation of strict management and love on the front line of struggle, and take a clear stand to take responsibility for those who are responsible, to be responsible for those who are responsible, and to support those who are in charge.

Yin Hong hopes that the majority of students will take the study and education of party discipline as an opportunity to consciously learn discipline, know discipline, abide by discipline, temper loyalty, cleanliness and political character, keep in mind the mission, take on practical work, live up to the trust, strive to create a new era of "first-class work", and make new and greater contributions to the struggle to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Jiangxi.

Source: Jiangxi Daily, Jiangxi Satellite TV